The Path of Evolution

Chapter 290 Civilian Version 5.0 Evolution

The commercial vehicle got off the highway and entered a winding mountain road.

After a few minutes, a roadblock appeared in front of me. It said: Road construction ahead, no traffic.

Zhao Hao almost thought he was in the wrong place. When he took a closer look, he saw that the people on the roadside who looked like traffic police officers didn't even have special uniforms. However, they all had calm auras and strong postures, unlike ordinary people.

Jin Chaozui got out of the car, showed his ID, and said a few words to the leader, and the roadblock was quickly moved away.

The car drove halfway up the mountain, and it was a different scene.

The building in front looks like a road toll station from a distance, but it's scary when you look up close.

The place was equipped with scanners and a team of heavily armed soldiers.

Probably after receiving the order from above, the leading officer looked at the license plate number and let them go.

Driving all the way to the top of the mountain, there is a high wall in front of you, and the entrance looks like a bunker-like building.

No outside vehicles could enter, so Zhao Hao and the other three got out of the car.

An officer in his early thirties, with the rank of colonel, walked towards him. Zhao Hao's attention was attracted as soon as he met him. This man has a majestic figure, a divine light in his eyes, and an aura of steel between his brows.

His name is Qiao Guoliang, and he is the eldest son of Xiao Duan's uncle.

"Mr. Zhao, I finally look forward to seeing you."

After some introduction, Qiao Guoliang seemed extremely enthusiastic and led the three of them to the reception room.

After having lunch and exchanging feelings, Qiao Guoliang proposed to take Zhao Hao for a visit.

During this visit, Xiao Duan and Jin Chaozui did not go together.

Even though they were here, Zhao Hao didn't hesitate. He also wanted to see what the so-called evolved special forces looked like.

After getting into Qiao Guoliang's jeep, Zhao Hao discovered that there was a cave on the top of the mountain. The building near the reception desk looks like a nursing home, with no real mystery at all.

Ten minutes later, after passing through a lush mountain forest, a huge camp ahead came into view.

Qiao Guoliang guest-starred as a tour guide, taking Zhao Hao around the camp and explaining patiently along the way. Many of the contents can be called military secrets, which made Zhao Hao flattered.

Along the way, Zhao Hao felt a strong sense of sincerity.

Instead, he felt a little pressured: "Instructor Qiao, are you telling me these things, aren't you afraid that I will leak it if I go out?"

"An expert has the integrity of an expert. I believe in Mr. Zhao's character." Qiao Guoliang gave him a top hat and added: "Our team is not in the regular establishment. Strictly speaking, it does not exist. After you leave, , we will not admit that you have been here, and it will be difficult for outsiders to believe what you see."

Seeing that the other party was so shameless and confident, Zhao Hao admired it very much.

Arriving at a three-story sentry tower, Qiao Guoliang pointed to a training ground and said, "The daily training in the afternoon will begin soon. Mr. Zhao has a keen eye, help me see if there are any good seeds here."

Soon the whistle sounded, and hundreds of people rushed out of each barracks.

Hundreds of people descended the mountain like tigers, gathering together to form a powerful momentum.

Zhao Hao saw such a powerful army for the first time, and was surprised at the strength of these soldiers.

At present, there are only three to four hundred named mutant masters in the three major bases, and these are the people who are hotly discussed by the majority of netizens. At one time, some people naively believed that there were no more than 500 mutant evolvers in the country.

Facts have proven that there is a big difference between what is said online and the truth.

Just talking about the mutant-level special forces in front of us, there are more than 500 of them!

This is only the strength of a special force in the Central Military Region. If the mutant powerhouses from all the military regions in the country were gathered together, the number would be really scary. The power that the country possesses is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Zhao Hao took a deep breath and said calmly: "Are they all mutant evolvers?"

"Yes." Qiao Guoliang replied, with a hint of pride flashing in his eyes.

"How many soldiers have been sacrificed to cultivate these elites?"

This topic was very sensitive, so Zhao Hao still asked.

He is all too aware of the pain caused by the failure of evolution. The probability of ordinary people evolving to the rare level is only one in ten, and the probability of the rare level evolving to the mutant level is only one in ten. In other words, mutant evolvers are often the only ones among a hundred, and it would take tens of thousands of soldiers to sacrifice to select the hundreds of mutant elites in front of them.

Such a cruel selection goes against Zhao Hao's original intention.

Qiao Guoliang's answer was surprising: "It is true that many comrades made sacrifices. Fortunately, there were no deaths. The injured received the best military medical treatment and basically recovered."

Zhao Hao was surprised: "How did you do it?"

"A new type of evolution technique, let's call it [civilian version of evolution technique]." Qiao Guoliang made another amazing turn: "Since the opening of Base No. 1, the higher-ups have attached great importance to it and mobilized a large number of experts and veterans of the martial arts world to integrate Using the advantages of ancient martial arts, Taoism, and evolutionary techniques, we jointly developed a new type of evolutionary technique. The grade of this evolutionary technique has been identified as level B. It is simple and easy to understand, and its essence is just two words - quick success!"

Awesome, my country!

Zhao Hao was shocked by it. The vastness of China was indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

For example, the Xue family's Snow Spirit Technique, when practiced to the highest level, is equivalent to an S-level evolution technique. Theoretically speaking, it is possible to gather senior experts from all over the country to develop a civilian version of B-level evolution.

