The Path of Evolution

Chapter 286 Heart to Heart in the Study Room

Generally speaking, when a guest comes to visit, the host can hold the scene and the guest can do as he pleases.

Today, Zhao Hao's family is quite unusual. Zhao Zhicheng and Su Yurong are more like guests, and they are very nervous.

The guy in Zhongshan uniform was as steady as a dog throughout the whole process, as if he was his home court wherever he went.

His name is Duan Simin. Not only is he a powerful man in Zhonghai, he has also been elected as a member of a certain bureau. It is not an exaggeration to understand that he is one of the twenty-five most powerful people in this country.

Xiao Duan's mother is Qiao Ruifang, a professor at a famous military medical university. She also has an identity as the third daughter of a chief of the Central Military Region.

For such a couple to appear in a private house, it is unscientific no matter how you look at it.

To be honest, this scene was so scary that Zhao Zhicheng and his wife couldn't get over it for a while.

Zhao Hao is very calm. He has experienced too many unscientific things. He has even seen the Demon King, and he is not short of such a big boss.

He was thinking about another question. This kid Xiao Duan... is so honest!

"Back in China, many things are not determined by combat power. My father, my grandfather, my grandpa, they all have ways...Brother Hao, please believe me, I am willing to bet everything I have, and I will not let you Hurt!”

Xiao Duan confessed these words affectionately when he was teleported back from the ancient desert city.

This kid is surprisingly honest, and his father and grandfather are indeed very capable... As for Xiao Duan's grandfather, there is a rumor on the Internet that Duan Simin's father seems to be a veteran tycoon in the capital.

Some people say that not all children of high-ranking officials are arrogant and domineering. Some have good tutors and extremely high quality. This kind of comment is also reasonable. For example, the short paragraph in front of you seems to be a gentle and delicate boy next door. He usually doesn't show off his appearance. If he didn't say it, you would have no idea how big his background is.

"Sister, you don't have to be polite to me. It's right for us to come to visit. Xiao Duan originally had an older brother who died at the age of three. I was sad for several years and then gave birth to Xiao Duan. As a result, the child was not in good health. He looked like this Da, only stayed in school for two years, and spent the rest of the time in the hospital..."

"On his sixteenth birthday, he said to me, Mom, I don't want to live like this anymore... The doctor said that he doesn't have much time left. I am also a medical student, but I can't save my child... That day, I pushed him to the Colorful Light Pillar in a wheelchair..."

"Since then, our elder brother has been scolding me for having long hair and short knowledge. I am on tenterhooks every day, hoping for a miracle. Later, the No. 1 base was opened, and I had hope in my heart. I always felt that my son was still alive. The sky has eyes, and my son The child really came back alive. If it hadn't been for your Xiao Zhao's help, Xiao Duan would have been in trouble on his first day in the evolutionary world..."

Qiao Ruifang took Su Yurong and started chatting until she burst into tears.

As a mother, Su Yurong understands this feeling, and her eyes turned red when she heard it.

Duan Simin also chatted with Zhao Zhicheng about some current affairs in Zhonghai, and they had a great time.

At first glance, the two families look like family friends and have a deep relationship.

Zhao Hao and Xiao Duan played two games, a little absent-minded.

For a boss of Duan Simin's level to visit him in person, it might be more than just expressing his gratitude.

Sure enough, after the group had lunch in harmony, Duan Simin asked to visit the study.

The Zhao family's house is a bit small and high-end, with four bedrooms, two living rooms and a study room. The man entered the study room, where they were talking about business. Xiao Duan accompanied Qiao Ruifang and Su Yurong in the living room, chatting about daily life. Zhao Zhicheng also guessed that Duan Simin had something to say to Zhao Hao, so he left the study room with an excuse.

In the study room, Duan Simin and Zhao Hao looked at each other with big eyes.

Looking at this young man who was neither humble nor arrogant, Duan Simin could not hide his admiration and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, I will never thank you for your kindness. If you encounter difficulties in the future, remember to call your uncle."

"Thank you, I'm living a good life, no difficulties." Xiao Zhao felt clear in his heart. If he really went to find Duan Dada, he would be tied to the same warship. He has a knight-errant complex in his bones and does not want to have anything to do with people in the government.

Duan Simin, who he is, can naturally see Xiao Zhao's rejection, and said: "Xiao Zhao, I would like to ask, do you have any opinions on certain departments?"

"I can't talk about opinions. I just don't understand something." Zhao Hao stopped hiding it. There were some secrets that Xue Qing couldn't tell due to the confidentiality regulations. Today, when we met such a big Tyrannosaurus Rex, it was better to ask clearly.

