The Path of Evolution

Chapter 42 A very scientific theology

"how's it going?"

Deep in the jungle, Yang Dingtian asked lazily while riding a giant elephant several times larger than his body.

"The grandson pulled the crossbow arrow out of the chrysanthemum and failed to catch up."

Zhang Dekai rode a brown war bear and snorted angrily.

"This is troublesome. He has a flying suit, and it won't take long to fly back to the western ruins." Yang Dingtian said, comforting Zhang Potian: "Don't cry in despair, sooner or later he will have a flying suit."

"It's easy for you to say that none of the five of us can fly. This is the biggest shortcoming. As long as we can get a flying suit, even if it is primitive, we have hope to do that." Zhang Dekai was in a low mood.

"Looking at the bright side, you have killed more than 800 flying creatures, but you will not let go of anyone who can fly. Although you have always had African characteristics, you should slowly build up your wings as a character. I have a hunch that the flying suit is not far away from us." Yang Dingtian was very optimistic.

"Webmaster, would you mind exposing my scars as soon as we meet?" Zhang Dekai said angrily.

"Don't call me the webmaster, don't mention the past, life has been full of storms." Yang Dingtian popped out the lyrics again and sighed: "You have been possessed recently. I am kind enough to comfort you. You think I am running against you. This This kind of mentality is unacceptable.”

"I'm just not convinced! Why, why do I, a handsome person like me, always have such bad luck? The neutral ground is not good enough, and no one is selling flying combat uniforms until now." Zhang Dekai looked up to the sky and sighed, and suddenly changed the subject: "Then How is the child?"

Yang Dingtian: "Yes, he's not that greedy. He didn't take away Scarface's package."

Zhang Potian: "What else?"

Yang Dingtian: "I said Qin Sheng was at Ice and Snow Castle, and he wanted to go immediately. He couldn't pretend to be that excited and eager."

"Well, no need to say more."

Zhang Dekai seemed to understand something and rode away on the war bear Juechen.

On the other side of the jungle, Zhao Hao finished his work in high spirits.

All ten rare crystals given by the coquettish woman as a "deposit" were refined by him. 8 elementary, 1 intermediate, and 1 advanced, adding 13 points of original genes. Zhao Hao's rare gene reaches 40 points, which is equivalent to 80 combat power points. His total combat power reaches 180, which is a little more powerful.

The only fly in the ointment is that after so many days, he has not yet reached the fourth level of the Nine Heavens.

To evolve into the Nine Heavens, each level is more difficult than the last.

He vaguely touched the threshold of the fourth floor, but failed to knock on the closed door.

Despite this, Zhao Hao is still very motivated. At least he has confirmed a conjecture: after generating rare genes in his body, he can practice the fourth level of the Nine Heavens.

As long as he works hard and grinds the iron rod into a needle, one day he will be able to succeed.

Running in the jungle, Zhao Hao missed the black handsome and the warg very much.

To be fair, mounts in the mountains are much faster than humans walking on two legs.

After walking for two days, he saw a very high-tech thing - an F16 fighter jet!

There are gossip posts on the Internet saying that countries around the world secretly dispatched elite troops into the Colorful Light Pillar. Now it seems that this gossip is not groundless.

The fighter jet in front of me crashed for a long time, its wings were twisted and broken, and most of the front half of the fuselage was burned.

The rear half of the fuselage was covered in dust, with mottled rust in some places.

The interior of the plane was a mess, with wild animal excrement remaining.

Zhao Hao went in and rummaged around for a while, and found two green military boxes.

The first box was filled with canned meat, compressed biscuits, shampoo, soap and other daily necessities, including hair clippers and razors. Zhao Hao's eyes were moist. The things Bi Dejin left behind were used up a few days ago. He washed his hair with cold water and rubbed it dry... Only those who have tried it will know the sour feeling.

In the second box, there was a parachute, a folded small marching tent, as well as folded and compressed military sheets, blankets, quilts, pillowcases... Zhao Hao's eyes were wet again, sheets, quilts and other things , in the evolutionary world, it is even rarer than rare battle gear. Even F4, a neutral land, needs such a thing.

Zhao Hao has been in the evolutionary world for more than a month and has never been covered with a quilt. It is not difficult to imagine his mood at this moment.

After stuffing two green leather boxes into the storage space, his life took a turn for the better.

The sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortune and fortune.

Half a day later, Zhao Hao encountered a disaster.


There was a sudden earthquake, and towering trees within a hundred miles continued to collapse.

Two earth-shattering forces collided together, forming a shock wave that destroyed everything within range.

The overwhelming pressure swept over him, and Zhao Hao couldn't move his hands and feet, and stood there in a daze.

It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but the two pressures were so shocking that he couldn't even move his fingers.

Zhao Hao felt as if he had been shot while lying down, even worse than when he saw the police murder.

"Nima sell batches, why do I encounter this kind of thing every time?"

Zhao Hao stood there like a statue, cursing more than a hundred times in his mind.

He didn't even see the two culprits, he only felt that two powerful creatures were fighting to the death.

Bang bang bang!

There was a constant sound of powerful collisions, which sounded like missiles hitting each other and was deafening.

Three days and three nights have passed, and the crashing sound continues.

All creatures within a radius of a hundred miles were either destroyed, or they saw the opportunity and ran away.

Creatures hundreds of miles away had already scattered for their lives.

With such terrifying pressure, human evolvers dare not approach it.

Within a hundred miles, only Zhao Hao was left alive.

Probably because his body had been modified, he was not destroyed by the shock wave.

He stood there for three days and nights, unable to move, thirsty and tired, and fell into a semi-conscious state.

On the morning of the fourth day, the sound of fighting became much fainter, and both sides seemed to be tired.

The area that Zhao Hao could see was razed to the ground.

On that flat ground, two figures fell from the sky.

A woman in white came into Zhao Hao's rehearsal. The woman was very strange. Zhao Hao clearly saw her face, but couldn't remember her appearance. The woman's body was filled with boundless murderous aura, her long hair stood up like steel needles, and her eyes projected a world-destroying intimidation.

Standing opposite her was a handsome, white-haired man.

Unparalleled elegance is often used to describe women, but it is not an exaggeration to describe that man at this moment.

His long silver hair hung down to his ankles, and every strand of hair contained terrifying power. His face was clearly visible, and he was unbelievably handsome. He was more beautiful than any woman Zhao Hao had ever seen, exuding an enchanting light. He has a slender body and wears a set of armor as white as snow. Every position of his body is perfect. There is a pair of pure white angel wings behind his back, just like the son of God in Western mythology.

The man's eyes were completely different. The left eye showed endless indifference, colder than the ten thousand years of ice on the ice field. The right eye is filled with boundless killing intent, like the god of death in hell, wanting to harvest all life that this eye can see.

The smell of a man and a woman made Zhao Hao feel chills in his liver and gallbladder.

He dared to bet with his life that the two creatures in front of him were definitely not human!


Zhao Hao was frightened, thinking of all kinds of humanoid monsters in "Journey to the West".

Since animals and plants can evolve, is the end point of their evolution the legendary fairies?

This guess is very scientific and very theological.

In ancient mythology, animals can be cultivated into spirits, and plants and trees can also be cultivated into spirits.

I wish everyone a happy National Day very scientifically

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