The Path of Evolution

Chapter 27 Speed ​​of Life and Death

The fourth and fifth elders of the Guitou Gang are not very strong individually among the rare evolvers.

And when these two people join forces, three or four rare evolvers may not be able to defeat them.

The elder brother turns into a giant wolf, and the younger brother rides on the giant wolf and attacks. This scene is simply eye-catching.

Just with this kind of combined attack, several rare evolvers have fallen into their hands. The intermediate rare transformed gray giant wolf is too fast. If it can't be beaten, it will run away, and then find an opportunity to rush out and attack. Even the top rare evolvers with 300 points of combat power are helpless against these two brothers.

Dahei carrying Zhao Hao and the giant wolf carrying the fifth elder were at the same speed.

"Black handsome, super black handsome, it's up to you!"

Zhao Hao flattered Dahei, and his hope of survival rested on this pet.

Hei Shuai lived up to his expectations and ran a very obscene route.

It keeps looking for obstacles in the dark, hiding here and there, making it difficult to track.

Half an hour passed, and just when Zhao Hao thought he had chased away the follower, a man and a wolf came after him again.

The fourth elder who transformed into a giant wolf not only has night vision, but also has strong tracking ability, which is comparable to that of a hunting dog. It is precisely because of this special ability that the ghost boss specially arranged for the four elders to stay and ambush Niu Dehua.

The two sides launched a life-and-death battle. Once the distance is shortened, it will definitely be a life-and-death bloody battle.

After running for more than an hour, Dahei's speed gradually slowed down.

After all, Dahei is a living creature, not a machine. Even if a Maxima sprints at full speed for an hour, it will still be very tiring. Hei Shuai's breathing became obviously heavier, and his running speed was not as fast as 70% of his peak.

On the other hand, the Fourth Elder's 260 points of combat power was not enough, and he even gained the physical strength of a giant wolf after his transformation.

He showed no signs of slowing down and seemed like he could run for a few more hours.

"Heishai, turn around and fight them!"

In desperation, Zhao Hao made a crazy decision.

The two elders who were chasing after them suddenly saw a man and a dog rushing towards them.

They were secretly happy, could it be that Niu Dehua wanted to fight to the death? This is simply sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

The two elders' secret joy only lasted for a second, and then turned into endless horror.

A distance of ten meters away, the man and the dog on the opposite side turned into a black stream of light.

The man, the sword, and the persuasion seemed to be integrated into a whole, and the three merged into one, which was earth-shattering.

Wild dash!

In the past, the teleportation distance was five meters. With the bonus of high-speed mounts, the teleportation distance this time reached ten meters!

And the power of this special move has been doubled!

The blow came so suddenly and so horribly that the fifth elder on the wolf's back had no time to dodge and could only rely on its own primary rare armor. According to his estimation, the weapon in Niu Dehua's hand should be primitive grade, and it would be difficult to break through the defense of rare grade armor.

The Fifth Elder guessed half of it right. Zhao Hao's Savage Blade was indeed the original level. However, the wild dash that evolved to C level was far more powerful than his imagination. It forcibly penetrated the Fifth Elder's armor and pierced through it. His heart.

"Oh no!"

The fifth elder let out a miserable cry, and the black knife in his hand fell to the ground.

Zhao Hao kept doing nothing, and the violent full moon sword light covered the giant gray wolf.

Total Annihilation!

During the more than an hour of escaping, the Sweeping Army had cooled down and he could use it again.

The fourth elder in the transformed state has an almost beast-like keen sense of smell and reflexes. Under such a sudden attack, the fourth elder leapt up on the spot, narrowly avoiding the arc-shaped sword light.

The fourth elder, who was in mid-air, flew with all his strength, revealing sharp claws that shone with cold light.

Zhao Hao did not expect that the giant gray wolf could react so quickly and launch a counterattack at the moment of dodging. This kind of fighting instinct was really frightening. In desperation, he swung his knife and slashed at the giant wolf's front legs.


The brutal blade, whose hardness and sharpness was unparalleled, was broken by the wolf's claws.

"The Savage Blade breaks and its durability drops by 50 points."

"The Savage Blade needs to repair itself and is temporarily unavailable for use."

Feeling these two thoughts, Zhao Hao felt like beating the ground and crying.

Half of the Savage Blade penetrated his body, turned into a black light cocoon in the sea of ​​consciousness, and entered a state of self-repair.

In this world, some things are constantly evolving, and some things are constantly being eliminated.

The Savage Blade, which had been accompanying Zhao Hao for some time, was already on the verge of elimination.

The difference in combat power was clearly reflected at this moment. The four elders had a combat power of more than 200. That claw not only shattered the barbaric blade, but the tyrannical force also sent Zhao Hao flying several meters away, causing him to fall to pieces. Eight elements.

Impartially, Zhao Hao landed next to the fifth elder's body.

The fifth elder was completely dead, but the black sheath sword did not die with its owner.

Zhao Hao didn't have time to think carefully, he reached out and grabbed the black knife in his hand.

Man-made weapons?

The heavy feeling made Zhao Hao feel happy.

When it comes to a life-or-death situation like this, weapons are enough, he is not picky about food.

Seeing Zhao Hao holding a black knife, the fourth elder's heart suddenly sank.

Others didn't know how powerful that black knife was, but he knew it clearly.

Three years ago, the two brothers stole the black sheath sword of unknown origin from an ancient tomb. That knife was very evil. There seemed to be a mysterious power in the blade, and it had a strong killing intent.

After coming to the evolutionary world, the two tomb robbers embarked on the route of "starting with a knife and becoming a rich man in three seconds". With this black knife, they killed various evolved creatures along the way and became the elders of the Ghost Head Gang.

The fourth elder was stunned when he felt severe pain in his hind legs.

Hei Shuai keenly seized the opportunity and bit the right hind leg of the giant wolf.


The giant gray wolf uttered human words and sent the exhausted Dahei flying away.

At this time, Zhao Hao had already rushed over with a black knife, and his sword fighting skills were superb.

The fourth elder's pupils shrank to pinpoints. He was very aware of the power of the black sheath sword, which could kill even high-level rare beasts in an instant. If he was hit by the black knife, even his wolf claws would have to be chopped off.

What frightened him even more was that Zhao Hao's sword skills were so exquisite and powerful that they were almost as good as the ghost boss with C-level combat skills.

Previously, Zhao Hao used the primitive-level Savage Blade, and the four elders were able to defeat ten guilds with one force, and eat their opponents alive with twice the combat power of Zhao Hao. But things were different now. Zhao Hao had that black sword and such powerful sword skills that the fourth elder did not dare to face its sharp edge and had to dodge.

At this time, Zhao Hao entered a very mysterious state. When he used the black sword to perform the crazy sword technique, a very violent aura came from the blade. This kind of aura invisibly coincides with the violent and domineering Kuezhan sword technique. The two are actually very harmonious, with a sense of harmony, like a mountain and flowing water meeting a close friend.

Then Zhao Hao became furious and slashed at the four elders with his sword.

That indomitable momentum is like eight words: With a knife in hand, I have the world!

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