The Path of Evolution

Chapter 332 A middle finger to express your feelings


The home ground of Feilong Club was deathly silent.

When Xue Gucheng started the ice and snow explosion, and the flying snow made people shiver with cold, everyone thought that Xue Gucheng would definitely win. No one expected that Zhao Hao could defeat Xue Gucheng's ultimate move with such an ordinary slash.

No, this is no longer as simple as cracking. It is clearly a counterattack that severely damaged Xue Gucheng.

From Xue Gucheng's pale face and the blood on his lips, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this gentleman was seriously injured.

The audience in front of the TV was so shocked that they forgot to breathe for a moment, and someone spit out a mouthful of Coke.

The online live broadcast suddenly stopped, as if it had been disconnected.

The barrage function seemed to be disabled. For ten seconds, no barrage flew by.

The whole world seemed to be at a standstill at this moment.


In the VIP table, Xue Yan quickly stood up and was about to go to the ring to check Aizi's injury.

"Clan leader, calm down!"

Xue Ying grabbed Xue Yanfei. The scene in front of her was embarrassing enough. If the head of the Xue family rushed to the ring again, what would it mean? The younger one couldn't compete with the older one? If we really do this, the Xue family will have no face to see their fellow martial artists in the world.

At this moment, Xue Gucheng fell to the ground, his mind going pale.

He never thought he would lose.

He also never thought about what kind of heroes his failure would bring to the Xue family.

He never thought about how he would face Zi Yan if he lost.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences if you lose?"

Xueying's advice before coming here suddenly came back to his mind.

Xue Gucheng suddenly felt confused and couldn't help but doubt his life.

At this moment, the dead world suddenly became alive.

"Am I dazzled?"

"This is not true, this is absolutely not true."

"Beep the dog, is this a computer special effect?"

"Your special effects sister, my cousin was watching the game at the scene, and he just took a screenshot of it on his phone for me."

"In the end what happened?"

The barrage on the Internet is turbulent.

Even after watching the slow-motion replay, people are still wondering: What happened?

The destructive power caused by Zhao Hao's careless hand knife shocked the whole world.

That's right, it's not an exaggeration at all. Even the foreigners watching the live broadcast were scared to death.

I saw a deep hole in the fifty-meter long and wide arena, and the ferocious steel and concrete inside was clearly visible. The opening extended all the way to the protective fence, forcing the solid protective fence open and extending all the way to the west stand.

The building on the edge of the west stand was blasted away by the force of the sword. It was only a centimeter away from injuring the spectators in the stand. The spectators sitting at the edge of the stands were pissed, yellow and white stuff was leaking from their crotches, and some were still crying and calling for their mothers.

It wasn't until he watched the slow-motion replay for the third time that Huang Jidong sighed: "I was wrong. I posted a guide before, saying that the maximum distance of mutant evolutionaries' aura is ten meters, and that of super evolutionaries can reach twenty meters. Mr. Zhao Hao has proven with actual actions that the ultimate distance of Gang Qi can reach forty meters..."

"The destructive power of just one hand knife destroyed half of the arena. If Zhao Hao used the weapon with all his strength, I can't imagine how terrifying the power would be." Dai Boluo also sighed repeatedly, with a sense of pride. Sentence: "Dear viewers, this is the representative of our first-order evolvers from China, the hero who conquered Base No. 6!"

"My brother is amazing. He beat up Xue Gucheng with one hand. Is this a new record?"

"The correct explanation upstairs is that when Xue Gucheng competed, the most powerful mutant master could only block the fourth blow."

"Zhao Hao is a super evolver, identification completed."

"The gauze upstairs has been identified. Zhao Hao is obviously a more powerful super evolver than Xue Gucheng."

"With Zhao Hao's strength, he should be able to build an evolution base, right?"

"Isn't that nonsense? If you can't defeat this kind of strength, how did you get the No. 4 base in Xue Gucheng?"

"Looking back, what Qin Sheng said makes sense. Can those eighteen assists withstand the pressure of super creatures? Could someone be buying the navy to blackmail Zhao Hao and deceive us like melons? the masses?"

"That's right. My classmate was watching the game at Feilong's home court. He just sent me a message saying that the pressure unleashed by Zhao Hao and Xue Gucheng was so terrifying that it scared him to the point of urinating. Human beings all have this kind of pressure. Pressure, super creatures should be more powerful, right?"

"Upstairs, I began to wonder if eighteen assisters had really died."

"If you think about it carefully, it's really unreasonable. Zhao Ritian has such strength, why does he need to find that kind of low-level cannon fodder? The idea that eighteen people and monsters died together, and Zhao Hao benefited is a joke now that I think about it. "

"From now on, I have decided to follow Zhao Ritian, no one can stop me!"

"As early as a minute ago, I was already a die-hard fan of Zhao Ritian!"

The barrage on the Internet has a sudden change in style.

These barrages may seem time-consuming, but they are actually produced by countless viewers across the country in just a few seconds.

There is a point in Marx's philosophy: People who eat melons have no moral integrity and will applaud anyone they see being awesome.

Zhao Hao, who completely destroyed Xue Gucheng, proved himself in front of the whole world.

A small number of trolls simply can't stand it anymore, and countless netizens are trying to clear Zhao Hao's name.

It's hard to tell clearly whether human nature is inherently good or inherently base.

At this moment, Zhao Hao stood in the hunting wind, with a face as lonely as snow.

He had to be lonely, after all, he himself lost his strength when he used the Sky Fury Sword.

He maintained a cool posture, running the Golden Technique and Water Technique to restore his physical strength. Since gaining vitality, his recovery speed has improved to a higher level. But in just ten seconds, most of that feeling of exhaustion and powerlessness had disappeared.

And the temperament he inadvertently revealed when he was running two evolutionary techniques at the same time, in the eyes of everyone, he had a unique style.

"Master, this is the real master."

"Yeah, just looking at this back makes me shamefully hard."

"The legendary master who is as lonely as snow, is he the one you're talking about, right?"

"It's so domineering. This sword is more powerful than the Qilin Arm. The Dragon Team and the Shinhwa Team can't play in the next game, right?"

"Haha, the arena has been destroyed. I guess we won't be able to play the opening match."

"How awesome I am, Zhao Ritian, I just admire his urinary nature!"

"He is indeed the man who has built the largest base. Only Canglong can compete with this level, right?"

"I also think that only the Great God Canglong is worthy of being Zhao Ritian's opponent. The so-called geniuses of the new generation cannot withstand Zhao Hao's destruction."

"Think about it. Zhao Hao only used one hand to beat Xue Gucheng like this. If he uses a high-end weapon to explode with a big move, wouldn't it be like going to heaven?"

"Wait, look, what is he going to do?"

Suddenly, the entire audience was collectively dumbfounded.

Zhao Hao was seen taking a few steps and approaching the west stand. There was a large group of people booing him in the stands, full of malice from the moment he entered. At this moment, Zhao Hao responded.

In the capital of this country, at the feet of the Emperor, in front of countless spectators, Zhao Hao raised his left hand and pointed to the sky. His four fingers gradually bent, and finally... he raised a middle finger.

This middle finger is given to Jinmen Flower Family!

This middle finger is given to Jiangbei Yue’s family!

This middle finger is given to the Tiannan Zhao family!

This middle finger is for the whole family of trolls!

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