The Path of Evolution

Chapter 300 Spring in March

The weather is new on March 3, and there are many beautiful people by the waterfront in Chang'an.

Those beauties have a lot of water, and all of them like long stems.

The above poem is slightly related to the following story.

Zhuge Kongming's seventh uncle said: After three years in the army, a sow competes with a Diao Chan.

The sharp-edged troops hidden in the mountains are all male creatures. If you stay in a place like this for a long time without even seeing a male or female animal, you will suddenly have a desire for the opposite sex.

Zhao Hao had been nesting in the mountains for half a month, and he wanted to see a girl for no reason.

It doesn’t matter what kind of girl it is, as long as it’s a woman, even just taking a look at her is fine.

Not only has the calendar turned over March 3, but Women's Day has also passed.

During this period, Zhao Hao received some formal training.

In the future, when he becomes a hands-off shopkeeper, he must at least be familiar with the basic situation.

"Commander Zhao, come here, let's practice again."

"Counsel Zhao, beat Xingyu Cake as hard as you can, that kid deserves a beating."

"I bet Xingyu Cake can't last twenty rounds of a hundred push-ups."

"I bet if you do two hundred sit-ups, Xingyu Gao will kneel down within fifteen moves."

After getting along for half a month, Staff Zhao became very familiar with the soldiers.

Even when they are resting, these soldiers will look very flirtatious. During normal training, they are all meticulous. Especially during simulated combat training, communication was all based on gestures and no one spoke at all. Probably because the training was so boring, everyone had endless things to talk about when they were free.

Zhao Hao also followed and trained for a week. He originally thought that he could hold the scene easily. After all, he was also a super evolver. And he also has some experience. When he was on the basketball school team, the coach was very strict. Anyone who didn't train seriously would be punished by running five laps of the playground. Zhao Hao felt that he was already experienced, and training for a week would not be a problem.

After a week, Staff Zhao couldn't take it anymore.

He truly understood the discipline of the military and the hardships these soldiers endured. The simplest stance of standing in a military position stumped Zhao Hao. Maintain a standard posture and remain motionless for several hours. You cannot scratch your itch, pick your nose, or touch your balls. You cannot reach out to pat mosquitoes or flies on your face... This is an enhanced version of "one, two, three, wooden man". It almost cost Staff Zhao his life. He would rather run ten kilometers with a heavy load.

There are cultural classes every evening, mainly for learning foreign languages. As we all know, mutant evolvers have strong learning abilities, and Sharp Blade specially arranged for famous teachers from the military academy to come and give lectures. This new type of army is full of talents. The soldiers are proficient in at least one foreign language, and the top ones are proficient in four or five languages.

Zhao Hao, who had learned English from Anne and Scarlett, initially mastered two languages ​​during this period. One is Hindi, which is the main language of Bollywood movies. Zhao Hao has always been curious about that language. The other is Japanese. Once you learn it, you can understand the dialogues of those worried girls in short movies... Of course, Zhao Ritian is not such a vulgar person. Ever since he heard Wan Shitong talk about ninjas and onmyoji, Zhao Hao has developed a strong interest in the strong men of the island country. Curiosity.

"Everyone, calm down and go do what you have to do." Qiao Guoliang drove away the soldiers surrounding Staff Officer Zhao, and then revealed his shameless intentions: "Xiao Zhao, let's go to the shooting range to practice."

There was a black line on Zhao Hao's forehead, and he wanted to kick it with his vaginal leg.

His childhood dream was to have a real gun and fight against evil forces. In pursuit of his childhood dream, Zhao Hao participated in target shooting many times, with disastrous results.

There is no omnipotent person in the world. Everyone’s talents are concentrated in a certain area.

Zhao Hao really has no talent at all in terms of shooting.

Besides, sharpshooters are fed countless bullets. Zhao Hao, who has never fired a gun before, has no experience at all. Even he himself couldn't bear to look at his target shooting performance.

And there are a lot of sharpshooters with sharp blades, and Qiao Guoliang is a famous ruthless character who can defeat the enemy with a hundred steps. In contrast, Counselor Zhao's performance is even more disgraceful. However, Qiao Guoliang, a bitch, also likes to establish his presence. He always drags Zhao Hao to the shooting range, and every time he tortures Staff Zhao into a psychological shadow.

"No!" Zhao Hao flatly refused and got down to business: "I have an appointment and I have to leave tomorrow."

"So soon? Don't worry, stay for a few more days." Qiao Guoliang tried to persuade him to stay.

"No, I made an appointment with someone else to kill a few super creatures in the next two days." Zhao Hao told the truth. He had indeed made an appointment with Fatty Zhang on the phone to go hunting for super creatures. Besides, he always regarded the advanced evolution technique that his parents urgently needed as a top priority, and pinned his hope on super creatures. He couldn't always stay at the edge and waste time to gain qualifications.

"Well, the days are long, I will see you off tomorrow." Qiao Guoliang said reluctantly.

"Don't fly the helicopter this time, keep a low profile." Zhao Hao said, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, do you know the specific location of the mysterious ancient city that the Suzaku Special Forces Brigade attacked?"

"That's Suzaku's secret, how could it be leaked to others?" Qiao Guoliang smiled bitterly.

"Is it so secretive? Then why does everyone know the joke about Suzaku's failure?" Zhao Hao was a little curious.

"Suzaku is just like our sharp sword, and its members are also elites drawn from each team. That time the attack on the ancient city failed, a soldier was very shocked. He went back to drink with his old comrades and accidentally let the news slip. As a result, it was passed down ten times. "Hmm, all the military regions know about this." Qiao Guoliang felt vaguely sorry for the Suzaku soldier in his words. Soldiers value their comradeship very seriously. It is indeed embarrassing for something like this to happen.

Zhao Hao made a surprising statement: "Is there any way you can find out the location of that ancient city?"

Qiao Guoliang looked stern: "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Hao asked back: "What do you think?"

Qiao Guoliang's expression was colorful, both contradictory and excited. He struggled for a few seconds and said in a solemn tone: "This matter is very complicated. I need to ask for instructions. Please give me some time."

"Okay, I estimate I will be away for two or three months, and I will wait for your reply then."

Zhao Hao made his attitude clear. He decided to conquer an ancient city.

He made this decision partly because Yue Liusu went back on his word.

After the Lantern Festival, he sent a message to Yue Liusu, asking when the other party would fulfill his promise.

As a result, the Moon Goddess' reply was quite despicable and shameless: "I said I would take you there, but I didn't say it would be now. Even if I take you there again ten years later, it wouldn't be considered a breach of promise, would it?"

This kind of petty arrogance worked well for Hua Qiangu, but for Zhao Hao, it was just for excitement.

If it really takes ten or eight years, the day lilies will be cold.

Besides, Zhao Hao will ascend sooner or later. If Yue Liusu tells him the location of the ancient city in a few years, what's the use? Second-level evolvers after ascension cannot enter the first-level evolutionary world.

To be honest, Zhao Hao was not very interested in the ancient city that Yue Liusu attacked before. He just wanted to satisfy his curiosity and see what kind of monsters were guarding that ancient city. The other party went back on his word, which actually inspired Zhao Hao's domineering aura.

In the final analysis, it is just one word: If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

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