The Path of Evolution

Chapter 480 My little fish, you wake up

The old routine is repeated, the little red flower flies towards the fire dragon, and the little white flower pounces on the platinum flying knife.

This time, the two sides collided violently.

Boom boom!

The little fire dragon and the platinum flying knife shattered into pieces, and the red and white flowers in the sky turned into a shower of flowers again.

The way Princess Xiang looked at Zhao Hao completely changed. Not only was there a kind of surprise, but also a kind of unabashed sympathy. There was a hint of respect in her tone: "Your Majesty has good means. When I was at the mutant level, I was far inferior to you. .”

This is the demon clan's recognition of the strong, but Zhao Ritian does not give him face: "If you want to fight, then fight, don't talk nonsense."

"You guy who doesn't understand amorous feelings, no wonder my junior sister keeps scolding you." Princess Xiang said coquettishly. The look of being slightly wronged was so endearing that it was enough to make even a strong man tempted and feel like giving up. Any urge to protect her.

Seeing that Zhao Hao was about to take action again, Princess Xiang hurriedly said: "Are you going to use fire dragons and flying knives again? It's useless. You and I know each other well. Neither of us can do anything to the other. If we continue to fight, it will be difficult to distinguish Xuan Yu." .When you and I run out of power, I'm afraid someone will be happy to reap the benefits."

Before she finished speaking, she glanced at Yu Ziyan meaningfully.

Zhao Hao didn't understand what the other party meant. He knew very well that he and Yu Ziyan were not in the same group. If he and Princess Xiang were to fight and both sides would lose, it was still unknown how Yu Ziyan, who had gained a huge advantage, would treat him.

To be fair, Zhao Hao also has a special move to beat the bottom of the box - Nine-Nine Returns to One!

Using this move, it shouldn't be a problem to kill Princess Xiang.

The real problem is that it takes forty days to be debilitated by this move.

Xiao Zhao has had enough of that kind of weakness and helplessness, and doesn't want to enter that miserable state where he can't take care of himself anymore.

To put it bluntly, even if you want to use Jiujiu Guiyi, it depends on the situation.

When he was dealing with the White Pig King's clone, the person behind Zhao Hao was Scarlett. He believed in this companion who had shared life and death with him, so he used his killing move without hesitation. But now, beside him is the mermaid Zi Yan, and Zhao Hao doesn't think this woman is worthy of his care.

Seeing Xiao Zhao's silence, a trace of joy flashed across Princess Xiang's beautiful eyes, and she said with a smile: "Young lady, I would like to take the liberty to ask you a question. May I ask you what you think of the marriage between Lord Ye and the three princesses in Yunhai City?"

"In our human world, true love knows no age, nobility, race, or national boundaries. I don't think there is anything wrong with the marriage between Ye Shuang and the demon princess." Zhao Hao blurted out and said something conscientious.

"Well said!" Princess Xiang's eyes lit up, the light in her eyes was like stars, her beautiful face showed deep affection, and her voice became as tender as water: "What will the little lady say next? It's very abrupt, so please listen to me patiently."

After a pause, she got to the point, and her voice had the power to enchant people's hearts: "Young master, you humans have a saying, you can't get to know each other without fighting. It was the little girl who was wrong to attack you just now. The little girl is willing to pledge her body to accompany you from now on. Young Master, I will use my whole life to make up for the mistakes I made today."

This sudden and divine turn made Zhao Hao stunned for a moment.

"Bitch, do you dare to have some face?"

Yu Ziyan in the distance couldn't listen anymore and screamed and cursed.

Princess Xiang ignored her junior sister and stared at Zhao Hao very seriously: "Young master, maybe you think I am too casual and treat marriage as a trivial matter. Little girl swears to God, I have never said such a thing to anyone. Today It takes a lot of courage for me to confess my love to the young master."

When she said this, she actually blushed a little, as if she had really mustered up the courage to confess: "As you can see, I don't get along with my junior sister. There is only one person between me and her who can inherit the master's mantle. Master, if you agree to my Please, I, the little girl, am willing to make a blood oath and do my best to help the young master soar into the sky."

Zhao Hao finally spoke: "Why choose me?"

