The Path of Evolution

Chapter 456 Incontinence, Disrespect

Zhao Hao was like a person who had been hungry for several days and got food, frantically absorbing the energy in the soup.

He couldn't move his hands and feet, but the corners of his lips and tongue reacted slightly. The subtext seemed to be: I want it, I want it, I want it more!

Scarlett was overjoyed when she saw this. This situation showed that Zhao Hao was in urgent need of that pot of pork bone soup. It was important to save people, so Scarlett put aside the differences between men and women and fed Zhao Hao more than ten mouthfuls of soup mixed with minced pork. Then, she collapsed.

A woman's intuition has always been very accurate. When she was feeding Zhao Hao the eighteenth mouthful of soup, she suddenly realized that she was disliked by Zhao Ritian.

What she was disliked was not her appearance and figure, but her aura.

With this kind of mouth-to-mouth feeding, the breath from Scarlett's body would inevitably reach Zhao Hao's mouth.

And her breath depends on her own evolution level.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Hao subconsciously sensed that the other person's aura was not pure enough, so he instinctively felt disgusted.

"What the hell, I feed you with good intentions, but you actually dislike me!"

Scarlett was so angry that she threw the small iron bowl on the ground and wanted to strangle Zhao Hao to death on the spot.

"Zhao Hao, I'm warning you, don't be so arrogant. I know you only have Weiwei in your heart, but I'm just trying to save you now. I'm not interested in you. Don't think that all women in the world like you. !”

Scarlett pointed at Zhao Hao's nose and cursed, and finally lost her temper.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fear of Annie being sad, I really wouldn't want to save you anymore!"

Scarlett cursed, picked up the small iron bowl, and ran to the river to wash it.

She filled another bowl of soup and repeated her old trick.

After feeding him the nineteenth mouthful of soup, the feeling of being rejected came back to him.

Scarlett was so angry that she bit Zhao Hao's lips and had the urge to kill him on the spot.

At this moment, the white fox mark on Zhao Hao's right hand suddenly trembled.

At the same time, a strange energy came from Zhao Hao's mouth and poured into Scarlett's body.

This was purely instinctive. The unconscious Zhao Hao sensed that Scarlett's aura was not pure enough, so the only thing he could do was to change the other person's aura.

Ever since, the Twelve Apostles automatically exerted their effect.

Scarlett lay on her side on Zhao Hao, her body trembling, feeling that a mysterious and extraordinary thought was changing her.

"Chaos Sutra...God, SS-level evolution?"

After a long time, Scarlett realized that thought and was extremely shocked.

"No wonder Zhao is so powerful, it turns out he has SS-level evolution!"

"But, aren't evolution techniques bound to each other once learned? There has never been any precedent for teaching them to others. Why did I also learn the same evolution technique?"

Scarlett's mind was buzzing with surprise and questions.

She sat up, abandoned distracting thoughts, and started running the Chaos Sutra.

One week later, Scarlett had a feeling: She had lived in a dog's body before...

The new version of the Chaos Sutra that incorporates the novella has endless mysteries, and is more than a few blocks better than the B-level evolution technique.

Scarlett was immersed in it and couldn't extricate herself. She finally understood why she was disliked by Zhao Ritian.

In the past, her level of evolution was not high enough, the quality of her spiritual power was not good enough, and her inner energy was mixed and impure.

After practicing the Chaos Sutra, she clearly felt that her inner breath was becoming purer and the quality of her spiritual power was gradually improving.

The improvement of the quality of spiritual power means the increase of the power of spiritual arts.

Scarlett was overjoyed and started practicing selflessly.

By the time she finished her work, it was already noon the next day.

"It's the third day, haven't you woken up yet?"

She looked down at Zhao Hao. The man who defeated the Demon King's clone was still unconscious as before.

Suddenly, Scarlett's nose twitched, she sniffed close to Zhao Hao, and suddenly jumped up.

" stinks!"

Scarlett covered her nose and ran ten steps away, fanning her nose with her little hands.

People have three emergencies, even if they are in a vegetative state, they also need endocrine.

Zhao Hao, who had been in a coma for two and a half days, became incontinent...

The urine seems to be saying: Sorry, I'm disrespectful and incontinent.

"Ah ah ah, I want to die! Bastard, I don't care about you!" Scarlett screamed a few times with a black face. She ran a few steps and suddenly stopped again. She seemed very entangled and muttered to herself: "Isn't it too unloyal to run away like this? He saved me and avenged me, how could I just die without saving him?"

After struggling for two minutes, she came over holding her nose and gritted her teeth and said: "You bastard, you taught me the Chaos Sutra. According to you Chinese people, you are also my master. That's all. I will do my best to take care of you. .”

Before she finished speaking, she used her hands and feet to take off Zhao Hao's clothes and shoes and threw him directly into the river.

The clear river water washed away the dirt on Zhao Hao's body.

Scarlett took out a towel from her storage bracelet, wiped it on Zhao Hao's body, and kept scrubbing.

When cleaning Zhao Hao's upper body, she still held the scene, but when it came to clearing the lower body, it was embarrassing.

When Scarlett touched the thing between Zhao Hao's legs, Scarlett didn't react too exaggeratedly. She was not interested in this kind of thing. What really embarrassed her was that after Zhao Ritian became incontinent, his anus was in a mess, and Scarlett had to reach out to help him clean it...

After struggling for half an hour, Scarlett threw the motionless Zhao Hao back on the blanket, wiped the water droplets with a towel, and helped him put on his clothes and shoes.

"This guy is really weird. He obviously has a spiritual weapon, so why is he still wearing ordinary clothes with no attributes?"

Looking at Zhao Hao's attributeless blue shirt and boots, Scarlett was puzzled.

She felt that Zhao Ritian lived a little poor, and was hollower than her. He only had a robe and boots, and no underwear.

"He is so tight on money, why is he willing to give me the Black Cloud Battle Skirt?" Thinking about it from another angle, Scarlett was a little touched, and then changed her mind: "I understand, the Black Cloud Battle Skirt is women's clothing. A grown man will never wear a battle dress even to death...oh-no, I remember he wore a princess dress back then!"

After talking to herself for a while, Scarlett realized the seriousness of the problem.

Generally speaking, people who have fainted will wake up by pouring cold water on them.

But Zhao Hao soaked in the cold river water for half an hour, showing no signs of transformation.

In desperation, Scarlett bit into pieces the last spirit wood life-sustaining pill and fed it to Zhao Hao.

This time the four lips met, and something strange happened that Scarlett had not expected.

The chaos meridian flow in her body created a wonderful resonance with the chaos meridian flow in Zhao Hao's body.

Scarlett's Chaos Sutra realm is currently only at the introductory stage, while Zhao Ritian is already at the Dacheng realm, so the two are not at the same level. In this wonderful resonance, Scarlett's chaotic energy flow was instinctively guided by Zhao Hao, making it run more smoothly and smoothly.

After a full hour, Scarlett raised her head, her charming face flushed, and her expression a little strange.

My children are on Labor Day holiday, and I want to take them out for a day of play. Niu Taiwen got up at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night and coded out 2 chapters. Have you ever been so moved that you lost control?

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