The Path of Evolution

Chapter 282 Who is this naughty man?

Evolver: Zhao Hao!

Title: Psychic!

Original Gene: 100!

Rare genes: 100!

Mutated genes: 100!

Psychic Gene: 50!

Combat power: 800! (Does not include any armor bonus)

Shouyuan: 90!

Gene lock:

1. Level A - Violent!

2. SS level - elemental affinity!

3. S level - Immortal Golden Body!

Evolution: Nine Heavens, Chaos Sutra!

Combat skills:

1. Crazy fighting swordsmanship, S-level combat skills (capped)!

2. Wuji Nine Transformations, A-level combat skills, current evolutionary energy is 392465/1 million!

Now Zhao Hao's attribute panel is considered to be arrogant and cool in the first-level evolutionary world.

Only 50 points of psychic genes are needed before he can ascend successfully like a cow or a pigeon.

Of course, psychic creatures are not just cabbage on the street. Many people have never seen what monsters look like. Because of this, Zhao Hao took a two-pronged approach, cooperated with Fatty Zhang, and used the power of the hunting group, a professional team, to find super creatures.

"Is the S level of the Mad Fighting Sword Technique capped? I originally thought I could evolve to the SS level... Forget it, there are too many evolutionary combat skills, and I can't spare the time to practice them. From now on, I will just focus on practicing "Nine Transformations of Promise". "

Zhao Hao was content with his contentment, and he was already very satisfied with the one hundred and eight small moves and five big moves of Kuangzhan Sword Technique.

He checked the progress of the Nine Transformations of Wuji. He used to have only more than 30,000 evolutionary energy. Due to the addition of a high-level gold affinity, the evolutionary energy increased by 360,000, and a change was also added.

The Nine Changes of Wuji: The ever-changing winds and clouds are endless. Evolved combat skills, currently A level. Each elemental affinity activated adds one variation. The blood shadow transformation, ice transformation, and golden dragon transformation have been activated. When the blood shadow transformation is performed, the movement speed and dodge rate are increased; the aura formed when the ice transformation is performed can make the target feel extremely cold, with stiff limbs and poor blood flow; When the Golden Dragon Transformation is used, the strength of one's own muscles and bones can be increased, and the defense power can be greatly improved. It comes with the special skill [Ice Explosion], which can quickly freeze the target and detonate it. It is extremely powerful and has a one-hour cooling time.

The newly added Golden Dragon Transformation actually only has one move.

This move also has another name - Golden Dragon Exploring Claw!

Zhao Hao practiced it three times, his expression getting weirder and weirder.

"What's going on? Isn't this the trick I created myself [Time Traveling Dragon Claw Hand]?"

Zhao Hao couldn't laugh or cry. The trajectory and movement of the Golden Dragon's probing claw, as well as his move specifically for grabbing breasts... well, the dragon claw hand used to attack the opponent's heart, are almost exactly the same.

The reason why the prefix "almost" is added is because there is still a difference between the two. The previous time-traveling dragon claw hand was created by Zhao Hao unintentionally. It was purely wild and he was too embarrassed to use it often. And this Golden Dragon Transformation is an orthodox move evolved from the Wuji Nine Transformations. It has repaired the loopholes of the previous wild methods and has become systematic and regularized, and its power has been greatly improved.

When he used this move, Zhao Hao clearly felt that his body had been strengthened. His bones, skin and flesh were like metal castings, as if he had practiced hard qigong. With that breath, he could break big rocks in his chest. This was the previous time-traveling dragon. An effect that the claw hand does not possess.

One move, the Golden Dragon's Probing Claw, also contains nine small changes. It doesn't have to be to grab the opponent's heart. You can grab the head, the throat, the penis... In short, there are many tricks. When Zhao Hao makes the move, his claws are stronger than those of titanium alloy. It is also tough and can easily break through mutant armor.

Zhao Hao played a big trick and mobilized his energy to perform the Golden Dragon Transformation from the air.

