The Path of Evolution

Chapter 488 Potential Stocks

Two picturesque women appeared in the square at the entrance of the Heavenly Demon Maze.

One of them is quirky and the other is cute and cute. They are Yu Ziyan and Yue Rou.

As a member of the Dragon Soul Organization, Yu Ziyan has mastered a variety of methods to track targets. When she had physical contact with Zhao Hao, she left a faint powder on him, and she could follow the scent to track Zhao Ritian.

However, this powder only lasts for a few days and dissipates after it expires. After tracing all the way to the entrance of the maze, Yu Ziyan could no longer sense the smell of powder.

Looking at the holes on the ground made by various spiritual techniques and smelling the smell of blood remaining in the air, Yuerou exclaimed: "Oh my God, have hundreds of masters fought here?"

Yu Ziyan repeatedly checked the battle scene and said calmly: "A few people have fought against hundreds of monsters. One of them is Canglong, and the other one is the person I'm looking for. There is also a good swordsman who also participated in the battle. If I If I guess correctly, it should be Fengyun Sword."

Yuerou looked at the other party in shock: "Sister Ziyan, how did you see it?"

"Look at the footprints in this area. This kind of mark will only be left when Canglong uses the dragon-shaped fist's killing move. And here, there are traces of burning fire, and the stones are scorched. The one I'm looking for Bastard, he knows a kind of fire dragon spiritual art. This is definitely a trace of the battle he made." When Yu Ziyan was not talking about emotions, she was so witty: "Look at this place, there is a long and narrow sword mark, unique to the Feng family. Swordsmanship, the sword energy released will cause such marks."

"I heard that Canglong can only deal with intermediate monsters. It should be very difficult to meet high-level monsters. The three of them can deal with hundreds of monsters, wouldn't it..." Yuerou became nervous. After all, Canglong is the hope of mankind. If this kind of When the spiritual pillar dies, all second-level evolvers will feel sad.

"Don't panic, the three of them won, and it was an overwhelming victory." Yu Ziyan said confidently.

"Why?" Yuerou couldn't understand how the other party reasoned.

"The bastard I know has no problem dealing with dozens of monsters. If he loses, there will definitely be a lot of monster corpses left here. If you look closely, there are bloodstains of various monsters everywhere, but there is not even a corpse. None, which means that the human side was completely victorious and took away the monster corpse as a trophy." Yu Ziyan said.

"Is that so?" Yuerou asked a question: "Is it possible that after the monsters killed them, they all entered the void door-like entrance? The corpses of the dead monsters might have been taken away by their companions. "

Yu Ziyan smiled: "No, the monster clan does not have a tradition of burial. Dead monsters are either buried in the wilderness or eaten by other monsters. There are neither corpses nor remains of eaten monsters nearby. skeleton."

Yuerou no longer had any objections and asked: "Sister Ziyan, do we want to go in?"

"That guy probably went in, and I'm going to find him." Yu Ziyan's expression became solemn: "This place should be the Demon Labyrinth, which is full of dangers. After we enter, we may not be teleported to the same place. Please think about it. Do you want to come in with me?"

Same time, different place.

In the hidden valley, Zhao Hao was asking: "There is such a good thing, who gave it to me?"

Su Yurong said with a smile: "They were all given by Anni."

"Annie?" Zhao Hao was confused. He had the impression that Anne did not have the strength to defeat first-order monsters.

"Speaking of which, your mother had a clever plan and invested in a potential stock." Zhao Zhicheng interrupted: "This time I admire your mother so much. I never dreamed that she would unintentionally cultivate a super Master."

Zhao Hao was confused: "Potential stocks? What on earth are you talking about?"

Su Yurong smiled and said: "It's not as exaggerated as your father said. In fact, I just ran into a dead mouse blindly. Son, do you still remember that you gave me a great demon inner elixir back then. I didn't refine it. I gave it to Annie with you."

"Ah?" Zhao Hao was stunned when he heard this: "Didn't you say you have been refined?"

Su Yurong said weakly: "At that time, I didn't even think about ascending, and I didn't plan to go out to fight. I thought, it would be a waste to give me this kind of thing, why not give it to Annie. That girl suits me in every aspect Xinxin, when she improves her strength and catches up with you, she will have a common language with you."

Zhao Hao couldn't laugh or cry, but he couldn't help but wonder: "Then, how did you achieve spiritual ascension?"

"It was amazing later. A few days after you ascended, that girl Annie seemed to be stimulated and successfully evolved for the third time." Su Yurong said a little proudly: "You don't know how many things that girl has after she evolves?" Terrifyingly, she opened a super genetic lock and summoned something that no one expected."

Zhao Hao said casually: "I remember she could summon the Blood Knight before, but later she summoned the Lich King, right?"

Su Yurong smiled and said: "The Lich King is so weak, but that girl has already made a huge impact without even making a sound. She directly summoned the mythical beast Xuanwu!"

Zhao Hao almost fell to the ground, dumbfounded and said: "Mom, are you kidding me?"

"Son, this is true." Father Zhao stood up and testified: "I have seen with my own eyes what Annie summoned, and later I checked the information. The half-turtle, half-snake creature should be the Xuanwu in the mythical story. .”

Zhao Hao's mind was buzzing, and he remembered the rumor that "the king is a woman". Could it be that that girl is Annie?

"After Annie summoned the mythical beast, she laid down eight bases in one go. Don't look at me like that, it's true. There are now more than twenty human bases in the first-order evolutionary world." Su Yurong felt proud, As if showing off his daughter-in-law: "When Annie attacked Base No. 12, your dad and I went to visit. In front of the Xuanwu she summoned, the monsters in the ancient city were too frightened to move. Killed instantly."

Zhao Hao hadn't recovered yet, feeling like he was listening to a fairy tale.

"Later, she defeated a high-level monster and gave me the inner elixir. I really saw her right about this girl. She was so kind to us, the old couple, that she repaid her tenfold. Every once in a while, she would Just bring the inner elixir, or the flesh and blood of monsters, so that your dad and I can improve a lot of psychic genes." Su Yurong became more and more excited as she spoke, her eyes filled with relief.

"Xiao Hao, I have to stand on your mother's side this time. In fact, Annie was able to ascend a year ago. This child has such a good heart. He is looking for psychic creatures everywhere to improve our genes. More than three months ago, Your mother and I had full psychic genes, and Annie decided to ascend." Zhao Zhicheng said seriously: "Son, such a good girl is hard to find even with a lantern, why don't you just marry her?"

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