"Oh?" Duan Simin cooperated very well: "Today we will just talk to each other as our uncle and nephew. If you don't understand anything, you don't need to worry about it, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

"The three major bases have restrictions on entering and exiting the Evolved World. Some office workers can only go to the Evolved World once during holidays. Why is this?" Zhao Hao has long resented this rule. If he hadn't had a special pass given by Yu Wenjun, he would have also restricted.

"Good question, you are stumping me." Duan Simin smiled heartily and threw the hot potato back: "Let me ask you a question first. If all citizens over the age of sixteen went to the evolutionary world, who would farm the land? Go to work? There are countless factories, units, and stores in the country. Who will deal with them then?"

Zhao Hao was speechless. If all the people went to fight the little monsters, the country would really be in chaos.

He was not so easy to give in, and asked another question: "There is also a strange rule. If a married couple has children without a special pass, only one of them can enter the evolutionary world. I want to know why this is?"

"Xiao Zhao, you are very capable personally, but you ignore the strength of most people. Not everyone has your level of fighting power." Duan Simin said solemnly: "Most ordinary people do not have the ability to protect themselves in the evolutionary world. Suppose All couples have gone to the evolutionary world, how many orphans will appear in the country overnight, have you considered this?"

Zhao Hao was very calm this time, and Duan Simin's statement was almost the same as Xue Qing's. After a few foreshadowings, he went straight to the point: "Duan Dada, you came to me today, what exactly do you want me to do, can you tell me directly?"

"Haha, I can't hide it from you." Duan Simin laughed and said: "Xiao Zhao, you have been wronged about the No. 3 base, and you will inevitably have some opinions in your heart. I came here to see you today, and I mainly want to give you these four words - Just go ahead and do it!”

Zhao Hao heard the implication. This big boss was just motivating him to build a new base and serve the people. This made him a little repelled, and he asked tentatively: "How to let go?"

Duan Simin said something surprising: "The ancient city you conquer does not have to be made public. It can be operated according to your personal wishes. If it is made public, it is not impossible for you to manage this city. The superiors are about to launch a pilot project, so let's just treat it as This ancient city is contracted to you, and you have enough autonomy."

Zhao Hao was deeply surprised. This time it was a real surprise.

To be honest, if he was really asked to manage a base, he simply didn't have the time or energy.

The most critical point is that his ambition is not in the first-order evolutionary world.

Could it be that this strange uncle guessed my thoughts and deliberately retreated in order to advance? Zhao Hao had a thought in his mind and said, "If you give me such a large amount of autonomy, won't you be afraid of me messing around?"

"Recently, there have been some unfounded and unfounded remarks on the Internet, saying that as long as the super evolutionaries cause chaos, the country will be finished. Don't believe those random statements on the Internet. The current Internet environment is too complicated. Those who denounce this and that are not good all day long Netizens are not necessarily Chinese.”

Duan Simin picked up the tea cup and took a sip, showing an absolute confidence: "Today I will give you the bottom line. The country has enough power to prevent problems before they happen. I know more than the second-order evolutionaries who protect this country. A four-digit number. Let’s not mention what happened in the evolutionary world for now. As long as someone dares to make trouble within the territory of China, he will definitely pay the price!"

Four digits?

Thousands of people?

Are there that many second-level experts?

Zhao Hao was startled, and his little heart almost jumped out of his skin.

One look at Duan Simin's aura, and it didn't look like he was bragging with his eyes open. The land of China has been home to crouching tigers, hidden dragons and countless strange people since ancient times. The most populous country in the world may have thousands of masters, masters, masters hidden in it.

After gathering his composure, Zhao Hao said: "Since there are so many masters in the country, no one more than me is too much, and no one less than me is no less. The matter of attacking the ancient city can be solved by sending just one person."

"Second-order evolvers, they are going to the second-order evolutionary world. Even if they lay down a second-order base, how many people can use it?" Duan Simin was quite helpless: "At present, 99.9% of the citizens in our country are still exploring the first-order base. The evolutionary world. In the next ten years, the main place where humans will be active around the world will definitely be the first-order evolutionary world."

Zhao Hao realized that this was his own value.

Duan Simin said emotionally: "Xiao Zhao, a great hero, serves the country and the people. The era of national evolution has arrived, which is a major trend. Currently, the three major bases are overcrowded. A few more bases will give the people more development. Opportunity. What you have to do will last forever, and future generations will benefit.”

Zhao Hao remained rational: "Have you ever thought about what you would do if one day the colorful light beams all over the world suddenly disappeared?"

"Of course we have considered it, and the relevant departments have also adopted special countermeasures." Duan Simin raised a more scary topic: "To tell you the truth, we are skeptical about the colorful light beam. This thing appears too suddenly. Domestic one Hundreds of security checks are on guard, not just for humans. If one day various evolved creatures burst out of the colorful light beams and descended on the earth, this would be the most terrifying catastrophe."

Zhao Hao took a deep breath and secretly sighed that his superiors had indeed considered the matter far enough.

