The Path of Evolution

Chapter 448 The Door to Wonders

In the understanding of all human evolvers, gene locks are divided into seven levels: E, D, C, B, A, S, and SS.

Based on inertial thinking, some people on the Internet speculate that there are SSS levels above SS, but this statement has no factual basis.

Today, Zhao Hao opened something called [Sacred Gene Lock].

Compared with the previous gene lock, this thing is simply a two-channel thing, which has a strong sense of dissonance.

Before Zhao Hao could recover, another strange phenomenon appeared in his body.

A black box dormant in his sea of ​​consciousness flew into the door of wonders with a hiss.

In the blink of an eye, Pandora's box evaporated.

No, to be precise, Pandora's Box was fused with the Door of Wonders, which absorbed the functionality of the box.

"The Gate of Wonders: It can integrate the original things of the world and refine the original power..."

The explanation of the idea of ​​this sacred gene lock is very simple, but the meaning is a bit vague.

Zhao Hao felt great pain in his body, and his heart was almost bleeding. After all, Pandora's Box was a spiritual treasure, and it was swallowed up by his new gene lock. Although Pandora's Box has no limit to its tricks, it has also performed amazingly, and once synthesized a Mo Qilin.

"At any rate, this is the genetic lock that scared Ai Kun to tears. He should be very awesome."

Zhao Hao took pleasure in the pain and comforted himself.

He will not forget the frightened cry when the consciousness of Crystal God Ai Kun fled.

Being able to scare a generation of crystal gods like this shows that the door to all wonders is definitely not simple.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hao felt balanced and carefully studied the door that shone with divine light.

With the control of his mind, the door appeared in front of him, or it appeared in a new dimension that only he could see.

This situation is very similar to Zhao Hao's dimensional space.

Zhao Hao had an intuition that things could be placed inside the Gate of Wonders, but the things put in would only be fused and not stored.

He tried to pick up some stones and branches on the ground and tried to stuff them into the Wonderful Door.

Those things were indeed stuffed in and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Then, the Gate of Wonders conveyed a dissatisfied idea, as if to say: As the dog said, I am not a rag collector!

Zhao Hao was shocked. The sacred gene lock actually has its own will?

Not only is this unscientific, it simply cannot be explained by metaphysics.

Zhao Hao has never heard that gene locks can produce self-consciousness all the way up to now.

After calming down, Zhao Hao continued the experiment.

He took out a few wild fruits and the body of a rare creature from the dimensional space, and stuffed them into the Gate of Wonders.

That door was like a super meat grinder + juicer, instantly grinding the stuff he put in into powder.

At the same time, a more dissatisfied thought came, which when translated into Chinese probably meant: Niang Xipi, do you dare to get some good stuff?

Zhao Hao was immediately overjoyed. This feedback from his thoughts could be understood as a reminder.

In other words, as long as you find something that satisfies the Gate of Wonders, you're done.

"Integrating the original things in the world and refining the original power..."

Zhao Hao seemed to be thinking about this sentence and seemed to have some understanding.

After a while, he pulled out a few bloody eagle feathers from Prince Tianpeng's body and threw them into the Gate of Wonders.

This time, Zhongmiaomen's mood became slightly more stable, as if saying: Not bad, let's do a little more...

Zhao Hao kept doing nothing and plucked out all the feathers from Prince Tianpeng's body and threw them in.

The Gate of All Wonders seemed a little excited, as if saying: I want, I want, I want...

It wanted it, but Zhao Hao didn't want to give it to him.

Everything thrown into that door was turned into fly ash, even Prince Tianpeng's eagle feathers were no exception.

"Are you a garbage collection station? What do I need you for?"

Zhao Hao was angry and used his thoughts to say something to Zhongmiaomen.

Zhongmiaomen seemed a little unreasonable and reluctantly gave some feedback.

An incredible scene appeared. A dimensional gate existed in a magical dimension, and seemed to be able to travel through any space. A drop of dew-like energy seeped out of that door, entered Zhao Hao's body, and merged with Zhao Hao's own spiritual power.

Zhao Hao was shaken all over, feeling that his spiritual power had increased to a new level.

There is a poison in the world that can turn a large bucket of water into poison with just one drop.

On the other hand, even a drop of the original power can turn a bucket of water into spiritual fluid.

At this time, Zhao Hao was going through this wonderful transformation process.

He circulated the Nine Heavens and clearly felt that the quality of his spiritual power had improved.

According to Xiao Fenfen, for the same amount of spiritual power, the quality is also different. This is like the same strong man wielding a wooden knife to chop the target, and then using the same force to chop the target with a steel knife, the damage caused is completely different.

Zhao Hao's spiritual quality is undergoing a transformation from a wooden sword to a steel sword.

In the past, it was difficult for him to use killing moves such as Flame Dragon Break. The main reason was that his spiritual power was not of sufficient quality.

"The power transformed from my eagle feather in society is actually so strong?"

After a long time, Zhao Hao sighed, fully realizing the power of eagle feathers.

To him, Prince Tianpeng's feathers were both inedible and useless for making artificial armor. It was a pity to throw them away as they were tasteless to eat.

For Prince Tianpeng himself, that feather is the essence of his cultivation. For almost all animals and birds, the first thing they cultivate is their fur. Prince Tianpeng has always been proud of his feathers, and even created a unique skill [Tianpeng Golden Feather], which can fire hundreds of golden feather arrows at the same time, which shows how powerful this eagle feather is.

"I understand. Prince Tianpeng has inherited the bloodline of ancient alien creatures. His flesh, bones, and feathers contain the original power. The Gate of Wonders is a transformer that will lurk in Prince Tianpeng's feathers and blood. All the original power is refined and recycled..."

Zhao Hao slapped his forehead and finally figured out the principle of operation.

After understanding the principle, Zhao Hao faced a choice.

The first is Tianpeng Crown Prince's inner elixir. As we all know, the inner elixir is the essence of the demon clan's essence. This thing must contain the original power. However, Zhao Hao was very reluctant to part with it. There were only seven inner elixirs of the Seven Demon Stars in the entire second-level heaven. They were too precious. He wanted to keep them for his relatives and friends to use.

Secondly, the flesh and blood of Prince Tianpeng must also contain the original power. Zhao Hao was also a little reluctant to part with it. This kind of rare monster can easily increase psychic genes, and the meat is delicious and tender. It is so delicious. It would be a pity to let the Mysterious Gate be ground into powder.

Ever since, Zhao Hao made some plans and did something weird.

He pulled out his demon sword, Onikiri, and acted as a butcher, slaughtering the golden eagle.

After a long time, Zhao Hao put all the fresh meat into the dimensional space for storage. As for the remaining bones, blood, eagle claws, and the eagle head and butt that he didn't want to eat, they were all stuffed into the Gate of Wonders. .

After getting so many things, Zhongmiaozhimen looked very happy, as if to say: Well done, keep doing this in the future!

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