The Path of Evolution

Chapter 382: Deadlock

"Old Chu, where are the one hundred and eighty evolved creatures you mentioned?"

Liu Chongtian interrupted, feeling a little dissatisfied. Even if they want to win over Xiao Zhao, he, the captain, should personally take action. Chu Xici's sudden move seems to be overstepping his authority, and it challenges Captain Liu's authority.

This is human beings. Even if they are trapped in the netherworld, even if there are only a few people, they still retain a mentality of "don't treat the village chief as a cadre", and they will scheming whenever they disagree.

"Yeah, every time we take a detour from that place, why not give welfare to Xiao Zhao." Chu Xici said happily.

"The environment in that place is too complicated. There are primitive, rare, and mutated creatures, and they appear in groups. Although Xiao Zhao is powerful, a good man can't stand up to the wolves. If he encounters danger, wouldn't we harm him? "Liu Chongtian still knows a little about the art of language and speaks very tactfully.

"It's okay, Captain Liu, I'll go take a look first. If you can't beat me, I'll run away." Zhao Hao took the initiative.

"Young people are passionate and want to try everything. In this netherworld, teamwork is the only way to survive. Division of labor and cooperation can save a lot of trouble." Liu Chongtian quietly showed his fox tail: "Xiao Zhao, we cooperated well today It’s a pleasure, are you interested in joining our team?”

This may seem like an invitation, but it actually contains the following subtext: If you are willing to join the organization and start as a junior, then everything will be easy. If you refuse to join, then I'm sorry, why should I give you benefits?

There is nothing wrong with Liu Chongtian's mentality. He and his teammates shed blood and sweat to find out the information on many evolved creatures in the Netherworld. He would definitely feel unhappy giving it to others in vain.

Even if there are some evolved creatures that he can't deal with, he doesn't want to give them away, otherwise there will always be a knot in his heart. This is like the old furniture and clothes in people's homes. Even if they are no longer needed at home, it still hurts to give them away to others.

Chu Xici secretly cried out for trouble. He could see that Xiao Zhao's ambition was different from theirs, and he would not always be limited to the land of the netherworld. For this kind of potential stock, the best way is for both parties to cooperate for a year and a half, each getting what it needs and everyone being happy. So he took the initiative to give benefits and let Zhao Hao understand that although their team is not very strong, it is very useful.

Liu Chongtian's statement undoubtedly killed the happiness that everyone felt.

I don’t know if Xiao Zhao understood the implication, but he said politely: "I won’t stay here for a long time. I have always been free and loose, and I don’t like to be restrained. If you don’t dislike it, you can cooperate with me. You can provide I will take charge of the intelligence on various evolved creatures, and we will split the spoils equally."

"You can have this!" Chu Xici quickly agreed. This kind of 50-50 benefit has exceeded his expectations. He secretly praised Xiao Zhao for being so righteous, and then said to Liu Chongtian: "Old Liu, Xiao Zhao has already said so, let's not Nodding is too boring."

Liu Chongtian was hesitant, but the sharing agreement proposed by Xiao Zhao made him very excited. At the same time, it also hit his self-esteem to some extent. This kind of share meant that he was unable to lead a team to deal with those little monsters. He could only obtain profits by selling information, which hurt his male dignity.

Li Ying couldn't hold it in any longer, and her voice was a bit sharp and harsh: "What do you mean by this? Do you deserve to look down on people so much? Before you came, we lived a good life. We didn't have to sell information about monsters and wait for your charity."

Chu Xici almost cried when he heard this. His mind was full of that wise saying: Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

"Sister Li, it's not that serious." Su Su couldn't help but interrupt: "Anyway, we keep a distance from those evolved creatures. It doesn't matter even if we give it to Brother Zhao for nothing, why bother to say it so ugly."

"Yes, Li Ying, you are a bit over the top." Chu Xici quickly tried to mediate: "We have to take a detour every time for the things that are entrenched in those places, so we might as well let Xiao Zhao solve it. With Xiao Zhao's ability, It’s 100% certain, it will be convenient for us to travel by ourselves in the future, don’t you think this is true?”

Li Ying was the type who couldn't bear any loss. He said with a cold face: "Even if we cooperate temporarily, there must be a time to act together, right? Being capable is one thing, knowing how to cooperate is another. Xiao Zhao has a high level So what about spiritual skills? People like this who don't obey orders may one day trick their teammates to death."

Everyone could tell that Li Ying was deeply resentful of Zhao Hao for not obeying orders and escaping.

Zhao Hao's eyes turned cold. If the big porcupine had just burst out with a rain of arrows, he was not sure whether Liu Chongtian and Chu Xici would die, but he was sure that Li Ying, Su Su, and Valentine would be dead. The small distance that a few people ran did not escape the spiritual range of the big porcupine at all, and the moment before the adult porcupine released its ultimate move, he released the Xiao Zhao Fei Dao in advance.

"Am I being too polite to these people?"

At this moment, Zhao Hao suddenly thought about a question that he had never seriously studied before.

He has always adhered to a bottom line: I will not offend others unless they offend me.

Since he became an adult, he has never taken the initiative to hurt others.

To break down the most shameless thing Zhao Hao has ever done, he pretended to be a "Jiangnan Supermarket Truck Driver" and deceived a large number of evolvers by reselling daily necessities. Don’t forget, the person who really built Base No. 3 was Zhao Ritian. He benefited hundreds of thousands of people. Those evolved people who were deceived finally returned to their country to reunite with their families. The benefits that Xiao Zhao gave out far exceeded the little money he extracted. profit.

Socrates said: There is a kind of person in the world. If you don't fuck his mother, he won't know that you are his father.

When meeting people like Li Ying, Zhao Hao was too polite, but was targeted everywhere.

The humble and courteous Xiao Zhao made everyone too relaxed, forgetting that this young man had the power to force them to surrender, and even more forgetting that this young man could enslave them more powerfully, just like the second-level monsters enslave humans.

"Ms. Li, I think you misunderstood." Zhao Hao said lukewarmly: "I never said I wanted to join your team, not to mention being a teammate. Today is just a temporary cooperation. Thank you for answering so many questions. Question, in return, I don’t want today’s spoils, goodbye.”

Zhao Hao left after saying this. It was too annoying to stay in such a team, so he might as well do it alone.

Li Ying was dumbfounded. She could see that Chu Xici was very optimistic about this young man, and Su Su was also very enthusiastic about this young man. Once Zhao Hao integrates into the team, even temporary cooperation will threaten her husband's position as captain.

Only now did she understand how dismissive Xiao Zhao was of this team.

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