The Path of Evolution

Chapter 413 Two Heavens of Water and Fire

A ten-meter-long fire dragon roared out.

The fire dragon that Zhao Hao used before was 100 meters long. Why is it only 10 meters long today?

That's right, the bigger the dragon, the higher the cultivation level, and the corresponding strength is stronger.

However, bigger is not necessarily better when it comes to spiritual skills in dragon form.

It has been almost two months since Zhao Hao received Xia Liuge's inheritance. He cooks with flames every day. He has become more and more skilled in controlling the fire attribute. He has truly inherited the master-level fire control magical power of the Balrog.

A few days ago, he suddenly discovered that he was taken into a ditch by the flame demon Xia Liuge...

Xia Liuge followed a simple and crude route. The spiritual techniques he created were direct and instantaneous. He was also huge in size and liked to devour his opponents in one bite. He looked quite domineering and arrogant.

And this style doesn't quite fit with Zhao Hao.

Although Zhao Hao also likes to solve problems simply and unpretentiously, he also pursues technical content. Just like playing basketball, the ones with fine skills are guards like him, and the ones who are really rough are usually centers...

Therefore, Zhao Hao improved Yanlong Po.

If Xia Liuge's Yanlong Po is a big center forward, then Zhao Hao's Yanlong Po is more of a point guard approach.

Closer to home, compared with the relatively bulky big fire dragon in the past, the ten-meter-long small fire dragon was much more flexible. As soon as it flew out, it trapped the giant wolf into a rice dumpling, and then shrunk very quickly.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The fur on the giant wolf smelled of burning, and there was a faint smell of barbecue.

It was like a rhinoceros entangled by a giant python, rolling and struggling but never freeing itself.

The constantly burning fire dragon repeatedly burned the body of the giant wolf. Even if it was a second-level demon with strong defense, it could not withstand the destruction of the terrifying flames, and several parts of its body had been burned to ashes.

Yang Dingtian and the other three were stunned when they saw this. They never expected that Zhao Hao would give up his flying knife and suddenly use such a terrifying instant spiritual technique. Looking at the current situation, if the giant wolf is not burned to death, it will be strangled to death.


Suddenly, a harsh wolf howl sounded, causing countless leaves to fall in the jungle.

With the giant wolf's body as the center, a storm was set off.

It was like a storm containing the power of tearing, constantly attacking the fire dragon, trying to break it into pieces.

This trick worked as expected, and many tiny cracks gradually appeared in the fire dragon's body, as if a rope could be broken at any time.

"Xiao Fenfen, come on!"

Zhao Hao controlled the fire dragon with his mind. He was temporarily unable to distract himself from other tricks and began to call his younger brother to join the battle.

"Come on, let's have a taste of my decisive killing side!"

Xiao Fenfen shouted in an extremely coquettish manner and turned into a silver dragon-shaped sword light.

"Silver Dragon Flying Sword?"

The giant wolf that was about to escape exclaimed in surprise, with an expression as surprised as its dead wolf cub.

Eight hundred years ago, this giant wolf was still a rare creature. One day when it went to Netherworld Lake to drink water, it saw a silver sword light and killed a high-level monster.

That scene left an indelible psychological shadow on the black giant wolf.

Many years later, it became a demon and warned its descendants countless times: Never approach Netherworld Lake!

This giant wolf, who was expected to evolve into a demon king, never expected that today, eight hundred years later, he would see the terrifying Silver Dragon Flying Sword again, nor did he expect that the target of the Silver Dragon Flying Sword would be itself.

"Chaos Blade Storm!"

The black giant wolf risked his life, and a large amount of blood poured out of his body. The blood seemed to be performing a blood sacrifice, which greatly increased its power in a short period of time.

The storm covering a diameter of five meters suddenly spread and covered an area of ​​more than ten meters in diameter.

In that storm, thousands of sharp wind blades were flying wildly, shooting indiscriminately.

The fire dragon that entangled the giant wolf was cut into countless pieces by the whistling wind blade.

The Silver Dragon Flying Sword flying into the storm was also blocked by a large number of wind blades, and rebounded violently after the collision.

The difference in level is clearly reflected at this moment.

The Silver Dragon King, whose strength has been greatly reduced, is currently only equivalent to a mutated creature. Even though its Silver Dragon Flying Sword is extremely powerful, it is not so effective when encountering a giant black wolf of the Great Demon level.

The giant wolf, freed from its restraints, stood up, assumed the attack posture of a hungry tiger, and said with a murderous smile: "The descendants of the Silver Dragon King are nothing more than that! If you dare to kill my child, you will all die today!"

"Who do you think is the descendant of the Silver Dragon King?" Xiao Fenfen was furious. It felt as if it had become its own son. It seemed as if the scars in its heart had been uncovered, and it suddenly went crazy: "Evil beast, I am The uncle will let you know the methods of the Silver Dragon King today! Take the move, the two heavens of water and fire!"


There was a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and thunder suddenly rolled in mid-air.

The heavy rain poured down without warning, and in an instant it condensed into a giant water ball.

Before the giant black wolf had time to attack, it was immediately covered by the water polo. Then the water ball floated into the air, and the giant wolf also floated in the air, looking like an ornamental toy built into the crystal ball.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Hao, Dong Qiantian, and Yang Dingtian took a breath of cold air at the same time.

This move was no stranger to the three of them.

I recall that when they attacked the Drifting Island, the Mirage Emperor used such a water polo to trap everyone in the returning team in a water polo, causing everyone to suffocate on the spot and gradually lose consciousness... Until today, a few years later, everyone is still... I can’t figure out how the water polo disappeared, and why didn’t the Mirage Emperor kill them?

What they don't know is that this kind of water polo is actually King Silver's special skill.

The Mirage Emperor had a good relationship with the Silver Dragon King back then and learned this trick.

Silver Dragon King's original moves were obviously more sophisticated than those used by Mirage King.

In that water ball, there was not only water, but also fire!

That scene was like oil in a frying pan being ignited. Just looking at it was terrifying.

The storm summoned by the giant wolf had little effect on the water ball. Unable to breathe, it rolled its eyes. This is not over yet, those flames burning like gasoline are constantly destroying its hard body.

The giant black wolf opened its mouth and instinctively wanted to scream. It was like a person who couldn't swim and wanted to speak after losing his footing and falling into the water. The price in exchange was to choke on a mouthful of water. The moment the giant wolf opened its mouth, a large amount of water poured into its mouth, and then the water burned strangely, burning its internal organs mercilessly.


The heart-rending screams kept ringing out, and Susu couldn't listen anymore, so she covered her ears with her little hands.

Every time the giant wolf screams, there is a tragedy. More and more water seeps into its body, and then it burns.

The two heavens of water and fire are well-deserved!

Worthy of being an existence that was as famous as the Mirage King back then, the Silver Dragon King's methods were astonishing.

"Xiao Fenfen, you hide it so deeply..."

Zhao Hao secretly sighed. If the giant wolf's words, "The descendants of the Silver Dragon King are nothing more than this" stung Xiao Fenfen, he would not have known that his little brother was hiding such a sharp killing weapon.

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