The Path of Evolution

Chapter 375 Walk through

When she walked to the gate of the palace and saw the Blood Demon King, A Luosha didn't say hello and walked in with her head lowered.

Everyone could see that she was really acting out today.

The story here is quite long.

Speaking of which, at that special minute, A Luo Sha raised her head and met the eyes of Zhao Hao who had finished shivering.

At that moment, the two of them could only see through but not tell.


Ten seconds later, A Luo Sha screamed and burst into tears.

Her face was red and her ears were red, as if someone had taken advantage of her, even though Zhao Hao had never moved.

The same body, but different souls, caused farce. After spending a month with Ai Kun, she could tell whether the other person was her brother Kun with just one eye contact.

Of course, when she was busy kneeling down and licking him, she didn't have time to make eye contact.

The moment their eyes met, A Luosha's first thought was to kill Zhao Hao.

This thought was just a fleeting thought.

Even if Zhao Hao is killed, her brother Kun will not survive.

She couldn't even bear to bear a scratch on Zhao Hao's body.

The little princess, whose girl's heart was completely activated by the Crystal God, hoped in her heart that one day Ai Kun would completely master this body, and live forever with her, facing the sea, and the flowers would bloom in spring...

Ever since, the only thing she could do was cover her face and burst into tears.

A Luo Sha has not forgotten what Ai Kun whispered to her, leaving is the best choice.

Two chrysanthemums, one on each side.

"It's not scientific, it's not scientific!"

Zhao Hao soaked in the hot spring and sorted out his thoughts. The more he sorted out, the more confused he became.

"Bitch Dragon once said that Xia Liuge is a warm-blooded and simple person, not so frivolous, just like Luffy. Luffy didn't even touch the Queen of Nine Snakes who came to his door, how could he train A Luosha?"

Zhao Hao caught a breakthrough point and always felt that things were not that simple.

"Is there still a *** hidden in my body?"

This conjecture made Zhao Hao's head full of black threads.

He knew nothing about what happened during this period, and this kind of guessing out of thin air was very torturous.

"No matter what, it's still important to save your life. If the little princess comes back to fight me, I'm in a bad state now and I'll probably have to kneel down. Even if she doesn't fight hard and comes back to take responsibility for me, I won't bear the blame!"

Having made up his mind, Zhao Hao jumped out of the hot spring and quickly put on his clothes.

His green shirt and green boots are still there, as is the thing hidden in the cuffs of his blue shirt.

He traveled long distances for three days in the opposite direction of A Luo Sha's departure.

"Is the inner demon so arrogant that he actually looks down on my little treasury?"

Zhao Hao found a place to sit down and took out the contents of his sleeves.

His small treasury contains a blood bead and two second-level demon inner elixirs.

Picking up Yellow Wolf and examining the inner elixir carefully, Zhao Hao was attracted by the strange energy contained in it and couldn't help but refine it. This was the first time that he had truly refined the Great Demon's inner elixir, and carefully understood its mystery.

"Successfully refined the inner elixir of the second-level psychic creature and obtained 10 points of second-level psychic genes."

A thought came, and Zhao Hao was overjoyed.

Increasing ten points of psychic genes means that Yellow Wolf will become a top-notch demon, and can be called a half-step demon king.

Evolver: Zhao Hao

Title: King of Heaven

Second-order original genes: 50

Second-level rare genes: 25

Second-order variant genes: 0

Second level psychic gene: 10

Combat strength: 2000

Spiritual power: 140

Zhao Hao's spiritual power has improved a lot. This is not the point. The key is that his development path is different from that of the past. In the past, in the first-level evolutionary world, the original genes were fully maxed out first, and only after the evolution was successful, the rare genes were activated, and so on. After ascension, he had three genes in his body at the same time, but there was no fourth evolution.

"It seems that you still need 100 original genes to evolve for the fourth time."

Zhao Hao thought about it and his eyes fell on Tiger General's inner elixir.

"Forget it, the monster inner elixir is too precious. I was just lucky to get two of them this time. I may not have such luck in the future. I refined it directly and added about ten genes at most. Why not keep it and give it to those who need it most. It can help them directly activate the second-level psychic genes."

Zhao Hao made up his mind. It was still early for his parents to ascend, but Red Pepper, Zhang Dekai and others were not far away from ascending. He decided to save some resources and leave this inner elixir to whoever ascends first.

Next, his attention shifted to the bloody bead.

Thinking back then, Zhou Xian used this bead to set up a blood sacrifice ceremony, and its power was astonishing. It is conceivable that this bead is a treasure. However, Zhao Hao looked at it for a long time and didn't see the reason.

His intermediate blood affinity was completely incompetent in front of the blood beads.

"That shouldn't be the case. Logically speaking, I should be able to resonate with blood-based things...wait a minute!"

Zhao Hao muttered to himself, suddenly looking shocked.

He discovered that his blood affinity was not at the intermediate level, but at the advanced level!

"Advanced blood affinity actually has such an operation. How did I do it?"

Zhao Hao was stunned. He didn't even understand how blood affinity was improved.

"Is it because of that embarrassing... thing?"

Zhao Hao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. After he and Weiwei had a spiritual and physical union, they mysteriously activated the Ice Affinity. At that time, Zhao Hao thought it was just an accident, but now that he and A Luo Sha had done something indescribable and had increased their blood affinity, this setting made him feel overwhelmed.

"Elemental Affinity, you should call Elemental Affinity, and you will steal the attributes of whoever you make out with!"

Zhao Hao couldn't help but curse, feeling resentful towards his SS-level gene lock.

He slaughtered a large deer weighing several dozen kilograms, had a hearty meal, and took it for granted.

"This should be the land of the underworld that Zhou Xian and the little princess mentioned."

Zhao Hao climbed up a big tree and looked around.

He was now certain that the place where birds did not lay eggs to which he ascended should be the Qingyun Realm that A Luosha was searching for.

That small world was so magical that even if Zhao Hao stayed in it for half a year, he could only find an entrance and no exit. That exit is obviously a one-way transmission, and even Zhao Hao himself cannot return to Qingyun Realm.

A piece of water in the southeast attracted Zhao Hao's attention.

Even if he was on a tree a hundred meters high and opened his Heavenly King's Eyes, he could only see the faint light of water.

According to his judgment, it should be a lake.

Zhao Hao had experienced days when he was so thirsty that he went crazy, so he subconsciously looked for a place with water first.

He had no intention of leaving the Netherworld immediately. From the conversations between A Luosha and others, he could feel that both the demon clan and the demon clan had concerns about this place. There happened to be a lot of rare creatures here, so Zhao Hao simply refused to leave and just leveled up and developed in the Netherworld.

Wangshan ran to death, and at Zhao Hao's speed, he ran for a long time before arriving at the place where the water was rippling.

It was a huge lake, and there was a creature on the lake, which shocked Zhao Hao's eyes.

It was a person, walking on the water, riding on the waves!

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