The Path of Evolution

Chapter 442 Seven Demon Stars

Life is like that, if you can't resist, just lie down and enjoy it.

Zhao Hao enjoyed it once, and during the fusion process, his soul power was greatly improved.

It's a pity that the soul power cannot be reflected in intuitive data. If Zhao Hao's soul power was 100 points before, then now, his soul power is at least 200 points, which has been improved by a whole street, and the soul strength has reached unprecedented levels. high.

In the process, the nine-tailed fox disappeared, as if he had sacrificed himself to fulfill Zhao Hao.

For a long time, a picture was deeply imprinted on Zhao Hao's soul.

It should be a map recording the storage location of something.

"Child, go to the Sky Demon Ruins and find this place. The future belongs to you..."

The charming voice of the nine-tailed fox became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared.

At this moment, it seemed to have disappeared from the second-order evolutionary world forever.

Zhao Hao's soul returned to its original position and he looked at everything around him.

The stone tablet with the tadpole inscription turned into powder and dissipated, leaving only nine lonely stone pillars.

Unlike the Icefield Adventure, there was no strange bead emerging from the stone tablet.

Zhao Hao fell into deep thought, feeling vaguely uneasy in his heart.

He increasingly believes in a truth: what falls from the sky may not be a pie, but may be a trap.

But this time, the nine-tailed fox was completely trying to learn a new style, and gave him benefits from the bottom up. He first taught him the special skill of Primordial Chaos, and then gave him the power of his soul in the form of an initiation. This is no different from pie-in-the-sky, it’s actually a bit abnormal.

As the saying goes, he is as cunning as a fox.

The fire fox demon named Hu Mei'er is just a high-level monster, and she has already shown her cunning. As the avatar of the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor, this nine-tailed fox is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ancestor of the fox demon clan. Its tricks far surpass those of Hu Mei'er, and even surpass Yin, who is known as the "First Wise Man in the Second-Level Heaven Realm". Fox King.

So the question is, why did the nine-tailed fox send a large number of benefits to Zhao Hao in such a simple and unpretentious way?

"It seems we need to find Xiao Fenfen as soon as possible. He is better at making tricks..."

Zhao Hao couldn't think of an answer even if he tried hard, and he began to miss the Silver Dragon King.

I have to admit that Xiao Fenfen, who has a lot of routines, can give very constructive opinions at certain times.

In addition, Zhao Hao also wanted to ask Yin Jiao another important question.

No matter whether he runs the Nine Heavens or the Chaos Sutra, the recovery speed of soul power is very slow.

This is like emptying out a bucket of water and then using a syringe to put a drop of water into the bucket every day. It will take years and months to refill the bucket... This is exactly what Zhao Hao is currently in. He uses the soul power restored by the evolution technique. , it’s just a tiny drop, and I don’t know how many years and months it will take to recover the consumed soul power.

To explain it in a numerical way, Zhao Hao's current soul power is approximately equal to 100/200. He only used Primordial Chaos once and consumed 100 soul power, but he did not find a way to quickly restore his soul power.

Although Zhao Hao could still use Primordial Chaos one more time, he didn't have the courage.

If used again, the soul power will be cleared immediately, which is equivalent to the "empty blue" in the game.

If the inner demon jumped out and caused trouble at this time, Zhao Hao would have no power to resist.

"It's so embarrassing. Xiao Fenfen is so close to me?"

Just after running out of the valley, Zhao Hao sensed the direction of the silver dragon.

At this time, the Silver Dragon King was less than a hundred miles away from him.

Zhao Ritian was enjoying the benefits at the valley altar and had long forgotten the passage of time.

But the demon clan outside the valley is living like a year.

Today, it is already the evening of the fifth day that the Heart Refining Sect has been opened.

In other words, when night falls, the Sky Demon Ruins will open.

Many great demons who had been to Lianxin Sect gathered together to discuss the supernatural events that had occurred in this small world.

These high-level monsters were not only able to withstand the brainwashing of the Holy Sound, but they also entered the Sky Demon Ruins and came back alive.

The mysterious disappearance of the holy sound is a life-saving good thing for the weak, but for these powerful monsters, it may not be a good thing.

As the old saying goes, there are too many monks but too little food. In the past, at the beginning of each session of the Celestial Demon Ruins, only a few hundred monsters entered, and less than a hundred came out alive. Everyone can hunt for treasures in the ruins. But now, there are thousands of humans alive, and there are thousands of monsters, and the situation cannot be more chaotic. What kind of trouble is this?

There are hundreds of high-level monsters gathered together at this moment, headed by seven big monsters.

Those seven great demons are famous among the demon clan, and are collectively called the Seven Demon Stars!

The so-called Seven Demon Stars are the existences recognized as most promising to become the Demon King.

This is not over yet, all the seven demon stars are on the title list. Once they are crowned kings, they will definitely be top-notch demon kings!

Among the seven demon stars, there are three more outstanding demons, namely two men and one woman.

That handsome young man in silver robe, ranked forty-eight on the title list, was known as Young Master Silver Fox. This demon is definitely the top tall, rich and handsome man in the world of second-level evolution. Not only is he powerful, his life experience is even more impressive. His grandfather is the Silver Fox King, the leader of the four giants of the demon clan!

The arrogant man who wore golden armor and looked like a god descending to earth was known as the Prince of Tianpeng. Let’s not talk about the strength of this monster. Just saying his father’s name can scare many people and monsters to tears. He is the most beloved son of King Dapeng. According to legend, he has glimpsed the threshold of the Demon King realm, but did not break through to the Demon King realm. He only came to the Sky Demon Ruins to meet the legendary Heavenly King.

That stunning woman wearing a pink skirt, breathtakingly beautiful, exuding a charming fragrance, is known as Princess Fragrance. The identity of this monster is a mystery. The monsters in the world only know that she is the direct disciple of the Peacock King.

The Mauryan King was arrogant and arrogant all his life, and he looked down on anyone of the opposite sex. After living for thousands of years, he still had no children and only had two female disciples. This Princess Xiang is the eldest disciple of the Mauryan King, and it is said that she has obtained the true biography of the Mauryan King.

Among the seven demon stars, Princess Xiang is always the most mysterious one.

She entered the Sky Demon Ruins three times and came back alive three times.

There is a generally accepted logic among the demon clan: If you can enter the Sky Demon Ruins through the Heart Refining Gate and come out alive, then you have the ability!

As for Princess Xiang, who has entered and exited three times, her strength can be imagined.

No one knows how many treasures Princess Xiang got from the Sky Demon Ruins. There is a rumor within the demon clan that Princess Xiang is most likely the strongest among the seven demon stars!

At this moment, the great demons headed by the Seven Demon Stars are discussing a horrifying plan for the annihilation of mankind.

Just listen to Prince Peng saying impatiently that day: "Little fox, what is there to hesitate about? In a moment, the ruins of the Holy Ancestor will be opened. These dirty human slaves are not qualified to enter the ruins of the Holy Ancestor! If you find it troublesome , then let me take action and kill these useless humans, this prince can kill them all in a matter of seconds!"

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