The Path of Evolution

Chapter 365 The young man in green

The ups and downs in life often come suddenly.

A second ago, A Luo Sha saw hope when she saw the shaky man in green shirt.

A second later, A Luosha, who was about to strike down the opponent, froze in place with dull eyes.

I saw that the man in green shirt, who was so weak that he was almost exhausted, suddenly stabilized his figure. There was no sign of weakness on his body, but he felt alive and energetic.

The temperament of the man in green shirt changed again.

His eyes were as clear as water, without any impurities.

There was a kind smile on his face, which made people feel indescribably kind.

Just in the blink of an eye, he seemed to have become younger.

As we all know, Zhao Hao himself is twenty-four years old this year, and the man in green shirt in front of him feels more like a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a sense of innocence and cuteness.

Young man, let’s call him a young man... This young man in green clothes who appeared strangely glanced at the Mute Demon General worriedly, and said innocently: "Sister, this uncle has suffered internal injuries, please take him back for treatment quickly. , any further delay will leave hidden dangers.”

"Sister?" A Luosha was stunned, a flash of brilliance flashed in her beautiful eyes, and suddenly laughed: "Giggle, giggle, I thought you had some amazing magical powers, it turns out you are just possessed by the inner demon!"

After hearing this, the dumb demon general, who was a little confused, suddenly realized.

A Luosha was truly a gifted woman. After thinking calmly for a moment, she saw through the truth.

Inner demons are not exclusive to humans.

Regardless of whether they are monsters or demons, they will encounter inner demons when they attack a certain realm.

"Sister, I have a name, my name is Ale."

The young man in green has a simple stubbornness, as if he wants to use his name to prove that he has existed in this world, just like a song: Look at the flowers floating in the sky, withering at the most beautiful moment, who will remember this world? Pass……

"Really?" A Luosha suddenly took the initiative and seemed to have found a way to solve the problem. She regained her former self-confidence as a proud girl, and said with a smile: "The person who knew the Blood Eye Technique and Blood Reverse Killing before , it should be the true body, right? The person who casts the fire dragon secret technique must be his second inner demon... Haha, what about you, which inner demon are you?"

The words were quite provocative.

Not all inner demons are necessarily strong, some are even extremely weak.

There are also some weird inner demons that have completely disgraced the original body.

Aluosa's father, the Blood Demon King, once had an unbearable past. When the Blood Demon King broke through a bottleneck, he was also possessed by inner demons. The blood demon king who has always been famous for his domineering and rampant behavior turned out to be a timid sissy who cried at every turn... If the eight blood demons hadn't surrounded that demon at that time, that sissy demon would definitely He will run out and make the monsters in the world laugh at him.

Later, the Blood Demon King broke through the bottleneck and killed the inner demon.

That story has become a taboo in Blood Demon City, and no one dares to mention it to this day.

Referring to her father's real experience, A Luo Sha had some idea. The aura of the young man in green on the opposite side was not strong, and he had no intention of taking action. Moreover, he was stupid enough to let the enemy go back to recover from his injuries... This kind of inner demon has been defined as a sissy by A Luo Sha.

"Sister, it doesn't matter which inner demon I am. This uncle is really seriously injured. Please allow me to help treat him." The young man in green didn't seem to be able to hear the humiliation in the little princess's words, and actually looked at him with concern. The mute demon general looked pale.

"Oh, so you are good at healing spiritual arts?"

Although she deduced that the other party was a sissy, A Luosha was not in a hurry to take action and first made some insinuations to test the situation.

As the heir to the Blood Demon City, A Luosha is well aware of all kinds of secrets. As far as she knows, inner demons are often part of the original personality. For example, the timid sissy inner demon back then was the embodiment of the cowardice and fear hidden deep in the Blood Demon King's heart. After the Blood Demon King killed the inner demon, he became fearless from now on.

As for the young man in green shirt in front of her, A Luosha speculated that he was the result of the kindness and innocence in Zhao Hao's heart. According to the experience taught by the Blood Demon King, inner demons with this kind of personality are usually not very strong.

"Yes, I know a spiritual skill called [Spring from Dead Trees]." The young man in green clothes was so upright that he volunteered: "This uncle's two acupuncture points, Shenzang and Tanzhong, are suffering severe pain. He said I can’t say, as his companion, don’t you care about his injury?”

Hearing this, the mute demon shook his body violently.

Just as the young man in green said, his two acupuncture points, Shenzang and Tanzhong, were in severe pain, like thousands of ants eating his heart. This was the sequelae of his forced resistance to Yan Long Po, which caused great hidden dangers to his body. If the mute demon could speak, he would have screamed like a slaughtering pig.

"It's better to say it than to sing it. Who can guarantee that when you heal him, you won't take the opportunity to kill him?" A Luosha killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, she was really unwilling to hand over the mute demon general to outsiders for treatment. Secondly, she also wanted to Look at the reaction of the young man in green.

"I don't have to get close to him, I can just stand here and treat him."

The young man in green said, forming mysterious hand seals with his hands.

In the nearby jungle, countless life forces surged out.

The flowers and plants within a radius of ten miles seemed to have contributed a little bit of power. These powers gathered together and were full of vitality, forming an extremely mysterious green energy that poured into the body of the Mute Demon General.

The mute demon's expression was unpredictable, and when he was treated by the enemy, he refused in his heart and even thought about resisting. But the greenness poured into his body, instantly making him feel refreshed. The tingling sensation in his two vital points also dissipated, and his limbs felt indescribably comfortable.

What's even more incredible is that his lost power is actually recovering quickly.

Two minutes passed like this, and the mute demon stood up alive and kicking, as if he had returned to his peak condition.

A Luo Sha looked at the Mute Demon General curiously and cast a questioning look.

The Mute Demon General responded with a gesture, and the two of them immediately understood each other.

Just helping the enemy heal his wounds, but also helping the enemy recover all his skills, so that the enemy has enough power to kill himself. Is this... is this a good teammate in the legendary evolutionary world?

Of course, for Zhao Hao and Xia Liuge, they encountered teammates who were like pigs.

The mute demon looked at the young man in green with strange eyes. To be honest, he was too embarrassed to do anything to the young man. However, there are some things that he does not have the final say on, after all, A Luosha still has the final say.

A Luosha thought for a moment and said: "Little brother, you saved my people, and I don't want to embarrass you. You go back immediately and ask your true body to come out. There is an account between him and me, which must be settled today!" "

"No, you can't hurt Brother Zhao Hao!" The young man in Tsing Yi once again showed his simple stubbornness, and he was still so upright and touching: "After I go back, this body will fall into a coma, and Brother Zhao Hao will be hurt. I don't like fighting, please leave quickly. , I’m afraid I’ll hurt you if I use my hands.”

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