The Path of Evolution

Chapter 326 Third uncle, it’s easy to leave without seeing him off!

In the living room of Villa No. 6, a young man was sitting upright.

Without the armor and spear, Xin Zhao looked out of place in casual clothes. It's like Ju Hua Xin in LOL suddenly wearing a suit and standing in front of you, and you feel awkward when you look at it.

When he saw Zhao Ritian, Zhao Xin felt a little embarrassed and said with a shy face: "Brother, I have to say that I only found out today that we are a family. Do you believe it?"

"This isn't important." Zhao Hao said coldly, "Let's talk about the key points."

"My grandfather is the third in the family, and he is your grandfather's biological brother." We live and die together, let the past matter be in the past, and it’s time for you to go home.”

"I also want to make it clear to you because of our previous friendship. You are you, and the Zhao family is the Zhao family. If you represent yourself and come to me to talk about old times, I welcome you. If you come on behalf of the Zhao family, Then I'm sorry, I have nothing to talk about." Zhao Hao became more and more cold.

"I guessed that you would say that." Xin Zhao suddenly made a magical turn: "I came here without telling my family this time. Just as you said, I will give you a message on my behalf. If you If you don’t want to go home, it’s better to go as far as possible and develop abroad.”

Zhao Hao smiled coldly: "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I flee the country?"

"Things are not as simple as you think. Your nature is different from your grandfather. Based on my understanding of the family, if they don't get you, they will definitely destroy you!" Zhao Xin was surprisingly straightforward and told the truth. .

"Really?" Zhao Hao was frighteningly calm: "Based on what you just said, I won't embarrass you if you really get to that point in the future. Just go away and pretend that we have never met."

"Brother, don't be impulsive!" Zhao Xin was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "I know you have some friendship with Duan Simin. He is an outsider and it is not convenient for him to interfere in our family affairs. Well, let me tell you this, our old man If he is serious about it, the chief will give him three points of face, and Duan Simin will not be able to protect you at all!"

Zhao Hao finally understood why Duan Simin hesitated to speak many times today, and let Qiao Guoliang do some of the talking for him.

The old man of the Zhao family who is known as the God of Military is still alive and well. He is almost a hundred years old. He still has a very high prestige in the military today, and his disciples are all over the major military regions. In front of the old man, Duan Simin was just a junior and had little say.

"Have your old man and the head of the family, Zhao Jintian, all gone to the second-order evolutionary world?" Zhao Hao suddenly asked in a confused manner.

"That's for sure. Why do you ask?" Zhao Xin was stunned.

"You send me a message. I will ascend in a while. I wish them a long life. I will go and meet them then." When Zhao Hao said this, he exuded a calm and calm aura.

Xin Zhao was shocked: "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Hao asked back: "What do you think I should do?"

"You are just fooling around!" Xin Zhao was so frightened that he looked at the brother of the same race in front of him in disbelief and advised: "Brother, calm down, you can't solve the problem by being so forceful. When the old man was young, he was known as The Gunslinger, his strength in the second-level evolutionary world directly matches Zhang Tianshi, and he is one of the few humans who has not been enslaved by the Demon King."

Zhao Hao smiled: "So, he is still avoiding the demon king and cannot return to Earth at all?"

"The old man can't come back, but he can find someone to spread the word. The Zhao family has more eyes and ears in the second-order evolutionary world than you think." Zhao Xin said earnestly: "Brother, you have no idea how powerful the old man is. I Let me break the news for you. There used to be a man named Zou Jiannan in the Central Military Region. The old man gave him two moves casually. Zou Jiannan was deeply inspired and created a set of double-gun martial arts, which is known as the best gun in Central China."

Is there such an operation?

Zhao Hao was stunned for a moment. He had personally experienced Brother Batian's double spears.

According to Zou Batian's recollection, his marksmanship combines the essence of Xingyi Quan and several fighting techniques, and he was taught by an expert at that time. That expert must be the old man of the Zhao family.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Zhao Hao opened the door and saw a middle-aged man and an old man standing at the door.

The middle-aged man has short hair and no beard. He is meticulous and stands like a pine tree. He seems to be a member of the military.

The old man, who was nearly seventy years old, had high temples and a divine light in his eyes. He had an aura even when he stood still.

"Dad, grandpa, you..."

When Xin Zhao saw the person coming, he was immediately stunned and seemed to be very frightened.

That middle-aged man, named Zhao Zhiguang, is the father of Zhao Xin. The old man's name was Zhao Jinrong, who was Zhao Xin's grandfather and Zhao Ritian's uncle in terms of seniority.

Suddenly, three generations of the Tiannan Zhao family, old, middle and young, gathered together.

"Nie Zhan, who asked you to come, stand aside!"

As soon as he walked into the living room, Zhao Jinrong took over the guest room and scolded his grandson.

Xin Zhao was indeed like a grandson, standing dejectedly behind his father.

"Zhicheng, I'm sorry, this kid came here to cause trouble for you." Zhao Jinrong looked at the furnishings in the villa and said with emotion: "Okay, I haven't seen you for many years. You and your family are living a good life. You are worthy of me." A descendant of the Zhao family."

Zhao Hao was going to be furious when he heard this. Listening to what the old man meant, his family now lived in Moon Bay Villa, all because of the good blood of the Zhao family, and it was all the credit of the Tiannan Zhao family... He wanted to ask, if If my family lives in a slum, does that mean we have lost the face of the Tiannan Zhao family?

