The Path of Evolution

Chapter 328 The man who fell in love with the little witch

Some things that seem complicated are actually very simple in nature.

People's doubts, abuses, and accusations against Zhao Hao are simply because they feel that he does not have the ability to conquer the ancient city.

In other words, if Zhao Hao showed stronger strength than Xue Gucheng, Fengyun Sword and others, no one would question him at all.

It just so happens that this opening match is an opportunity.

When Zhao Hao took the initiative to participate in the exhibition match, Duan Simin secretly praised him. This stupid young man used a simple and crude way to get to the essence of the problem. Once he defeats Xue Gucheng in public, Xiao Zhao's method will appear simpler, cruder, and more effective.

Of course, most people don't think so.

At present, at least 95% of people believe that Zhao Hao cannot stop Xue Gucheng's ten moves. As for the other 5% of people, they were either betting on the upset, or they were the evolvers in the Endless Forest and Snow Castle who had seen Zhao Hao take action.

Another party involved, Xue Gucheng, also attached great importance to this competition.

Why did Xue Gucheng lay down Base No. 4 and maintain it in an unusually high-profile manner for a month?

Of course there is a reason for this. Speaking of which, it is also related to a love story.

Xue Gucheng is a clean and self-sufficient person. He never lives a chaotic nightlife like other young men from aristocratic families. He has long been determined to belong. That girl was excellent in all aspects. Xue Gucheng once vowed to build an ancient city as a proposal gift.

Using the evolutionary base as a token of marriage proposal, luckily it didn't go viral online, otherwise I don't know how many fans would have gossiped about this touching love story. However, this was of no use. Xue Gucheng, who had laid down base No. 4, still failed to win the hearts of beauties.

The girl was as prankster as the netizen and asked him: "Base 4 is so small, smaller than a small town. Did you kill the weakest super creature in history?"

The low-key Xue Gucheng could be questioned by people all over the world, but he couldn't bear to be looked down upon by his beloved girl. After being stimulated, he stepped out of the ring to meet the challenge of the world's heroes and proved his strength.

Then... there was nothing more in Xue Gucheng.

The girl he likes is bohemian and free-spirited, and sometimes she doesn't appear even once a year. Since his success, the girl has disappeared again.

Until a few days ago, the girl who disappeared for more than half a year came back.

She made another request: "That Zhao Hao is so annoying that he hired someone to beat him on his behalf. Go and beat him up."

Ever since, Xue Gucheng accepted the organizer's invitation and faced off against Zhao Ritian.

Before he set off, the Xue family attached great importance to this matter. It’s impossible not to take it seriously. Xue Gucheng’s abilities are there, and he is already the heir apparent to the clan leader. And that girl's background is even more terrifying. Once the two get married, the Xue family will surpass the other three major families and become the top wealthy family in China. It can flourish for at least fifty years.

Since liberation, the Xue family has been the most embarrassing family among the four romantic families. The ancestors of the Feng family were the first to join the dragon family. They donated generously to support the anti-Japanese war and became a prosperous businessman. Today, their assets exceed 100 billion. The Hua family and the Yue family also reported for duty and were doing well. However, the ancestors of the Yue family did not have enough ideological consciousness at that time and considered themselves aloof and lived in seclusion. Later, they were ostracized. The descendants of the Xue family were ignored both in official circles and the military. They have never produced decent official figures. Only a few wealthy businessmen emerged.

It was not until Xue Gucheng's generation that there was finally a turning point. The girl that Xue Gucheng is interested in has a very deep background. If the two get married, it can be said that it will completely change the fate of the Xue family.

Today's Xue Gucheng also has such confidence. Having built Base No. 4, he can be called the golden husband-in-law that countless girls dream of. There are even several heavyweight families who are interested in marrying their daughters to him, including a provincial boss. The Xue family declined these offers of love, only for that super heavyweight girl.

Xue Gucheng himself, on the other hand, had some intentions of not marrying that girl.

"Gucheng, if you win this time, your marriage to Zi Yan should be settled." Xue Yanfei, the head of the Xue family, ordered: "Although Weiwei and Qing'er are branch children, they are my Xue family after all. For their sake, leave some room and don’t let the young man named Zhao lose too embarrassingly.”

"I can only promise not to kill him."

After Xue Gucheng said this, he turned and left.

He couldn't do such a thing as letting go of water.

"This boy, oh... he really has the same style as I did back then!"

Xue Yanfei looked at his son's back and sighed, looking both relieved and helpless.

Back then, he was also a warrior with considerable character, but the years have dulled his spirit. Since he became the head of the family, he has had to learn to be sophisticated and diplomatic. The so-called character has become a thing of the past.

Xue Gucheng had just walked out of the study room when he met a radiant woman.

Since laying down the No. 4 base, Xueying has followed suit and become the goddess of assists. Her popularity and status in the world have reached a higher level. People are in high spirits during happy events. This woman seems to be several years younger, more and more gorgeous, exuding the temptation of a pretty widow inside and out.

"You come with me." Xueying pulled her cousin into another room and said solemnly: "Gucheng, listen to my sister, don't go to the opening game. It's still too late to turn it down now!"

Xue Gucheng was very calm: "Give me a reason."

"Let me ask you, what are your chances of winning against Zhao Hao?" Xue Ying said solemnly.

"Are you very optimistic about him?" Xue Gucheng was a little surprised. Although his cousin didn't have a very good reputation, she had a very accurate eye for people. Moreover, this cousin knows how to examine herself and is very good at self-examination. Even if she occasionally makes a mistake, she can quickly correct her previous mistakes. She often makes amazing moves and has a strong say in the family.

"If I guess correctly, the person who got through the sixth floor of the Tower of Life and Death is Zhao Hao. You don't have to stare at me like this. This is not a rumor on the Internet. In fact, I released this news..." Xue Ying said. Shocking: "When he came to Base No. 1, I met him at the auction house. Yue Liusu was very proactive towards him. My sister is a woman and she knows very well what it means for an arrogant girl to take the initiative to do such a thing."

"Yue Liusu?" Xue Gucheng smiled indifferently: "Sister, you like to compare, I will compare with you today. Only a idiot like Hua Qiangu can like Yue Liusu. In my heart, Yue Liusu is worse than Zi Yan Far."

"Zi Yan, Zi Yan, Zi Yan again!" Xueying suddenly became angry: "My silly brother, are you her yes man? You do whatever Zi Yan says, and you also uncharacteristically set up a stage to make me take the blame. !”

Xueying became extremely angry when she mentioned this matter. The outside world believed that Xuegucheng's sudden high-profile was a commercial hype arranged by Xueying. The truth has nothing to do with her at all. The truth is that her cousin was so excited by the little witch that he became a beauty and challenged the heroes of the world.

"If you say this about her, then we have nothing to talk about." Xue Gucheng said coldly.

"Stop!" Xueying stopped her cousin who was about to leave willfully, and said seriously: "This incident clearly shows that someone is playing a game of chess. I'm sure that the banker and the Hua family are involved. Why do you want to go here?" Muddy water?”

Xue Gucheng's answer was surprising: "Zi Yan wants me to go, why don't I go?"

"Fool, you are being used as a weapon!" Xueying turned pale with anger and gritted her teeth: "Don't you know who Zi Yan is? What that little witch likes and is best at is teasing. Men in the world, those old guys in the family are confused by her, and you are also fooled by her! What a marriage, just dream about your spring and autumn! Gucheng, you have been smart since you were a child, why can't you be more awake this time? "

I had my teeth extracted. I just got back. Sorry. My whole body feels greasy during the Chinese New Year. I have been adjusting my condition these past two days and will resume my second update soon.

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