The Path of Evolution

Chapter 439 Chaos Sutra Part 2

"The origin of this person is unknown. He calls himself Niu Taishuai and was sent from Duobao City. Speaking of this person, there is an interesting fact. There is a big demon next to him, known as Zhu Yingjun. According to my distant grandniece Hu Mei'er Yan, Niu Taishuai has a subtle relationship with Zhu Yingjun, and he doesn’t look like a human slave raised by Zhu Yingjun.”

The Silver Fox King knows everything about the world without leaving Silver Fox City.

"Zhu Yingjun? The unsatisfactory Flying Eagle Demon General under my command was defeated by him." King Dapeng snorted coldly, repeatedly observed Niu Taishuai in the projection, and said: "Can you defeat the Flying Eagle?" It’s hard to find a big demon in the entire second-level heaven. If Niu Taishuai really has something to do with Zhu Yingjun, he has to be on guard."

"Fart, it's obvious that your subordinates are incompetent and they insist on blowing up a mere human and a little demon who has not been crowned king into a man with three heads and six arms!" King Brute Force was not happy when he heard this, and counterattacked King Dapeng: "This cow is so handsome and has a weak aura. He is far away from the realm of psychics. How dare you say that he is awesome?"

"Old Xiong, you are wrong." The Peacock King suddenly spoke. She kept looking at Niu Taishuai and frowned slightly: "Although Canglong, Ye Shuang and others are safe and sound at the moment, it can be seen that they are resisting Shengyin. . This cow is so handsome. He lets the holy sound enter his body and seems to enjoy it. There must be a big secret in this person."

"Hmph, what a bullshit secret. Do you think he has practiced the Chaos Sutra?" King Brute Force snorted coldly and said with great disdain.

"The Sutra of Chaos is a secret that is not taught by this alliance. Only saints can practice it. It is naturally impossible for him as a human to practice this skill." The Peacock King said: "However, has Niu Taishuai practiced a similar skill? Does the evolution technique of the Chaos Sutra have the same effect as the Chaos Sutra?"

"It is possible. Human beings have various evolutionary techniques. It is not surprising that there are similar techniques." King Dapeng said, looking away from King Silver Fox: "Old fox, I haven't seen you take things so seriously in a long time. Could it be that Do you think this cow is so handsome that he is the king of heaven?"

"Hahahaha, you are asking in vain. The old fox has been stunned for a long time. Now when he sees any human being, he thinks that the other person is a king." King Brute Force laughed.

The Silver Fox King smiled and said nothing, not caring about the Brute Force King's ridicule.

"The calculations of the old fox and the divination of Tianjizi have merits." The Peacock King said something fair, and then said something shocking: "Although I don't know whether Niu Taishuai is the king of heaven, but I believe in the calculations of the old fox. Among the human beings who persist in their hearts until the fifth day, one of them must be the King of Heaven!"

Zhao Hao, who was running the Chaos Sutra, felt so happy all over his body.

I don’t know what’s going on, but listening to the Holy Sound and the Chaos Sutra, it feels like rushing to work while listening to the brainwashing divine music. It makes people very motivated... The Chaos Sutra, which has been stuck in the early stage of Dacheng, has broken through two small realms in succession, reaching In the late stage of Dacheng, there are faint signs of perfection.

Zhao Hao was lucky enough to have a premonition in his mind.

If the Chaos Sutra is perfected, inner demons will not arise, but unexpected benefits will appear.

Zhao Hao, who was meditating on the deep mysteries of the Chaos Sutra, suddenly felt chills all over his body and felt like he was being spied on.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that there was more than one pair of eyes peering at him.

Zhao Hao quickly stopped exercising and jumped up to look around.

He checked in all directions and found no trace of those peepers.

After a few minutes, the feeling of being watched suddenly disappeared.

Zhao Hao was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

At this time, the void scene covered another area, and the four giants of the demon clan could not see Zhao Hao's movement for the time being.

Zhao Hao, who was looking for peepers everywhere, made an unexpected discovery.

The nine-tailed fox tattoo on his right arm trembled again.

This tremor was even stronger than it was in the Holy City Square a few days ago.

There was no fighting or killing in the small world inside the Lianxin Sect for the time being. Zhao Hao lost his courage and moved quickly towards the direction that caused the tattoo to vibrate.

Half an hour later, he entered a small valley.

In an open field in the valley, Zhao Hao saw a familiar scene.

I saw nine huge stone pillars rising from the ground, standing according to some magical rules.

In the middle of the nine stone pillars, an altar was formed.

On the altar stands an ancient stone tablet covered with tadpole writing that is difficult for humans to understand.

On the floor of the altar, a pure white lifelike image of a nine-tailed fox suddenly formed.

This scene is very similar to the thousands of miles of ice fields that Zhao Hao had seen back then.

The only difference was that what he saw back then were nine icicles, but today he saw nine stone pillars.

Zhao Hao walked into the altar, and his mind was completely attracted by the inscriptions carved on the stone tablet.

The opening chapter of the inscription is quite attractive: Chapter 2 of the Sutra of Chaos...

Zhao Hao was immersed in the inscription and forgot about the passage of time.

The spiritual power in his body moved according to the mysterious method recorded in the Book of Chaos.

That kind of operation method is very strange. The mental methods of each level of the Nine Heavens are different, and the Chaos Sutra can actually cover each other and then merge. Gradually, Zhao Hao combined the first and middle chapters of Chaos Sutra into one, deriving a subtle evolution.

"The Chaos Sutra evolves to SS level, greatly increasing the success rate of evolution..."

"When the Chaos Sutra is used as an auxiliary exercise, it will produce subtle effects..."

Two thoughts came in succession, and Zhao Hao felt so happy that he wanted to fly to the sky.

Improving the success rate of evolution is satisfying enough in itself. A man like Zhao Hao, who has experienced many evolutionary failures, knows very well how valuable the success rate of evolution is.

What's even more exciting is the "subtle effect".

Zhao Hao tried to run the Nine Heavens and Chaos Sutra at the same time. The changes brought about inside his body made him jump three feet high.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that he had become smarter!

To be precise, my understanding has improved!

For example, he spent ten days in seclusion at the Duobao Inn, integrating various fire-based spiritual arts, which made his head grow bigger. When he opened his eyes, he was overwhelmed. He couldn't understand some complicated problems, let alone understand them. solved. But now, while running the new version of the SS-level Chaos Sutra, something incredible happened. The problems that troubled Zhao Hao before became very simple. He saw the essence of the problem sharply.

Zhao Hao was so inspired that he wanted to pierce the window paper immediately and raise the Nine Transformations to a higher level.

At this moment, something even more incredible happened.

In the small world, Shengyin suddenly let go of all the humans and monsters, and seemed to no longer be interested in them. Countless holy sounds condensed into vaguely mysterious notes, rushing towards the valley where Zhao Hao was, and poured into Zhao Hao's ears.

Under the impact of such a strong note, Zhao Hao's body trembled violently.

The shiver was strange and comfortable, just like... the shiver he felt when he and Weiwei went to check out a room for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, his soul left his body and came to the high-definition version of the Nine-tailed Fox Altar that he had viewed many times.

In that mysterious altar, a snow-white nine-tailed fox was strolling leisurely.

What was different from the past was that the virtual nine-tailed fox suddenly spoke: "My descendant, you have finally awakened."

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