"Third uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still so strong and strong." Zhao Zhicheng maintained the courtesy that a junior should have, held down his son who was about to get angry, and signaled: "Xiao Hao, this is your third uncle, please don't call me."

Zhao Hao shouted reluctantly, as if he respected the old and loved the young.

"Zhicheng, this son of yours has a lot of potential. Second brother knows that I should be happy." Zhao Jinrong showed his attitude of holding the whole audience. He sat down and said with emotion: "Zhicheng, my little brother Hao, what happened back then is in the past. You both, father and son, go home. In a few months, the Chinese New Year will come again, and then our family will be truly reunited. This man is getting older, so he just wants to I saw a family reunited and harmonious."

"Third uncle, I retired last year and I rely on my son to support me. A useless idler like me can't help much when I go back." Zhao Zhicheng was very polite and declined to acknowledge his ancestor.

"Zhicheng, if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about your children?" Zhao Jinrong said like a kind elder, thinking about the younger generation: "Xiao Hao, you have been wronged by these messy comments on the Internet. Reply Come home, it’s easy to talk about anything as a family, and the family will help you solve these troubles.”

Zhao Hao has the heart to scold his mother. You guys are adding insult to injury behind the scenes, and now you are jumping out to solve the problem in a arrogant way. How can we call this a family?

If he hadn't taken into account his father's little feelings for the Zhao family, Zhao Hao would have broken up on the spot.

"Xiao Hao, third uncle has a plan, you might as well listen to it." Zhao Jinrong showed his true face, as if he was the boss of the family, and he made a point: "Tiannan Military Region has established a special force of evolutionists. With you With his abilities and achievements in establishing Base No. 6, he is fully qualified to be specially recruited. When the time comes, I will ask your Uncle Zhiguang to make arrangements and get you a staff officer, starting with the colonel."

Lieutenant Colonel?

Sajia is already a colonel now, okay?

Zhao Hao almost laughed out loud. If he had time to go to the Central Military Region to attend the ceremony, he would at least be a senior colonel.

Having said that, his identity in Sharp Blade is a secret, and even Duan Simin doesn't know his current military rank.

Zhao Jinrong's attitude made Xiao Zhao feel inexplicably cold.

It has been more than a year since he returned to China, and at that time, the Tiannan Zhao family had never paid attention to him. After he laid down Base No. 6, the Zhao family immediately came to his door and promised various benefits. The content of this is worth pondering.

Seeing Zhao Zhicheng keep winking, indicating that he should be more tactful, Zhao Hao took care of his father's emotions and declined politely: "Third uncle, I can't even walk forward well, so I won't go to the army and embarrass myself."

"You are still young, so you can't learn. You were trained as an athlete in college before, and you adapted quickly." Zhao Jinrong was old-fashioned, and his tone felt like he was giving alms to a dog: "Even if you are a member of my Zhao family, My dear, not everyone has the chance to join that army. Xiaohao, this opportunity is rare, you have to cherish it."

Zhao Hao was not so tactful: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

"Xiaohao, I advise you to think about it seriously!" Zhao Zhiguang, who was standing behind, stared with a threatening look.

Xiao Zhao couldn't stand such toughness and immediately retorted: "I told you, I'm not interested!"

"Young and frivolous!" Zhao Zhiguang shouted angrily, as if he was going to teach Zhao Hao how to behave on the spot.

"Zhiguang, don't talk." Zhao Jinrong is an old man. This kind of tense atmosphere is not what he wants to see. He lowered his tone and said: "Xiao Hao, your uncle Zhiguang is doing it for your own good. His son is not living up to expectations. I’m still thinking about you taking over from him in the future. Yu Wenjun took down Base No. 3 and became a general directly. Maybe you feel a little unbalanced. You may look down on this lieutenant colonel and staff officer."

After a pause, Zhao Jinrong said again: "One code means one code. Yu Wenjun was a senior colonel before. You are still young and have insufficient qualifications, so it is difficult to get the job done in one step. But you have to believe in my third uncle. With the support of my Zhao family, you should General, it will be a matter of time."

These words are soft but hard, giving people a sense of deja vu: If your family is willing to train you, you can become a god. If your family doesn't want to train you, you are nothing.

Back then, Zhao Hao's grandfather, Zhao Jinhong, learned a hard lesson and never managed to get ahead after being abandoned by his family.

"I'm young and frivolous, I can't stand the support of the Zhao family, and I don't have the blessing." Zhao Hao couldn't bear it any longer and told the truth: "I forgot to tell you that I have agreed to the Central Military Region to take up a position there. Three generations of our family have descendants. I have been in the central region for fifty years. It’s too far to the south and I’m not familiar with the place, so I won’t go there.”

"What, you left your own family alone and went to help outsiders?" Zhao Zhiguang was furious.

"Xiao Hao, you are confused!" Zhao Jinrong couldn't sit still anymore and said with a dark face: "Who did you promise? I'll say hello and bring you over!"

"I'm sorry, you guys are a few months late. I was sworn in a long time ago. In fact, I'm also wondering. Why didn't the Zhao family come to me earlier if they care so much about the juniors? If I had known that I had such thick thighs, I would have Don't hug other people's thighs. Maybe it's because of the blessing of grandpa. Without your support, I would have become a colonel." Zhao Hao held a gun and a stick, waved his hands and said with a tearful rhythm: "I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you. You guys chatted. Third uncle, it’s easy to leave without seeing him off!”

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