The Path of Evolution

Chapter 31 The shocking truth

"Kill you? Haha."

Xue Qing smiled, it was a chuckle full of disdain from a strong man to a weak one, as if he was afraid of getting his hands dirty.

Taking a serious look at Hei Shuai, she said slowly: "Is this the stray dog ​​that you and my sister adopted? When it rushed over just now, its breath was a bit like a primary rare creature. You are still alive until now, all because of this A dog?"

Zhao Hao made no excuses. To be fair, he owes a lot to Da Hei for what he is today.

Xue Qing sneered, adding a bit of mystery to her beauty, and said coldly: "If you continue to let this dog evolve, you won't even know how it will die in the future."

Zhao Hao was stunned when he heard this: "What do you mean?"

"There is no other meaning. One day you will die in the hands of this dog." Xue Qing glanced at him with pity, which was a kind of pity for the dying person: "Don't believe it, two months ago , I saw with my own eyes that a woman who came in with a kitten died, do you know how that woman died?"

Zhao Hao didn't speak. The scene of Dahei devouring the fifth elder of the Ghost Head Gang appeared in his mind. The crunching sound of chewing the fifth elder's bones echoed in his ears, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

"That cat was obedient at first, but after evolving to the mutant level, it ate its owner without hesitation!"

Xue Qing said the result that Zhao Hao didn't want to hear the most. There was an indescribable sadness in her clear and beautiful voice: "In this evolutionary world, humans are evolving, and animals and plants are also evolving. Those animals have evolved to something He has a strong self-awareness and will definitely pursue the end of evolution. The relationship between humans and pets is a joke."

Zhao Hao was silent. Pets devoured their owners. That was a possibility that he never wanted to face in his heart.

Xue Qing asked again: "Have you ever been to a neutral place?"

Zhao Hao: "I just came out of that place yesterday."

Xue Qing: "What do you think?"

Zhao Hao: "It's a good place. It's not easy to establish rules in the evolutionary world."

Xue Qing: "I'm not asking you to talk about this. When you saw those rare evolvers and those four guardians in the market, you weren't touched at all?"

Zhao Hao: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"When I first came here, there were hundreds of thousands of people in the Endless Forest. In just half a year, only tens of thousands were left. Some were killed by animals, some were killed by plants, some failed to evolve and died, and more people were Killed by fellow humans.”

Xue Qing hugged her knees with her little hands. She didn’t know what she had experienced in the past. She shivered and said, "I just want to tell you how difficult it is to live."

After a pause, she said solemnly: "For the sake of my sister, I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't try to evolve. Take your pet and find a place to hide. Maybe after a few years, wait for others to open it. Teleportation array, you still have hope to go home and reunite with your relatives."

Zhao Hao looked at the angelic face that was almost the same as Weiwei's and showed a smile: "Qing'er, you still care about your brother-in-law. I don't like to place my hopes on others. When I reveal the C-level evolution technique, Just evolve.”

"C-level evolution?" Xue Qing sneered: "I really don't know what my sister fell in love with you in the first place. You don't even understand the most basic rules of this world. Even if you are lucky enough to get the C-level evolution, , you are also a weakling."

Zhao Hao expressed dissatisfaction: "Don't act like you know everything, why am I a weakling?"

"Just because you are so good at C-level evolution, and just because you are stupid enough to bet on the 30% chance of evolution!" Xue Qing showed no mercy at all: "Evolvers like you are destined to struggle at the bottom of the food chain. , I don’t even want to see it at the middle level of the food chain!”

Zhao Hao was even more dissatisfied: "Even if you are a mutated evolver, you can only perform B-level evolution at most. Do you need to be so arrogant?"

"You are so stupid that you cry, and you are still struggling with the level of evolution." Xue Qing looked at him no longer just at a pig, but at a stupid pig, and sighed helplessly: "Forget it. , I have hurt my sister so many times before, so today I am going to make it up to her and tell you something useful."

Having said this, she slowly opened the curtain: "The ghost boss was wanted by four provinces back then, and the police couldn't catch him despite all their efforts. Don't you think it's strange?"

