The Path of Evolution

Chapter 519 This must be Madam-in-law

White Deer Hall is an area specially marked on the resonance map in Zhao Hao's mind.

The former owner of this palace was the White Deer Envoy, one of the six envoys of the Demon Clan.

Speaking of the White Deer Envoy, we must first ask a question: Do monsters also keep pets?

The answer is: a must!

For example, Princess Xiang, her mount is a white crane that has become a spirit. This white crane has multiple functions, being both a mount and a pet.

When the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor was still a first-order demon king, he raised an ancient white deer of a different species.

The white deer is not only Emperor Zun's mount, but also Emperor Zun's favorite pet.

There is also a mysterious and mysterious rumor in the demon clan. It is precisely because of the recognition of the ancient auspicious creature like the white deer that the demon emperor has deep blessings, has the appearance of an emperor, has a smooth journey, and has accomplished many unprecedented and great things.

Later, the little white deer evolved all the way and became so powerful that it naturally ranked among the six ambassadors under the Emperor.

Like the Black and White Envoy, the White Deer Envoy is one of the few superpowers who has left descendants in the First Order Heaven Realm.

According to Zhao Hao's speculation, the Sister Lu he knew should be a descendant of the White Deer Envoy.

The White Deer Palace in front of you is worthy of its name. The main body is white, and the roof of the palace forms the shape of antlers.

The palace was not large, and there were no separate side halls. Zhao Hao and Xue Qing walked in and had a panoramic view of everything.

The hall was very deserted, giving people the impression that the building was deserted.

"Where is your senior sister?" Xue Qing asked.

Zhao Hao asked back: "Female police officer, use your professional eyes to see if anyone...or evolved creatures have lived in this place before?"

Xue Qing was indeed professional: "Yes, there used to be a female goblin who lived here and left three days ago."

Zhao Hao was shocked: "How did you see it?"

Xue Qing said: "Chief, this place is very clean, someone has cleaned it."

"Your statement is unscientific. Many palaces in the maze are very clean. Even if no one has been there for thousands of years, they are still spotless." Brother-in-law Zhao objected. Along the way, he saw several clean but not clean palaces. A crowded palace.

Xue Qing pointed to a remote corner outside the palace: "Look, all the dust in the palace is piled up in the corner outside. This shows that someone uses something similar to Gangqi, like a hair dryer, to remove all kinds of debris. It all blew over.”

Zhao Hao took a closer look and found that it was really what happened.

He felt very sad that he had the king's eyes, but could not see through all the truth. Instead, his sister-in-law used simple reconnaissance methods to deduce the amount of useful information.

After calming down, he asked again: "How do you know that it is a banshee?"

Xue Qing smiled mysteriously, took Zhao Hao to a small garden behind the palace, and said, "Did you see anything?"

Zhao Hao looked at the various unnamed plants in the garden and wondered, "What do you want me to see?"

Xue Qing stretched out her little hand and pointed at a dwarf tree in the garden that looked like a evergreen tree: "Why don't you smell it."

Zhao Hao stretched out his nose and sniffed, his face suddenly turned green, and he looked like he had been deceived: "Damn, you tricked me, someone has peed here!"

Xue Qing smiled slyly: "What does that mean?"

"It means someone defecated here..." Zhao Hao said angrily: "Don't go off topic, even if it is inferred from these traces that someone has been here, it does not mean that the person defecating here must be a female monster. "

"You're wrong. She didn't defecate anywhere. She deliberately chose this place to dilute the smell of feces with the help of plants." Xue Qing continued to point to the short tree and said in a prophetic tone: "If you don't believe me, dig up the three trees under the tree. There must be something buried in the square foot of soil.”

Zhao Hao was not stupid enough to dig with his own hands this time, so he blasted out a palm from the air, causing the soil to fly.

There was indeed something buried in the soil, and there was a stink that had not dissipated yet. Judging from the composition of that soil, a lot of manure has been transformed and is now turned into fertilizer.

Seeing Brother Zhao's confused face, the sister-in-law smiled and looked more professional: "Men and women have different convenient postures. If a man is a male demon, he will not pay so much attention to details. Even if he is convenient under this tree, he will Pee directly on the tree. The humidity of the soil under the tree is obviously different from other places, indicating that a woman lived here for at least a year and solved physical problems for a long time. If I guessed correctly, then The woman is also a bit mysophobic, and she didn’t want to see the things she pulled out, so she deliberately buried them with soil.”

"It makes sense. Even the Demon King has to pee and poop." Zhao Hao was convinced this time and asked the last question: "How did you know that the woman left three days ago?"

"The smell of this place is already very weak. You can hardly smell it if you don't get close. The soil you exploded just now has been turned over many times before, but it remained flat when we came here. This means that no one has been here in the past few days. I have been here before, so I judge that the woman left a few days ago." Xue Qing said.

"666, you have a bit of Detective Conan's aura."

Zhao Hao gave his sister-in-law a thumbs up, with two questions echoing in his mind: Was the banshee who used to live here the White Deer? If it was Sister Lu, then where did she go?

"Your senior sister is not here, where should we go next?" Xue Qing went straight to the point.

"Go and see the main palace."

Zhao Hao led the way. The thing the nine-tailed fox clone asked him to find was in that palace.

The two of them walked for a long time when a silver light flew from the front, faster than a bullet.

Red Chili Pepper immediately prepared for battle as if facing a formidable enemy.

Zhao Hao laughed and waved to the silver light.

The silver light was still in the air, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Wow, hahahaha, boss, I found you, I finally found you! Damn it, Male Gobi, this maze is so disgusting. Demon Emperor, I am your sister!"

Xue Qing was surprised. It was the first time she saw Yin Mang being so rough and abusive.

Before Yinmang finished speaking, he had already flown in front of Zhao Hao, braked suddenly, and revealed his true form.

Zhao Hao was also a little surprised when he saw Xiao Fenfen in front of him.

There is no doubt that the Silver Dragon King's strength has improved again. He now looks like a boy in his teens. The horn on his forehead is not as obvious as before.

The equipment on his body has also changed. The silver armor he used to have has turned into a silver robe, looking like a young master from a wealthy family.

The reason why Xiao Fenfen is said to look like a young man from a wealthy family is mainly because his face is so handsome. At such a young age, he gives people a sense of déjà vu, which makes people think of some wealthy families in ancient times. The young master of this family, when he was only twelve or thirteen years old, would lie on top of a wet nurse or a maid, doing things that were not shameful.

When they reunited after nearly a year, Xiao Fenfen paid no attention to Boss Zhao. She looked straight at Red Pepper and suddenly bowed her hands in an old-fashioned way: "This must be Mrs. Sister-in-law. I'm being polite now."

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