The Path of Evolution

Chapter 321 Chapter 324 Base Six Six Six Six

Throughout his life, Zhao Hao has been entangled with the number six.

He used to like to wear jersey No. 66 and lived in dormitory 606 in college.

Zhao Ritian is the boss in the dormitory, not because he is old or because he is a man of the hour, but because dormitory 606 uses a strange way to decide who is the boss of the dormitory.

The situation at that time was as follows:

Zhao Hao, as a devil muscleman, proposes an arm wrestling, and whoever wins is the boss.

Sun Ziliang disagreed, saying that compared with college entrance examination scores, whoever scores higher will be the boss.

The bitch dragon expressed his dissatisfaction and put forward a constructive idea: "Do you dare to decide in a man's way?"

Zhao Hao was very curious: "What kind of man's way?"

The slut dragon said something shocking: "Take it hard and compare it to the size!"

That night, four 18-year-old naughty boys were so drunk that they took off their pants to compare their sizes.

Then, the bitch dragon ranks third...

Zhao Hao became the boss of dormitory 606 with a score of 16.666 centimeters...

The truth is sometimes very simple and very shocking.

Of course, that's previous data.

Since being cut down by the Tongtian Sacred Tree, Zhao Ritian has inexplicably grown a few centimeters in a certain part of his body.

Today, Zhao Hao and Liu still have an indissoluble bond.

In the most famous Moon Bay in Zhonghai, he bought Villa No. 6.

Soon after, he did something even bigger...he laid down Base No. 6!

On October 1, 2016, the National Day, Base No. 6 was officially opened.

Five months later, a new base came out, and you can imagine the sensation it caused.

Base No. 6 came out, and Zhao Hao set two world records.

First, this is the largest evolutionary base currently known to cover an area.

Second, this is currently the only evolutionary base that can be conquered by just one person.

People all over the country and even the world are asking: Who is Zhao Hao?

The people who laid down the base in the past have long been famous figures. For example, Cang Long, Ren Tianqiong, Xue Gucheng, and Fengyun Sword are all well-known ruthless characters in the martial arts world. Even Yu Wenjun, before entering the evolutionary world, was a senior colonel officer in a special forces unit.

Only Zhao Hao is different. Netizens can humanize him and he is a college basketball league MVP.

"Holy crap, animals taught by physical education teachers can also lay an evolutionary base?"

"It's a lie. Could it be that the super creature guarding the ancient city was seriously injured and was taken advantage of by Zhao Hao?"

"Your statement is unscientific. According to YY's routine, the super creature should have had difficulty giving birth. Zhao Hao took the opportunity to stab the old one to death, and then the little mythical beast was born, and he called him daddy..."

"Emmmm, it seems to make sense."

"Don't look down on athletes, okay? Masters are among the people, do you understand?"

"On the top floor, it is rare for a civilian hero to appear. He is a role model for ordinary people. From now on, I will make Zhao Ritian my idol."

"In my opinion, he may not be a civilian hero. Look at the photos carefully. I remember someone broke the news before that Yue Liusu once threw herself into the arms of a man at the gate of the Life and Death Tower at Base No. 1!"

"It's light upstairs, and I remembered that the person who embraced the Moon Goddess was Zhao Hao!"

"Let me tell you, is this Zhao Ritian a hidden peerless master?"

"Nonsense, do you think ordinary people can make Moon Goddess take the initiative so shyly?"

"I heard a rumor. When the Tower of Life and Death was shaken, many people said that someone had cleared the Tower of Life and Death. Not long after, Zhao Hao came out of the Tower of Life and Death. Could he be the mysterious person who cleared all the towers of Life and Death? "

"It makes sense. Clearing all levels of Tower of Life and Death is much more awesome than clearing all levels of Contra."

There are countless topics about Base 6 on the Internet, and they cover everything.

Zhao Hao, who laid the base, became a hotly discussed figure among the people.

Compared with the previous five main attackers who established the base, Zhao Hao is special. People like Cang Long have long been famous, and the people have long been tired of aesthetic appreciation, and there are not many gossips that can be mined. But Zhao Hao is different. There are too many things about him that can be gossiped about. It's like a vegetarian has entered the entertainment industry, and everyone wants to gossip about him.

Coincidentally, Qin Sheng's movie "The Road to Evolution 2: Idol Team" happened to be released during the National Day. Zhao Hao made a guest appearance in the film, playing himself - Zhao Ritian of the idol team.

As soon as the news came out, the movie became extremely popular, with box office sales exceeding 100 million on the first day of release.

Some are happy and some are sad.

There are three people who are most worried now. One is Zhuang Wenwu. He is wondering why the mysterious ancient city that his Suzaku Special Forces Brigade failed to defeat was defeated by Zhao Hao alone?

The things involved here are so complex that it’s terrifying to think about.

Ever since, Yue Meihui went crazy and kept yelling about what to do all day long, as if the sky was about to fall.

The most troubled person among them is none other than Yue Liusu.

She deliberately kept her appetite going, like an eagle, until Zhao Hao gave in and teamed up with her to attack the city.

Who would have thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and Zhao Hao found the ancient city mysteriously.

She felt terrible just thinking about it. According to her estimation, the super creatures guarding that city were high-level monsters. She thought that even if Zhao Hao teamed up with her, the chance of winning would not be high, but Zhao Ritian actually succeeded in a duel!

The more Yue Liusu thought about it, the more she panicked. She couldn't help but send Zhao Hao a WeChat message: "Asshole, that's my city, mine! How did you find that ancient city? Tell me honestly, what's the conspiracy behind it?"

As soon as the message was sent, she got an instant reply: The other party refused to accept your message...


Yue Liusu spurted a sip of tea from her little mouth and suffered internal injuries on the spot.


Zhao Ritian actually blocked her!

For the first time in her life, she was blacklisted.

"I drink wine and get drunk alone, and when I get drunk, the beautiful woman becomes a couple..."

Base No. 6, White Jade Ancient City, Zhao Hao was humming a song and was in a good mood.

The second generation demon was worthy of being the descendant of the demon king and had the essence of a great demon. Zhao Hao ate snake soup for a few days and added 5 points of psychic genes, which made him feel happy.

Of course, the main reason for his good mood was the attitude of his superiors.

The person in charge of the handover this time is Duan Simin, and his deputy is Qiao Guoliang. The other party kept its promise. If Zhao Hao is willing to take care of Base No. 6, then the superiors are willing to let Zhao Hao fully manage Base No. 6 through a contract responsibility system.

Zhao Hao tentatively mentioned it and added Xiao Duan and Qiao Guoliang to the list of assists.

Qiao Guoliang refused without hesitation, showing the courage of a soldier.

Duan Simin also declined this offer, saying that he wanted to seek truth from facts.

This attitude made Zhao Hao very satisfied. It seemed that the other party was not here to pick peaches. If we really want him to manage an ancient city and be responsible for the city's trade and public security, he doesn't have the energy and the ability. So he felt relieved and handed the White Jade Ancient City directly to Duan Simin, leaving the other party to take care of the welfare.

This is not only retreat to advance, but also a test.

He has to decide whether to continue cooperation based on the attitude of his superiors.

After completing the handover, Zhao Hao ran home anxiously.

He refined the great demon inner elixir for a few seconds and then stopped immediately.

Because he discovered a wonderful function of inner alchemy.

The Great Demon's inner elixir can directly activate psychic genes!

Continue to pay New Year greetings and wish all readers a prosperous New Year and all kinds of happiness!

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