"It's not surprising, there are people inside him, most likely colluding with your colleagues." Zhao Hao didn't like the note.

"Put away your dark conspiracy theories. The evil ghost escaped several times back then. The reason is very simple. He is a Lianjiazi. He once killed four police officers who were chasing him with a machete." Xue Qing said, holding up her hand again. He gave an example: "There is also Fengyun Sword. As soon as he comes in, he can kill evolved creatures with his bare hands. Why don't you think about it more deeply?"

Zhao Hao seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind, and he understood: "You mean, martial arts is equivalent to combat skills?"

"You're half right. Some secret ancient martial arts also have the effect of evolution." Red Pepper revealed a mystery: "The ghost boss's Kung Fu is equivalent to a combination of C-level evolution and combat skills. . Fengyun Sword is even more terrifying. He is a direct descendant of the Feng family and has ancestral secret techniques, which are at least equivalent to S-level evolution techniques!"


Something seemed to explode in Zhao Hao's head. The truth about the evolution technique was too shocking.

"The evolutionary world is currently a world of warriors. Do you think you can break through to the mutant level by gambling on the 10% to 30% chance? If you really want to evolve like that, you don't even know how you died." Xue Qing said : "Most of the strong people you know are warriors, including those in the Neutral Land."

Zhao Hao: "So, you have also practiced?"

Xue Qing: "You are the only one with a brain in your muscles that can react so slowly. Feng, Hua, Xue and Yue are the four famous families in the martial arts world. My sister and I both have the surname Xue... Sometimes I I admire your lack of heart. After dating my sister for two years, you haven’t noticed that she is very powerful in martial arts?”

Zhao Hao was stunned for a moment. He only knew that Weiwei would get up before dawn to do morning exercises.

To be honest, he never dreamed that the weak and quiet Weiwei was a martial arts master.

"My grandfather's lineage is a branch of the Xue family, and the techniques he learned are incomplete. The techniques I master are converted into evolution techniques, which are roughly equivalent to A-level." Xue Qing changed the topic: "Classmate Zhao, I will give you You can point me to a clear path, which is much better than trying your luck at killing rare creatures."

Zhao Hao looked at her silently, looking forward to the next step.

"There is a guardian in the Neutral Ground named Xuelian. You should have seen it. This is not her nickname. Her surname is Xue. She is also a direct descendant of the Xue family and has mastered the complete ancestral skills." Xue Qing's mouth moved. , showing an intriguing smile: "I'll give you a suggestion that will save you thirty years of hard work. You become Snow Lotus's male favorite!"

Zhao Hao almost fell down and seriously doubted that he heard wrongly.

"Don't be so surprised. You also know how expensive it is to buy a house in a neutral land. With Xuelian, you will have permanent residence in the village. This is definitely more practical than the American green card on earth. You can survive for three years. Five years will not be a problem." Xue Qing's smile remained unchanged, like a fairy: "According to the family's seniority, Xue Lian is my aunt, I can help you connect."

"Now I understand why you attacked me as soon as we met. You have long wanted me to give up on Weiwei and become a man's favorite, right?" Zhao Hao recovered from the shock and sneered: "Sister-in-law, you have changed. I am very curious. , are you trying to find a way out for me, or do you want to get Xuelian's complete skills through me?"

"Is this important? You won't suffer anyway." Red Pepper's smile was a bit enchanting.

"Of course it's important. I once heard a physical trainer say that powerful Kung Fu cannot be achieved without more than ten years of hard work. I don't think I have that kind of martial arts talent. Even if Xuelian is willing to teach me, I won't be able to do it."

Zhao Hao is often careless, but sometimes he sees problems very clearly.

He stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said some heroic words that surprised Xue Qing: "Maybe you ancient warriors are awesome, but I may not be jealous of you. In the evolutionary world, everyone has a chance. I He is one of those people. The future of this world may not be dominated by ancient warriors, so I don’t believe that I will stay at the bottom of the food chain for the rest of my life!”

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