Qiao Guoliang continued to popularize science: "Various problems arose at the beginning. Some soldiers had adverse reactions while practicing, and some had damaged meridians. After continuous improvement in the past two years, the effect is much better. What our sharp-edged soldiers practice is The fifth version of the evolution technique. The boys got started quickly, most of them mastered it in three months, and there are no side effects so far."

Is this using life to experiment with military version 5.0?

Zhao Hao looked at the group of wolf-like soldiers with a kind of respect in his eyes.

No matter what the big guys above do, the fault is not with these soldiers. Most of them join the army with enthusiasm and have the noble sentiment of protecting their homeland and country. Now I am living in such a remote place in the mountains, isolated from the world, training monotonously and boringly every day, and experimenting with my life. This is admirable.

Qiao Guoliang added: "There are 10,000 soldiers in our military region participating in this project. The 600 in front of us have directly evolved to the mutant level. The rest have not died, nor have they continued to evolve rashly. They are waiting in reserve for the opportunity of secondary evolution. They enjoy great benefits.”

If ordinary people fail to evolve, they can only die in tragedy. Reservist soldiers enjoy benefits and have the opportunity to evolve successfully on a whim in the future. They are still relatively humane. Zhao Hao's impression of this team has changed.

"Currently, the pilot projects in all major military regions are progressing well, and there is hope for the popularization of the fifth version of civilian evolution." Qiao Guoliang continued, breaking the news: "Next, it will be extended to five pilot evolution universities. In September this year Let students in pilot schools practice it. If successful, it will soon be spread to all primary and secondary schools across the country!"

Zhao Hao's heart was beating wildly, shocked by the generosity from above.

I have to admit that this is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Nowadays, B-level evolution techniques are highly priced in major auction houses and cannot be obtained without tens of millions. Ordinary people have almost no hope of obtaining advanced evolution techniques. If this 5.0 evolution technique becomes popular, it will be true evolution for all, and countless people will benefit from it.

The so-called countless people include the next generation and even the next generation.

When there is an explosion of talent and a large number of advanced evolvers emerge, a great era will come. In the future, it may be possible to develop a civilian version of A-level evolution or even S-level evolution.

Ever since he heard Jin Chaozui tell the inside story about the second-order evolutionary world, Zhao Hao could roughly guess the thoughts above. People in high positions were more worried about the second-order monsters causing trouble than he was. From this perspective, the popularization of the civilian version of evolution is a long-term sustainable development plan. To put it harshly, even if Zhao Hao's generation is not good, he can still pin his hopes on the next generation.

After calming down, Zhao Hao asked: "Since the soldiers have no problems practicing the fifth version of the evolution technique, why not just spread it to the whole country?"

"Let me make two simple points. These soldiers are all carefully selected elites. They have outstanding physical fitness, good understanding and willpower. Ordinary people may not have such a physique, and there are many who are weak and sick. No one knows what problems may occur during training. I can guarantee it. Another thing, if the civilian version of the evolution technique becomes popular, spies from various countries will not be vegetarians, and it will soon spread to the whole world. There are a lot of troubles that need to be solved. "

Qiao Guoliang answered all questions with sincerity: "The 10,000 students enrolled in the five pilot universities will further verify the effect of the civilian version of evolution. Take your time, what is the saying on the Internet? Take big steps." Yeah, be careful not to pull the egg."

As he spoke, he casually threw out a bait: "If Mr. Zhao is willing to give in, come and work with us. You can enjoy some benefits. Your relatives and friends can experience the civilian version of evolution in advance."

Obviously Qiao Guoliang knew the situation in Zhao Hao's family very well and knew that Zhao Hao's parents needed advanced evolution techniques.

Unfortunately, Zhao Ritian has never considered evolution techniques below A level.

He did not embarrass the other party. He looked down at the soldiers and changed the subject: "Hey, these people are very powerful."

Qiao Guoliang followed Zhao Hao's gaze and couldn't help but laugh: "Those three boys have always been restless. They are brothers, named Xing Yugao, Xing Yuqiang, and Xing Yuwang. They have become thorns in the side since they came here. . Their fighting ability is okay, but they are a bit arrogant. The instructors can’t do anything to them. Why don’t you teach them a lesson?”

Zhao Hao is no longer the stupid young man he used to be. The opponent clearly wants to use those three thorns to test his strength.

He declined: "As an outsider, how can I teach these elites lessons?"

"You are out of touch. We often invite some masters as sparring partners. It doesn't hurt to spar with each other." Qiao Guoliang said with a hint of complaint: "To tell you the truth, none of the sparring partners invited can clean up those thorns. Those few The thorns performed very well, and it was not easy to punish them with military regulations. We instructors were very embarrassed and kept hoping that someone would teach them a lesson."

Speaking of this, Qiao Guoliang still had a tone of asking for help: "Xiao Zhao, how much older am I than you? Do you mind calling you this? You are a good friend of my cousin, and I don't treat you as an outsider. Old Brother, I have just one thing to say, don’t be polite to me! Clean up those thorns hard, it’s better to beat them until their noses are bruised and their faces are swollen, so that these proud soldiers will have a better memory!"

Zhao Hao was quite interested in the three Xinghua brothers, and felt a little itchy. He said weakly, "Is this really good?"

"You can rest assured that our rules here are different from those of regular teams. These people used to be top leaders in the major armies. They are arrogant and only obey those with strong fists." Qiao Guoliang fanned the flames: "Xiao Zhao , you don’t have to worry too much, just beat them hard until they obey you!”

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