The Path of Evolution

Chapter 403 The oriole is behind

"The Blood Demon King?"

Ice River King's question did not receive a positive response.

To compensate, he got a backside response.

What answered him was a small platinum flying knife.

The flying knife made no sound, not even the sound of breaking through the air, and stabbed towards the back of the Ice River Queen's head.

The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

Zhao Hao has always been an oriole, seizing the opportunity to do something dirty.

If you don't do anything, the day lilies will be cold by the time Glacier King takes away the ambergris.

The Ice River King didn't hear the sound of the platinum flying knife breaking through the air, but he sensed a subtle, deeply hidden murderous intention coming from behind. Ever since, he locked onto the source of the murderous intent.

The nimbly flying platinum flying knife suddenly froze in mid-air, like a paper crane suspended by a thin thread.

Suddenly, another platinum flying knife struck, piercing the Ice River King's forehead.


Ice River King saw the flying knife coming from the front and looked a little confused, mixed with surprise at the same time. From his understanding, it was impossible for the Blood Demon King to use flying knives, so things became interesting.

As we all know, the only person who has inherited the mantle of the Blood Demon King is the legendary and talented little princess A Luo Sha. It is said that the little princess was very knowledgeable and liked to study all kinds of new tricks. Could it be that A Luosha was the one who used this platinum flying knife?

With this inference, Glacier King calmed down.

The rumors that A Luo Sha was powerful were all false. As long as her ranking on the title list was lower than his own, Ice River King would not take him seriously. Besides, when Ice River King became famous, A Luosha had not yet been born, so there was no need for him to be afraid of a junior.


The platinum flying knife flying from the front was frozen instantly, and then shattered like glass.

This is the power of the Ice River King. Before coming here, he had already transformed a large amount of water in the Netherworld Lake into ice elements. The layer of water mist that fills the island was created by him.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there are enough ice elements for him to control, Ice River King can use some spiritual magic almost instantly. This arrangement was originally intended to deal with the local monsters in the Netherworld, but now it has unexpectedly come in handy.

"Little princess, don't mess around. Retreat quickly, I will not embarrass you."

The Ice River King put on this dog-like posture and gave him a favor.

After all, the Blood Demon King has a good reputation. If A Luo Sha is killed today, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Princess, your sister...MMP, there are so many ice elements?"

Zhao Hao couldn't help but scolded his mother. Even if his flying knife could turn, it would be of no use when faced with a tough idea like the Ice River King. The ice water element in the air was so strong that as long as his flying knife appeared in the air, it would be frozen immediately.

Xiao Zhao only regretted that his level was too low and he couldn't exert his true power of bleeding counterattack.

At this stage, he has no fourth evolution and can only be regarded as a second-order primitive evolver. Even if the Ice River King lowers his level by a large amount, he is still a peak mutant evolver. There are two big levels difference between the two, and their strength is also different by a few blocks.

Zhao Haokong has a powerful weapon like Blood Reverse Kill, but his own level is too low, and he cannot be effective against evolved creatures that are too high level. If he was a second-level mutant evolver, Ice River King would probably have a cerebral hemorrhage at this moment.

Getting back to the topic, the Ice River King said politely, but his hands were not idle, and he reached out to pick ambergris again.

It is safer to get this kind of rare treasure first.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly jumped up like a cat that had stepped on its tail.

Mysterious lines appeared on the ground, and three hundred and sixty sword lights roared towards them.

The ultimate sword formation!

Zhao Hao changed his mind and used this large-scale move to solve the problem.

This move really worked. Although Ice River King was powerful, he couldn't freeze hundreds of sword lights in the blink of an eye. He could only jump and run away, leaving the center shrouded in sword light.

After avoiding the knife formation, the distance between Glacier King and Ambergris has been shortened to twenty steps.

"Since your Excellency is here, why don't you show up to see me?"

Glacier King looked at the direction where Zhao Hao was hiding and spoke in the demon language.

When the second platinum flying knife flew out, Ice River King had already determined Zhao Hao's position.

He now has some doubts. Is the mysterious person who released the flying knives and the knife array really A Luosha?

What answered him was a horrifyingly large giant sword light!

Draw your sword and chop!

Taking advantage of the opportunity for Ice River King to dodge and speak, Zhao Hao held back another big move.

Now he has a fighting strength of four thousand, and the sword light formed by drawing his sword is eighty meters long and twenty meters wide, and the momentum is astonishing.

"Come on, there is a sword light that can freeze me!"

When he unleashed his sword slash, Zhao Ritian screamed in his heart.

With such a huge sword light, he didn't believe that Ice King said it would freeze if it was frozen.

Half a second later, Zhao Haoxin was convinced...

Under the moonlight, the ice mist filled the air and quickly condensed towards the Ice River King.

Just when the huge sword light was only half an inch away from the Ice River King's Tianling Cap, it suddenly froze in mid-air.

Then there was a crunching sound, and the sword light shattered into countless pieces, turning into ice slag all over the sky.

The Ice River King broke out in a cold sweat. With such a huge and powerful sword, he mobilized ice elements within a ten-mile radius to successfully freeze it. If this kind of sword light comes again ten or eight times, the Ice River King will not be able to stop it.

He chose to take the initiative to attack, and a ball of frost turned into an ice eagle, roaring towards Zhao Hao's hiding place.

At the same time, Ice River King heard a human roar: "Take the move, Flame Dragon Po!"

Zhao Hao wanted to launch ten or eight times of drawing and slashing. With his current combat power, it would not be a problem to launch seven or eight times in a row. But there is a premise. Drawing a sword requires five seconds to build up momentum. Ice River King has suffered a loss once and will not be stupid enough to give Zhao Hao another chance. At this moment, the roaring Ice Eagle has already shown Ice River King's attitude. .

In desperation, Zhao Hao had no choice but to use the Flame Dragon Break at the bottom of the box.

A hundred-meter-long fire dragon emerged out of thin air. Without turning on the violent gene lock, the fire dragon released by Zhao Hao was only one hundred meters long. This was enough. The Ice Eagle was instantly twisted into countless sparks by the fire dragon, and then the fire dragon pounced on the Ice River King fiercely.

Ice River King looked solemn, even though ice restrained fire, it still depends on the quantity.

For example, if you throw an egg-sized ice cube into the stove, the tragedy will definitely be that ice cube...

Wherever the fire dragon passed, the ice and water elements in the air were completely burned away, and there was no longer that layer of mist within a mile.

However, Glacier King occupies a geographical advantage. This isolated island is located on Netherworld Lake. With Glacier King's strength, it is too convenient to convert water elements into ice elements. The Ice River King was so determined that he spent a decade of cultivation to forcefully withdraw the water from the lake more than ten miles away, condensed a cloud of ice, and froze the mighty fire dragon in mid-air.

Seeing the fire dragon collapse, Zhao Hao's heart was bleeding.

He didn't activate the Five Seconds of Real Man, nor did he use the Heavenly Wrath Sword, in order to leave himself an escape route. If he couldn't defeat him, he would run away... In this situation, it seemed that he couldn't do it without using his ultimate move.

Just when he was about to give it a try, a thought came to his mind:

"The Blood Charm Sword Demon evolved successfully..."

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