"There are two reasons. First, the young master is a dragon and a phoenix among men, and he will soar to the sky in the future." Princess Xiang bargained directly like buying vegetables at a farmer's market. She did not have the deep affection between human men and women at all. "Second," , the young master said that true love has no distinction between age, nobility, race, and national boundaries. This is exactly the kind of husband the little girl wants to find."

Zhao Hao laughed: "Princess, I think you are mistaken. First of all, I am not the best among people. There are many humans who are better than me, but you have never seen it. Furthermore, between you and me, There is no love, the conditions you proposed are just a marriage of interests."

"Isn't it love when I marry you?" Princess Xiang was confused, her expression was very cute.

What is love? Even many human masters cannot explain clearly. It is difficult for Zhao Hao to explain such a profound question to a female goblin, so he simply cuts the knot quickly: "Princess, don't waste your words in vain, take action, let me teach you again." A brilliant move."

"No, I don't want to be an enemy of the young master anymore." Princess Xiang, who made the biggest mistake in her life, made the wisest decision in her life: "For the sake of respect, I will let you go today." Junior sister. If the young master changes his mind in the future, the young lady will wait for the good news at Peacock Ridge... Xiaobai, let's go!"

There was a flash of white light, and the white crane flew over, carrying Princess Xiang into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the white crane in the sky turned into a spot of light and quickly disappeared.

"Day, mistake, mistake!"

Seeing the disappearing light spot, Zhao Hao suddenly woke up.

He and Princess Xiang are indeed evenly matched. The difference is that his Flame Dragon Break can be released several times, and Xiao Zhao's Flying Sword can be released dozens of times. Princess Xiang's red and white flower consumes quite a lot of spiritual power, so it should be released only a few times.

This is the reason why Lord Xiang called to stop midway.

It's a pity that there is no regret in taking medicine. By the time Zhao Hao understood the strangeness, it was already too late.

Suddenly, an aqua-blue figure rushed over.

Yu Ziyan fell into Zhao Hao's arms, her little face was full of emotion, and there were tears in her eyes. She hit his chest with her little pink fist, and she said with a rainy voice: "Bad guy, you obviously like me, but you don't dare to say it." , I have never seen such a timid man like you."

Zhao Hao pushed the girl away with a ruthless hand and said coldly: "Are you crazy?"

"Stop pretending!" Yu Ziyan said confidently as if "Sister has already seen through the truth": "You don't like me, why are you trying so hard to save me? My senior sister is one of the top three masters of the Seven Demon Stars, and she looks so Beautiful, if you don’t have me in your heart, how could you refuse her proposal to you?”

Zhao Hao was defeated by the opponent's divine logic: "Does a girl in heat really have zero IQ? Use your brain to think about it. I saw Bai He kill you. Your senior sister can't let me go. If she can beat her, If you had passed me, you would have been killed long ago."

"Excuses, these are all excuses." Yu Ziyan stared at him with love and hate: "Don't think that I don't understand you. In fact, you are as naive as a child when it comes to feelings. When a boy in elementary school likes a girl, he will do his best. Bully that girl, and the way you like me is to repeatedly steal her belly!"

Zhao Hao almost cried: "Sister, what-are-you are making trouble, you are very smart in front of your senior sister, why is Mao's IQ now negative?"

"It's not because of you that I can't calm down when I see you! I clearly like you but don't dare to confess, I despise you!" Yu Ziyan said angrily: "You want to say that you don't love me, then tell me, Why did you write me a love poem?"

"Love poem?" Zhao Hao was confused. He didn't remember that he had done this kind of thing.

Yu Ziyan suddenly took out a stone, threw it over from a distance, looked directly into his eyes and said: "The evidence is solid, do you still want to deny it?"

It was an ordinary pebble by the river. What was extraordinary was that there was a love poem carved on the stone.

Seeing the stone, Zhao Hao bet that it must be the handiwork of Crystal God Ai Kun.

Only those with attainments above the earth master level can embed so many clear fonts on the cobblestones, as if they were born on the stones, and they are also simplified Chinese characters!

Taking a closer look at the content of the poem, Zhao Hao felt like he was dying.

The entire love poem contains the following content:

My little fish, wake up

Do you still know morning?

Last night you said

May the night never open

The edge of your cheek gently slides down

Are they your tears or mine?

Didn’t you already cry during the season when you kissed me goodbye for the first time?

My fingertips still remember

Your panicked heartbeat

In the warm body fragrance

That lock of long hair is fluttering...

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