He always had a question in his mind: Why didn't the high-level monsters kill humans?

Bailu didn't give him a standard answer to this question.

Ever since he saw the battle between Sister Lu and the Blood Demon Sword Demon, he felt that there was someone behind the scenes making a big move.

Theoretically, humans can evolve the world, and higher-order evolved creatures may also come to the earth. Once that happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhao Hao said calmly: "If one day, uncles from the People's Liberation Army can show off their power and throw all kinds of missiles and atomic bombs at them, I guess those super creatures can't stop them."

Duan Simin laughed dumbly: "Xiao Zhao, have you ever seen any country launch missiles and atomic bombs on its own territory?"

Zhao Hao was speechless and cursed himself for saying something stupid.

Take Zhonghai as an example. If a missile were to hit it, it would be questionable whether it could kill the monster. The first people to suffer would be tens of millions of Zhonghai citizens.

Duan Simin said again: "I still say the same thing, the more evolutionary bases there are, the faster human development will be. When the day comes when a full-scale war with evolved creatures really comes, at least our country's evolvers will have enough ability and experience to deal with it. Xiao Zhao , Uncle won’t talk to you about empty talk about saving the world, I believe you have a strong sense of balance in your heart.”

Having said that, it would be hypocritical for Zhao Hao to refuse any more. He nodded and said: "Okay, if I encounter a suitable ancient city, I will try to explore it. Forgive me for my inability to do anything about the ancient city that is beyond my ability."

He still left some room.

He wouldn't go to a dragon's pool or a tiger's den that was guarded by twelve big brothers like the Hanging Ancient City, even if it gave him a hundred courages.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words." Duan Simin was overjoyed when he heard this, and he broke the news: "The country is going to establish five pilot colleges for evolvers, which are roughly equivalent to the magic academies in movies and TV shows. This year six Facing nationwide enrollment in September, the school will officially start in September. One of the pilot schools will be in Zhonghai. If the pilot is successful, there will be more and more such evolution colleges. I would like to represent the first evolution college in the history of Zhonghai The school will hire you as the first batch of teachers."

"Teacher?" Zhao Hao was shocked by the accident and quickly shook his head and said: "I am about the same age as a young man who just graduated from college. He Dehe can teach and educate people, so he will not mislead others."

"Xiao Zhao, you don't have to be modest. Your valuable experience in the evolutionary world is very helpful to young people." Duan Simin was very concerned about this matter: "Why don't you give up the title of guest lecturer first and go to the school when you have time? If you don’t have time, don’t force it. Those children need a role model. After hearing the description of you, I think you are a good role model.”

This high hat was sent to Zhao Hao, and he was under great pressure.

It didn't matter if he had a guest lecturer's job. He always felt that Duan Simin's intention was not that simple.

"Xiao Zhao, you don't have to rush to reply. It won't be too late for you to reply after the college entrance examination in June." Duan Simin relieved Xiao Zhao's pressure and quietly showed his fox tail: "Actually, I am here this time. On the one hand, I am here to give you a reply. To cheer you up, on the other hand, I was entrusted by others to be a lobbyist. Xiao Zhao, are you interested in joining the army?"

Zhao Hao couldn't bear the fact that this uncle was always making crazy twists and turns: "I am used to being free and undisciplined, and I don't have strong organizational discipline. I have admired the soldiers who protect my family and country since I was a child, but that profession is not suitable for me."

"Don't refuse in a hurry, just listen to what I have to say first." Duan Simin, the lobbyist, was very conscientious: "There is a military region that has established a new special force composed entirely of evolutionists. If you are willing to go, the other party promises to give you absolute freedom. Autonomy. As long as you nod, I will give you a staff position and the rank of major."

"Duan Da, don't make such a joke. I can't even walk forward, so how can I be an officer?" Zhao Hao almost peed in fear. The pie that fell from the sky was so big that it made him feel dizzy.

"Xiao Zhao, when you have time, you and Xiao Duan will go visit the daily training of that team first, and then make a decision after watching it." Duan Simin was not determined to give up: "The training and combat plans of that team are managed by dedicated personnel. You, as the staff officer, Well, I just want to give you an opinion, and just point out something you don’t like. If you find it inconvenient, you can add your identity to the confidentiality clause, and even I will not have the right to access your files in the future."

After a pause, Duan Simin suddenly became distracted: "Xiao Zhao, you are Xiao Duan's good friend. He treats you as his own brother. If my eldest son was still alive, he would be as old as you. Forgive me for relying on my old age and treating you like an old man. To be honest, in this world, the most effective thing is to have the right to speak for yourself. When you stand at a high level, no one dares to touch your family and friends. You first serve as a major, and after a while of qualifications, you can In an ancient city, you will become the youngest general since the founding of the People's Republic of China!"

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