The Path of Evolution

Chapter 34 Super Evolution

"Wow ha ha ha ha!"

Wild laughter echoed in the jungle.

Zhao Hao woke up. He felt like he had played a stand-alone game and successfully completed all levels.

It felt so good, he finally saw the finale!

The strange thing is that the process is like a dream. After waking up from the dream, I can't remember many things.

Zhao Hao is in this situation now. He only vaguely remembers the ancient giant tree breaking through the sky.

Looking at the ancient giant tree again, there was no thought or sound anymore, as if it was just an ordinary giant tree.


Zhao Hao knelt down for no reason and kowtowed three times to the ancient giant tree.

Even he himself didn't understand why he did this, it was purely instinctive.

"Strange, where are the monsters nearby?"

Zhao Hao stood up and looked around blankly.

Wherever he looked, he didn't see any evolved creatures except Hei Shuai.

It was only then that he regained his absolute sobriety and cursed loudly: "Fuck you!"

His body smelled extremely fishy, ​​and he was covered in black mud from head to toe. His face seemed to have been smeared with black paint, and only his rolling eyes were exposed.

"Who the hell is plotting against me and throwing black mud at me?"

Zhao Hao was furious and wanted to fight the "conspirator".

After a while, he felt something wasn't right.

The black mud all over his body seemed to be impurities and dirt seeping out of his pores.

He found a creek, jumped in and washed himself for a long time.

During this process, he felt that his whole being was different.

As for what was different, he couldn't tell.

When he put his clothes back on, he found the problem and his body became smaller.

Strictly speaking, it seems to be concentrated once to remove excess impurities.

Taking out the tape measure left by Bi Dejin from his hiking bag, Zhao Hao went to a big tree and carved a height mark to measure his height. The result was surprising. He was originally 1.88 meters tall and could play the small forward position in the campus league. But now, he is shorter, his height has become 1.83 meters, and he can only serve as a defender in the future.

After repeated measurements several times to confirm that they were correct, Zhao Hao lowered his head and looked at what was in his crotch.

"Fortunately, this thing is not concentrated, it seems to have expanded..."

Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and his mentality also expanded.

"Everything is condensed to the essence. Iverson and Chris Paul are both 1.83 meters tall, and they are still very impressive... Well, with a height of 5 centimeters, my little brother has gained 5 centimeters in height. He has surpassed foreigners. It seems quite good. Cost-effective……"

Zhao Hao murmured to himself, feeling that he had made a very profitable deal.

Taking out the beef jerky to satisfy his hunger, he discovered his own changes again.

That kind of rare beef jerky is very tough, and he used to get toothache from eating it. Many people who love to eat beef jerky have the same experience. Their teeth get sore after eating it, and tragically, it can even break their teeth.

Now Zhao Hao bites that rare beef jerky, just like chewing fresh cabbage, it is not too easy.

"Good teeth, everything is wonderful!"

Zhao Hao was very satisfied with his changes. As he ate, he looked surprised.

Before that, he had a huge appetite and would eat ten kilograms of meat in one meal.

But now my appetite has become smaller, and I feel full after eating two kilograms.

He tried to practice the Kuzhan sword technique, and was soon overjoyed. The blood energy of two kilograms of rare beef jerky could still support him to practice the sword three times. This change was due to the fact that his previous body was impure and absorbed very little flesh and blood, thus wasting a lot of precious food and blood. The transformed body absorbed the blood perfectly, without wasting any of it.

During the process of practicing swordsmanship, Zhao Hao still had a strange feeling.

The power of the Mad Fighting Sword Technique itself has not increased, but when he performs it, it seems to have an extra sense of agility.

If he used to practice according to the script, now he has his own distinctive personal style.

This is like playing basketball. The same coach teaches a group of students the same basic movements. Some players are very stiff, some are mediocre, some are very cool, and some are so cool that they dazzle the fans.

After practicing the sword technique three times, he found a safe place and asked Dahei to stand guard while he used the evolution technique to restore his physical strength.

A few seconds later, Zhao Hao discovered the biggest change in himself.

His E-level evolution technique produced a qualitative change.

It can even be said that a brand new evolutionary technique covers the past.

"Nine Heavens!"

When the evolution technique was operating, a vast and ancient thought came.

After a brief shock, Zhao Hao lost himself and immersed himself in the new evolution technique.

This set of evolutionary techniques called "Nine Heavens" has nine levels in total.

When Zhao Hao practiced the first level, he felt that it was no different from the previous E-level evolution technique, and he quickly mastered it.

Then he started to practice the second level, and he obviously felt that it was much more sophisticated, and some of the details were mysterious and mysterious. In one day, he also mastered the second level, almost as if he had learned the D-level evolution technique.

After everything was done, he began to practice the third level.

This time, it started to be a little more difficult.

It took him three days to figure it out, and he forgot about the passage of time.

Regarding the evolution technique, Zhao Hao seemed to understand it before.

It wasn't until he practiced the third level of "Nine Heavens" that he understood the principles.

Two words: purification!

Bone purification, meridians purification, flesh and blood purification, these are the main functions of evolution.

Getting rid of the bad and keeping the good, eliminating the dross and condensing the essence, this is the true meaning of evolution.

After practicing the third level of the Nine Heavens, Zhao Hao had an unexpected gain and came to a realization: the third level is equivalent to the C-level evolution technique, and the evolution success rate reaches 30%!

"If we continue at this rate and reach the ninth level, won't the success rate of evolution reach 90%?"

Zhao Hao was so shocked that his jaw almost hit the ground.

The road to evolution is by no means a smooth one.

There is never 100% success, and a 90% success rate is earth-shattering.

The sixth level of "Nine Heavens" is equivalent to the S-level evolution technique, and the seventh level and above are simply unbelievable.

This kind of evolution technique needs to be unlocked gradually. Only after you have mastered the first level, will you naturally unlock the second level, and so on. Zhao Hao couldn't wait to practice the fourth level and encountered tragedy.

Seven days passed, and he didn't even touch the threshold of the fourth floor.

This is not a matter of talent and understanding, but some invisible shackles that restrain him.

"Is it because I haven't evolved? I must have rare genes to be able to practice at the fourth level?"

Zhao Hao had a suspicion and quit the practice.

When he walked out of the tree hole and took a look, he couldn't help but smile.

Dahei lay in a state that was almost like drowsiness, he was clearly practicing!

Seeing Zhao Hao, Hei Shuai jumped up immediately.


Hei Shuai's eyes became extremely agile and he had a strong desire to express himself.

From its eyes, Zhao Hao saw contradictions, hesitation, struggle, nostalgia...

For some reason, Zhao Hao immediately understood what Dahei meant at a glance, and said in shock: "You want to leave?"

Dahei nodded quickly and reluctantly rubbed his trouser leg.

Zhao Hao thought of Red Pepper's advice and the tragic story of a pet that bit its owner.

"That's good, at least you didn't hurt me, and we two brothers can get together and relax." Zhao Hao was very bachelor, patting Dahei's head gently, showing a reluctant smile that was uglier than crying: "I know, You have your own path of evolution, although I don’t know why I know it... Just go, next time we meet, I hope we are not enemies."

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