The Path of Evolution

Chapter 284 Brother-in-law secretly meets sister-in-law

"What are you talking about? You are willing to give up anything. It turns out you are my big brother pig..."

Zhao Hao hummed a song and teleported to the country.

He was in a good mood today and met a pig brother.

Before it got dark, Hua Qiangu brought a check of 300 million.

Hua Qiangu's constipated expression when leaving left a deep impression on Zhao Hao.

"It seems that brother has a lot of resentment towards me. Next time he offends me, it will cost more than 300 million."

Zhao Hao muttered in his heart, not feeling guilty at all.

Along the way, he has come to understand that there are some people and things that you cannot avoid. Even though the trees were trying to be quiet but the wind was still blowing, someone would always jump out to cause trouble, so Zhao Hao simply stopped hiding.

He knew that Hua Qiangu had murderous intentions, and he also knew that he had formed a rift with the Hua family. If he guessed correctly, this matter is not over yet, and maybe one day the old monsters from the Hua family will jump out.

In this regard, Zhao Hao just wanted to say one sentence in foreign language: so-what?

No matter how powerful you are, I will kill you with one strike!

Now that Zhao Hao has finally looked away, he will no longer worry about who he offends, but he just wants to be clear in his heart. What is supposed to come will always come, and there is no point in worrying about it all day long.

He was about to go home when Xue Qing called: "Are you back?"

Zhao Hao smiled and said: "You are quite well-informed. How many people at the security checkpoint are your younger brothers?"

"Stop talking nonsense, see you at the same place." Xue Qing hung up the phone after saying that.

Half an hour later, the brother-in-law and the sister-in-law met secretly.

Brother-in-law Zhao was sitting in a private room of a teahouse when he saw an extremely mysterious girl. The girl was wearing a peaked cap, a cartoon-looking mask on her face, and a thick down jacket that didn't show off her figure at all.

"It's been a few months, hasn't the craze for star chasing passed yet? Will you still encounter crazy fans when you go out on the street?" Zhao Hao was a little gloating.

"Don't mention it. I held a press conference a few days ago. I went to the bathroom in the middle and was stopped by several aunties asking for autographs and photos. It made me so embarrassed." Xue Qing took off her mask, revealing her angelic face, which she couldn't bear to look back on. Said: "I'm getting more and more jealous of you now. You were really wise to give up being famous. You lived such a nourishing life as a child."

"You are determined to serve the people, and fame is inevitable. Don't take it too seriously. PM2.5 is getting more and more serious these days. People wearing masks are everywhere on buses and subways. Everyone is not surprised. You occasionally No one noticed even when I came out." Brother-in-law Zhao sent comfort to his sister-in-law, and he was very happy that he was not a nationally known celebrity.

"Let's get down to business, what's the Tower of Life and Death like? Have you cleared it?" Xue Qing asked.

"It's necessary." Brother-in-law Zhao coaxedly recounted his experience in the Tower of Life and Death.

"Have you succeeded in evolving?" My sister-in-law looked at Brother Zhao longingly, a little envious and jealous: "I evolved for the third time some time ago and failed... Hey, I don't expect to ascend in the next few years."

"If there is no shortage of mutant crystals, I just have a batch of goods." Zhao Hao sent warmth.

"No, our bureau is quite humane, and we vigorously cultivate super evolutionaries. Don't look at my low salary, but the crystals I need for evolution can be reimbursed." Xue Qing said proudly.

"Then you have really found an organization." Zhao Hao smiled. The mutation crystals needed after the genes were cleared would be converted into tens of millions in cash. The Evolution Bureau was indeed willing to spend money on cultivating talents.

"Don't change the subject. I'm looking for you today to ask you one thing. How did you hook up with Yue Liusu?" Xue Qing suddenly made a serious face, as if she wanted to see through Zhao Hao's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

"When did I hook up with her?" Zhao Hao felt June snow falling in the sky.

"You are all hugging each other on the street of Base No. 1. Do you think I am blind?" Xue Qing was a little angry.

"It's not what you think..." Zhao Hao sometimes saw Xue Qing as if he saw Wei Wei. He didn't hide anything and told everything he needed to explain, including Yue Liusu's proposal.

"It seems that both the Yue family and Zhuang Wenwu are interested in you." Xue Qing is not as unruly as before. Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, she is actually a little understanding: "My sister's incident has been over a year. If you feel lonely, it doesn't matter if you find another one. But I advise you to keep your eyes open and be careful when choosing your target. Behind the moon tassel are Zhuang Wenwu and Yue Meihui. That family is in too deep trouble."

"You're going too far. I don't have time to develop my second life." Zhao Hao changed the subject: "I want to ask you something. Are there any particularly powerful figures among the seniors in the martial arts world?"

"That's for sure. There are only a few elders in the Xue family's direct lineage, and their strength is unfathomable." Xue Qing said: "When the colorful beam of light first came, those old guys kept waiting and watching, and no one was willing to be the first to eat crabs. Since the opening of Base No. 1, many seniors who have been in seclusion for decades can’t sit still. Just because they haven’t come out to show off, doesn’t mean they aren’t strong, and…”

Speaking of this, Xue Qing suddenly shut up.

