The Path of Evolution

Chapter 497 Refining the Soul-Returning Fruit

As soon as the gold ring was taken out, it was immediately surrounded by hundreds of toad eyes.

"Boy, don't scare me. This is just a space spirit ring. Do you still want to use this thing to harm me?" The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is indeed the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord. He saw through the essence of the golden ring at a glance. There is a joke that Zhao Hao and Guizhou donkey have no skills.

Yes, that golden ring is indeed a space spiritual weapon.

The real focus is what's hidden inside the gold ring.

The space spirit ring of Prince Tianpeng had hidden restrictions. Zhao Hao struggled for more than half a year but failed to break through the seal. Until this day, he was inspired by the words of a ten thousand year old toad.

Prince Tianpeng's ring ban was not imposed by him. The person who placed the ban was King Dapeng. Now Zhao Hao can sense that there is a trace of true energy hidden in the restriction. In other words, for those who have not realized the power of true energy, even if you have a combat power of one million, you will not be able to open that restriction.

Being able to place such a restriction shows that King Dapeng must have understood a trace of the power of true energy, and he can be regarded as a half-step demon king.

Following this line of thinking, it is not difficult to guess why even a slightly inferior demon king like the White Pig King has ascended, but a giant like the Dapeng King has refused to ascend. This big boss is very ambitious. He will probably imitate the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor and first cultivate his Yuan Power in the second-level heaven, and then dominate the third-level heaven.

Fate is very magical. Zhao Hao learned a little bit of Yuan Power from Baimu Yaojun's counterattack Yuan Power.

He had an entry-level understanding of this kind of power that was a higher level than spiritual power.

This understanding came in handy at critical moments.

Amidst the ridicule of Baimu Yaojun, Zhao Hao smiled and shouted: "Broken!"

The anti-shock energy in his body gathered at his fingertips, violently impacting the seal inside the golden ring.

The so-called Yuanli is to purify the whole body's power and evolve it into a more explosive force. As for spiritual power and combat power, many times they lack sufficient explosive power. Taking Zhao Hao as an example, he has thousands of points of spiritual power when he is fully activated, but the most powerful Flame Dragon Break he masters only consumes 500 points of spiritual power at a time. In this case, what Zhao Hao exploded was not his whole body's strength, but only a part of it at best.

The true explosion of Yuan Power is to concentrate all the strength of the whole body on one point and release it in an instant.

This situation is similar to Zhao Hao's previous use of Tianwu Ba Dao.

It's just that the Tianwu Ba Dao has too many side effects, and its grade is not the highest, so it has limitations at certain times.

No sound was heard, and the restriction inside the golden ring was crumbling at this moment.

Zhao Hao kept doing nothing, using all the energy he could mobilize to the limit, bombarding the restriction indiscriminately.

Hard work paid off, and when Zhao Hao was exhausted, the restriction was finally broken!

Seeing Xiao Zhao's weak appearance, Baimu Yaojun was shocked and confused. Now that the other party was weak, it was a good opportunity to beat him up. But the old monster is suspicious by nature. It has seen Zhao Hao's cunning, and is afraid that the other party will try another trick again, so it deliberately pretends to be weak and waits for it to take the bait.

Zhao Hao didn't pay attention to the Hundred-Eyed Demon King at all. The other party's pupil technique couldn't hurt him at all, and he could resist the destructive death light. It can be said that he is invincible. The only problem is that he cannot kill the ten thousand-year-old toad for the time being.

Just because it can't be killed temporarily doesn't mean it can't be killed forever.

At this time, Zhao Hao was happily looking at the hidden killer weapon.

Prince Tianpeng is worthy of being the heir to the giant of the demon clan, the top rich and handsome man in the second-order heaven domain, and there are many good things in the space ring.

As the saying goes, the most reliable thing is what goes into your pocket. Zhao Hao stuffed all the contents into the dimensional space, and then took out a fruit the size of his thumb.

Seeing the purple grape-like fruit, the Hundred-Eyed Demon King was horrified. This ten thousand-year-old monster has such sharp eyesight. He recognized the origin of the fruit at a glance and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Resurrection Fruit?"

Zhao Hao smiled without saying a word and swallowed the soul-reviving fruit happily.

Thousands of words are transformed into two words at this moment: Moisturizing!

The soul-reviving fruit is indeed the soul fruit highly recommended by Xiao Fenfen. After taking it, Zhao Hao felt comfortable all over and his soul was greatly nourished. That process was a bit like when he and Weiwei entered the realm of spiritual and physical union together, and they felt so happy.

The soul power that Zhao Hao had previously lost was quickly restored in this process.

What's even more exciting is that the soul-reviving fruit also has the effect of strengthening the soul's power, but the effect is relatively weak. In terms of data, Zhao Hao's soul power value used to be equivalent to 250, but now it has increased to 275. Although it only increased by 25, don't forget that there are a total of six soul-reviving fruits in the golden ring. After all are refined, they can increase by 150 points, which is enough to make Zhao Hao's soul power exceed the 400 mark. This is also a big deal. improvement.

After refining only one soul-reviving fruit, Zhao Hao immediately stood up with a great voice.

Why is this? The answer is very easy. His soul power is now full and there is no need to continue to improve. When the Primordial Chaos is released in the future and the soul power is lost, the soul-returning fruit can be used to restore it, so as to maintain a sustainable combat effectiveness.

At this moment, the hundreds of eyes of the ten thousand year old toad shrank at the same time.

Zhao Hao hadn't taken action yet, nor had he unleashed his domineering energy, but Baimu Yaojun sensed a fatal danger.

This is the instinct that a generation of demon kings have cultivated for thousands of years. It is similar to the instinct of various small animals during earthquakes and tsunamis. It can predict the occurrence of disasters in advance. The sense of crisis lingered in the heart of Baimu Yaojun, and he surrendered on the spot: "Young man, if you have something to say, please tell me. As long as you rescue me, I am willing to swear the blood oath of the demon clan and serve you for five hundred years. You and I have the same enemies, why not help each other?”

"too late."

Zhao Hao's face was as dark as water. When Baimu Yaojun said, "I will teach you the inner magic of the sacred wood," he had already given up cooperating with this old monster.

Zhao Hao pushed it out with one hand, as if summoning the power of time and space, and the nearby time and space were distorted at the same time.

The dark palace turned into chaos, like a scene from the grand period of the universe.

"Primordial Chaos? No, this is impossible!"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord exclaimed, hundreds of eyes flashing with fear and disbelief.

It has served the Ten Thousand Demons Emperor for thousands of years, so it naturally knows the abilities of the legendary demon emperor.

What is even more unbearable to look back on is that when the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord rebelled, he was beaten to the point of losing his resistance by the Primordial Chaos move by the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, and was then sealed here for ten thousand years, causing the sky and the earth to become inoperable. I can't live without dying every day.

The dark palace here is actually a small barrier set up by the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor with the power of chaos.

This kind of enchantment is famous and legendary among the demon clan, and is called the chaos enchantment.

Baimu Yaojun never dreamed that after ten thousand years, he would see the Primordial Chaos again.

And this super sure-kill skill is actually in the hands of a human!

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