I saw a pale golden palm burst out of the air, like a golden glove being controlled by someone. It flew dozens of meters away, opened its five fingers in the air, and grabbed it in a very obscene manner... That claw strike The look can make people instantly conjure up indescribable scenes, such as a man's black hands grabbing and rubbing a woman's chest.

"Hahahaha, I understand!"

Zhao Hao suddenly understood, and finally understood the working principle of Niu Gege's hanging giant palm.

Given time, he could also create a vitality palm several meters in diameter.

"The limit distance of Yuan Qi is twice that of Gang Qi?"

Even in his excitement, Zhao Hao did not ignore the details.

In the past, the maximum attack distance of his Gang Qi was only twenty meters, and there was no way to increase it.

Now this vitality attacks from the air, the effective distance reaches forty meters.

This kind of killing range is comparable to that of large-caliber pistols.

"No, why is there missing an element of energy?"

Suddenly, Zhao Hao frowned.

In the past, he could gather three natural elements when he made a move. Today, he activated the affinity of gold. It stands to reason that he can guide a total of four natural elements. However, he practiced repeatedly and found that there were only three natural elements that he could guide.

The first type is blood attribute elements.

The second type is ice attribute elements.

The third type is metallic elements.

The wood energy that used to be with me has mysteriously disappeared.

Looking inside, he saw the green wood blade turned into a cocoon of light, and Zhao Hao had a flash of inspiration.

At that time, he was very puzzled. Why could he guide the wood attribute element even though he had not activated the affinity of wood? At this moment, the answer was revealed. That kind of guidance was not Zhao Hao's own ability, but came from the Aoki Blade!

As long as the Aoki Blade is on his body, even if it is placed in a storage ring, he can channel wood attribute energy.

But now that Aoki Ren is busy evolving himself and no longer secretly assists Zhao Hao, that kind of guidance has disappeared.

"It's amazing. My sword actually has its own system. After it evolves, it will become very powerful."

Zhao Hao is full of expectations for the future and is no longer in a hurry. The current energy of ice, blood, and gold is enough for him to walk sideways, and he can afford to wait even if the Aoki Blade evolves for a year or two.

He took a rest and found the exit from the sixth floor.

At the end of the hall, there is only an exit, not an entrance.

"The Tower of Life and Death should be renamed [Trial Tower] more appropriately."

Zhao Hao felt this. As the first man to clear the Tower of Life and Death, he did not find any treasure in the tower, but his harvest was not unfruitful. The purpose of this tower's existence is to allow people to test and eliminate the fittest. For example, Fatty Zhang broke through, and Zhao Hao succeeded in evolving for the third time.

Teleported outside the tower, thousands of eyes fell on Zhao Hao.

This surprised Zhao Hao. Hua Qiangu actually brought so many people to squat on him?

He was busy evolving in the tower and had no idea what was happening outside. The previously swaying Tower of Life and Death attracted the attention of all parties, and many melon-eaters rushed over to join in the fun.

"Who is this naughty man?"

"You don't look like a master at first glance. The movement just now was not caused by him, right?"

"It's definitely not him. He was probably teleported from the first level."

"Keep squatting and wait for the great master who shakes the Tower of Life and Death to show up."

As soon as they saw Zhao Hao, the majority of melon-eating people were disappointed.

At Base No. 1, Zhao Ritian was a complete unknown. Many veteran drivers had never seen him and no one took him seriously.

What happened next was shocking.

A man and a woman rushed out of the crowd and greeted Zhao Hao enthusiastically. The two people were Fatty Zhang and Liu Xuan. Fatty Zhang could still control his emotions, but Liu Xuan was already in a mess. She never dreamed that she would know a strange man who could clear the Tower of Life and Death.

Just when many onlookers were confused about the situation, exclamations came from the crowd, and Yue Liusu walked out radiantly. The goddess in the eyes of countless men seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today. She flew to Zhao Hao like a bird and threw herself into his arms without any warning.

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