"What else?" Zhao Hao smiled bitterly: "It's your confidentiality authority again, you can't say that, right?"

"Come on, don't provoke me, I'm not the crazy girl I used to be." Xue Qing said calmly: "I have the authority to develop a few informants, and it's okay to tell you a few words... There are some old seniors, they went there It’s not the first-order evolutionary world, it’s the second-order evolutionary world as soon as you walk into the colorful light pillar!”

Zhao Hao was confused: "As soon as you enter, it's the second level?"

"Just asking if you are afraid?" Xue Qing smiled mischievously.

Zhao Hao thought carefully and gasped in horror: "How do you know they went to the second-order evolutionary world? Did anyone come back alive? That is an ancient city in the second-order evolutionary world. Who can defeat it?"

"Don't ask, that's all I can say." Xue Qing also changed the subject: "Let me remind you, you and I can only be considered first-order evolvers. You are very good in the first-order evolutionary world. It’s different. I’m not afraid of scaring you. Before the colorful beam of light came, there were powerful people in the country who were equivalent to second-order evolvers. If you offend such people, you won’t even know how you died.”

Zhao Hao was taken aback and couldn't hold back his curiosity: "Is he the kind of peerless master who lives in seclusion from the eight major sects that Xiaodao mentioned? He seems to have a very impressive title. What is he called, Celestial Master? Real Man?"

"Don't be such a gossip, just take care of yourself." Xue Qing no longer bothered with this topic, and changed a new topic: "It's been very uneasy recently. The bulls and ghosts abroad can't sit still, and the domestic independence movement He is also restless. If you meet such a person, be careful and it is best to inform me as soon as possible."

"What is Jindu?" Zhao Hao asked.

"Didn't I tell you last time? They are those self-reliant rabble-rousers who want to be independent. They are attracting more and more people in the evolutionary world, and sooner or later there will be big trouble." Xue Qing said angrily: "They are in the country recently. There are also very frequent activities, brainwashing everywhere, and foreign capital injection, and the more you play, the bigger it gets."

"Why don't you catch them all in one fell swoop?" Zhao Hao said.

"It's just that we can't kill them all, so we didn't alert the snake." Xue Qing said worriedly: "Although it is remarkable that our country has three evolution bases, it has also become a thorn in the eyes of the whole world. Japan, South Korea, West Asia, some European countries, and some in the Americas The financial groups are all secretly supporting independence."

"So excessive?" Zhao Hao was angry. Although he didn't like some departments, he still stood on the side of the motherland when it came to major issues of right and wrong, and he couldn't tolerate foreign tribes from foreign countries causing trouble.

"It's more extreme than you think. Those international students are here to explore the road. They can freely enter and exit the colorful light pillar, which proves one thing. As long as they occupy the territory of China, they can get three major bases." Xue Qingyue said Yue was heartbroken: "Those foreigners can't take down the ancient city, but if they join forces, they will pose a great threat to our country. Just think about the Eight-Nation Allied Forces back then."

"How big of a deal are you playing?" Zhao Hao was really shocked this time. Look at this, he could accidentally cause World War III.

Xue Qing sighed softly: "Fortunately, our country is strong, and foreigners dare not act rashly. At present, they can only secretly support independence and make trouble. I used to feel sorry for you, but now I think about it, the superiors also have their own reasons. If evolution What would happen if the base falls into private hands and millions of people suddenly invade the country?"

"Okay, don't clear your name for the boss. I'm just a commoner, and the international situation has nothing to do with me. If I have the chance, I will build a base and engrave my name on it, and then I will ascend." Zhao Hao He understood that what his sister-in-law meant was nothing more than a hint to him to capture a few more ancient cities and hand them over to the country.


"It's really hard to chat with you. The Evolution Bureau nominally only reports to the General Administration. If each branch has to handle big cases locally, it must communicate with the local leader. When the Capital Commission for Discipline Inspection comes to arrest people, it has to communicate with the local person in charge. ." Xue Qing had a look of contempt, unable to complain about Brother-in-law Zhao who knew nothing about officialdom.

"You crow's mouth... I've seen people with the surname Duan in their shadows recently."

Zhao Hao suddenly looked down at his phone with a depressed look on his face.

"Why, Xiao Duan sent a message to woo you again?" Xue Qing gloated: "Xiao Duan is very passionate about you, and sometimes he comes to me to ask how you are doing, so just obey him."

"Don't make trouble, he didn't court me, but this kid is so enthusiastic. He sends more than a dozen WeChat messages every day. I really can't bear it..." Zhao Hao said on the verge of tears: "Last time I came back, he called me. When we couldn't agree, we talked on the phone for more than half an hour! How could a grown man call for so long? I have known Qin Sheng for more than ten years, and each call never lasted more than three minutes. Xiao Duan is such a naughty kid. The fight lasted for at least thirty minutes, how could I feel so embarrassed?"

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