The Path of Evolution

Chapter 409 Evolutionary Gene Lock: Dimensional Space!

On Netherworld Peak, there is a flower garden to the southeast of the pool.

Among them there are countless exotic flowers and plants, the most conspicuous of which is ambergris with seven leaves.

The ambergris changed its place and adapted quickly, minding its own business as it swallowed the essence of the sun and moon.

Tianjizi stared at the magical ambergris and sighed: "This thing is worthy of being a rare treasure that has never been seen in thousands of years. Given time, it will definitely open up to the spirit world and become a demon king again in a few years."

"There is something in your words, don't beat around the bush like this." The Lord of the Netherworld next to him said coldly: "The solitary king said it exactly. If that boy has the ability to complete the task, the ambergris will naturally be his. If he is not worthy of his name, the solitary king will help this dragon. If Shicao goes one step further, it would be good to have another Nether Messenger under his belt."

Tianjizi laughed at himself: "It seems that Brother Youming still doesn't believe in the divination."

"Haha, the black dragon cut through the glacier to get the spiritual grass, and the silver dragon met the Lord of the Light and was free..." The Lord of the Netherworld mentioned the old saying again, smiling a little coldly: "Tianji, you are so scheming, even if you take every precaution, you will fall victim to it. Your way. Rather than saying that this is the will of God, it is better to say that it is arranged by you."

"Brother Netherworld is so willful. Just to prove that the next hexagram is wrong, so you forcefully took away the ambergris?" Tianjizi seems to always be able to see through other people's thoughts, even if the other party is the unfathomable Lord of Netherworld.

Of course, the Lord of the Netherworld did not admit his willfulness, and said confidently: "With his current strength, refining ambergris to absorb at most 30% of its medicinal properties is tantamount to a waste of natural resources. Don't forget that there is an inner demon hidden in his body, and once the ambergris power enters Niwan Palace will be unable to control it, and in the end, it may not be him who absorbs the power of the medicine."

"Haha, it's rare, it's rare, the sun is out in the west, and the majestic Lord of the Netherworld actually cares about a human being." Tianjizi laughed loudly.

"King Gu has boarded your pirate ship. Naturally, he wants to see the outcome. If that boy lives up to his expectations, I don't mind giving him a push." ​​The Lord of the Netherworld snorted coldly.

"As you wish, the scene of striving for success has appeared." Tianjizi looked at the images of the silver dragons posing in various poses in the pool and said with a smile: "This boy is indeed extraordinary. The unruly Silver Dragon King must have established a good relationship with him. The dragon blood contract."

"If the person who breaks the situation doesn't even have this ability, it's not worth your and my efforts." The Lord of the Netherworld remained aloof, and an intriguing emotion flashed across his eyes that contained terrifying power.

"Brother Youming still doesn't seem to think highly of him?" Tianjizi pointed out.

The Lord of the Netherworld said: "This boy is too weak. Others don't know the Mirage Emperor's methods, so don't you know it too? He is so weak. If he goes to Longshan to fight against the Mirage Emperor, he will undoubtedly seek his own death."

"Don't underestimate human wisdom. This king may seem simple and rude, but he also understands priorities. Within three to five years, he will not be stupid enough to go to Longshan to die." Tianjizi said, changing the subject: " Brother Youming, how about we make a bet?"

"What do you want to bet on?" The Lord of the Netherworld became a little more interested. He was quite interested in a treasure collected by Tianjizi.

"Brother, don't you want my Tianji map? Just use this as a bet." Tianjizi was very willing to spend the money and said with a smile: "You and I have a seven-year contract, why not limit it to six years? After six years, , if Brother Youming still thinks that the Heavenly King is weak, the Tianjitu will be yours. If the Heavenly King does not live up to his expectations after six years, please ask Brother Youming to do one thing for me."


The Lord of the Netherworld was simple and direct, and settled it happily.

Just after making the bet, his face suddenly changed slightly, and his eyes seemed to have traveled through time and space, observing the movements of Netherworld Lake.

Tianjizi also sensed the movement in Netherworld Lake, and suddenly laughed happily: "Haha, it seems that I am lucky. The King of Heaven actually broke through at this time, helping me to be half a time ahead."

Zhao Hao in the palace in the middle of the lake was immersed in a state of complete selflessness.

When he saw the fire of hope from the third level of the Nine Heavens, his entire concept of cultivation changed.

Fire doesn't just represent destruction.

Especially for the human race, fire has changed the history of all mankind.

From the beginning of drilling wood to make fire in ancient times, it has created the footprints of human civilization.

Until highly civilized modern society, human beings are still inseparable from fire.

In the daily life of ordinary people, the prerequisite for boiling water to make tea, cooking and cooking is to have a fire. Without the flame, human life would be unimaginable.

Fire brings not only destruction, but also hope and rebirth.

This is the true essence of Fire Jue.

After realizing this secret, Zhao Hao opened a new door in his inner world.

Through inner vision, he saw the six shackles entrenched in his body.

Every time he evolved before, he felt like he had broken a shackle that bound him. The shackles were invisible, he could feel them, but he couldn't see or touch them.

But now, he truly saw the existence of those shackles.

Three of the nine shackles in the body have been broken, forming three gene locks.

The remaining six shackles are Zhao Hao's goal in the future.

In this wonderful state, Zhao Hao experienced many mysterious things, and subsequently made some scientific and reliable conjectures.

Ever since he cultivated the Nine Heavens, he once thought that there were nine levels in the evolutionary world. Now he found that he was wrong. The number of gene locks could reveal the whole leopard. A first-level evolver can open up to three gene locks. For second-level evolvers, go long six. By analogy, the limit of a third-order evolver should be to open nine gene locks.

When the time comes to break through a certain limit, you can reach the fourth level and become a monster emperor or dragon god level existence.

From this perspective, it can be inferred that the evolutionary world is only at the fourth level.

At the same time, Zhao Hao felt a little strange. According to Yin Jiao, only second-order psychic-level evolved creatures can see the shackles in their bodies. This can be said to be a watershed between the strong and the weak.

Zhao Ritian, who was only at the second primitive level, actually saw the shackles in his body in advance.

Those shackles can be understood as a kind of restraint that limits the potential of living beings and hinders the evolution of living beings. It can also be understood as the door of a treasure house. Only by opening that door can you get great benefits.

Zhao Haofu reached his soul and used a single fire technique to attack the fourth shackle in his body. He could only attack that shackle, because the other shackles were motionless, and only that shackle showed signs of loosening.

This time, there is no burden of air compression, no pain of almost breaking muscles and bones.

Zhao Hao, who was in a state of enlightenment, seemed to be possessed by a mysterious force. Like the devastating Flame Dragon Po, the fire technique he was running whizzed past and broke the fourth shackle effortlessly.

Wonderful thoughts came at this moment:

"Evolution succeeds."

"Open the evolutionary gene lock: dimensional space!"

Last time, due to a setting error, the 96-day continuous update was interrupted. Lao Niu made a comeback and finally achieved the 105-day continuous update achievement. It has now been 105 days, and it can be seen on the PC... Time flies, and "Evolution Road" is unknown. I have been writing for more than half a year, and Niu Er Geng is more stable than ever. From now on, everyone can call me Niu Tai Stable.

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