The Path of Evolution

Chapter 54 Polarization

On the ice field, figures danced.

A white-haired man held a big sword in his left hand, but he was practicing a set of sword techniques.

The sword technique was fierce and domineering, with a vague power of B-level combat skills.

Zhao Hao did not let the blood-drinking demon sword swallow up the huge corpse of the snow lion, but kept it for his own use. After all, it was the flesh and blood of high-level mutated creatures, which was valuable, and it had other wonderful uses for Zhao Hao.

He cut a piece of snow lion meat and cooked a pot of soup. After eating it, his blood boiled.

As calculated by his high-end mathematics, the blood of advanced mutated creatures can increase 9 points of combat skill evolution energy after practicing the sword once.

What he didn't expect was that the abundant and powerful blood was enough for him to practice sword practice five times.

After eating a meal and then practicing swordsmanship, 45 points of mad fighting swordsmanship evolution energy were added.

If he can find a safe place and eat five meals a day, he can increase his evolutionary energy by 225 points a day!

In this way, Kuangzhan Sword Technique's promotion to B-level combat skills is just around the corner.

It is not out of reach to be promoted to A-level combat skills in the future.

"You have not yet evolved for the second time and cannot refine the mutant crystal..."

Zhao Hao tried to cheat and refine two high-level mutant crystals, but ultimately failed.

He ate the snow lion's flesh and blood, but it didn't increase the mutant gene.

Now he is sure that Sister Lu helped him cheat once.

And with his own abilities, it would be impossible for him to cheat.

"What a pity. Next time I use Bailu Xiangrui, I have to wait forty-nine days...more than a month!"

Zhao Hao tasted the sweetness of cheating and couldn't wait to start White Deer Xiangrui to kill everyone.

On his left wrist, he wore a strange white bracelet that looked more like a watch. Where the watch should have been, there was a flat, snow-white lion head, which looked extremely delicate.

This is the Lion Heart Bracelet, and the space inside is terrifyingly large.

It was a cylindrical space thirty meters in diameter and ten meters in height.

A standard basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. The inner space of the Lion Heart Bracelet is a little larger than the basketball court.

In that space were Zhao Hao's various trophies, including the snow lion's preserved body... and an armored vehicle.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Ritian officially started his life journey as a rich and handsome man.

In the ice field where it is difficult for ordinary people to survive, he lived a very nourishing life, with meat to eat and hot soup to ward off the cold. When he wanted to rest, he summoned the armored vehicle from the twisted space, closed the doors and windows and lay down inside to enjoy life, while the wind and snow were still blowing outside.

Don't be too chic on a day like this.

"There is only one girl missing in my life... Weiwei, wait for me to come back."

Zhao Hao was full of motivation, summoned the ice and snow lion, and ran through the wind and snow.

There is no doubt about the power of the advanced mutant mount, and its speed on the road is doubled.

Half a day later, Zhao Hao saw humans for the first time on the ice field.

On the endless ice field, a team of men and horses are fighting a rare beast.

There were ten people in that team, eight of whom were wearing snow animal skin clothing and pants. At first glance, they looked like indigenous savages. These people's movements were not very flexible, and the hands holding the weapons were almost frozen, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

The other two people were wearing battle uniforms and armor, standing proudly and independently in the wind and snow. They were the leaders at first glance. One of these two people is named Li Bo and the other is Xie Ke. Their battle uniforms have a cold-proof effect, and their shapes reflect the difference from ordinary evolvers.

The four evolvers fought fiercely with the beast. They were all rare evolvers, but unfortunately their suits were not powerful enough. In addition, the body that was about to freeze was not in control, and the four against one did not take advantage.

There were four more evolvers standing behind Xie Ke and Li Bo, looking like they dared to be angry but dared not speak.

These four people are named Xu Jiazhi, Lu Huarong, Liu Hanlin, and Ma Huosong, and they come from Ice and Snow Castle. Although they are all rare evolvers, they have no status in Ice and Snow Castle. Ice and Snow Castle is a place ruled by ancient warriors. There, the ancient warriors are the gods, and the ordinary evolvers are the grandsons, whose status is similar to that of slaves.

The situation in Ice and Snow Castle is similar to that in the Endless Forest. There are also three major forces. The leaders are all ancient warriors with martial arts that are no weaker than B-level combat skills. As for ordinary evolvers, it's a blessing to be able to unleash D-level combat skills. How can they compete with ancient warriors?

The four of Xu Jiazhi were relatively unlucky. Only two of them had obtained E-level combat skills. Among them, Liu Hanlin and Ma Huosong didn't even have combat skills. The fighting method of Liu and Ma is very primitive. They just rely on the power of their combat power to chop and poke randomly. It is not a big problem to kill primitive creatures, but it is very difficult to encounter rare creatures. Against evolved people with combat skills, they seek abuse and have never won. But in front of the ancient warriors, they were weak chickens who could be killed instantly with one move.

In Ice Castle, there is serious polarization.

Ancient warriors are equivalent to the aristocracy, and ordinary evolvers are equivalent to civilians.

In order to survive, the four of Xu Jiazhi took refuge in the Dragon Tiger Hall, which had the strongest comprehensive strength in Ice and Snow Castle.

The same is true for the four indigenous evolvers in the battle.

"Trash is trash!" Li Bo, the team leader, cursed and said with a black face: "Xu Jiazhi, Lu Huarong, Liu Hanlin, Ma Huosong, you four go help!"

The four of them, Xu Jiazhi, had no choice but to bite the bullet and join the battle group.

The Li Bo in front of him was a martial artist practicing foreign martial arts in China. He accidentally killed someone and fled into the colorful light pillar. His martial arts are equivalent to D-level combat skills, and he is not well-known in China. However, in the evolutionary world, he suddenly became awesome and won at the starting line. This person's combat power far exceeds that of ordinary evolvers. He was admired by others when he first came here. Some girls turned against him and asked for support to warm his bed.

The human heart is the most unpredictable. Over time, Li Bo's mentality expanded and he felt that he was superior to others.

Later, Longhutang was established, and Li Bo became the squad leader by virtue of his status as a warrior. Within the Dragon Tiger Hall, only warriors are considered elite, and even evolvers who have learned D-level combat skills are marginalized. For example, Xie Ke has D-level combat skills, but he can only serve as the deputy captain. He is often just a decoration.

"Captain, finish your work early, how about I come on?"

Xie Ke looked at the eight team members who were fighting hard, with unbearable flash in his eyes.

"Why, do you feel sorry for these bitches?" Li Bo's face immediately fell, and he said in a deep voice: "These trashes, eight of them combined can't even kill intermediate rare beasts, how can they follow me in the future?"

"After all, they are your team members. Any casualties are also a loss for our team. Why bother?" Xie Ke advised.

"Casualties? Hahahaha!" Li Bo laughed and glanced at the eight people in the battle like ants, with a cruel look on his face: "These worthless and despicable things will die if they die. How many people are there in Ice and Snow Castle? I'm queuing up to join the Dragon Tiger Hall, but after these losers die, I'll just recruit another group of team members."

"team leader……"

"Stop talking, this group of team members must be trained well. Those who can survive will enjoy the hot food with me. Those who can't survive will be a burden. I am too lazy to lead them around. This is the world of evolution, so don't talk to me. All humanitarianism is useless if you can’t survive!" Li Bo said impatiently.

Xie Ke said no more and sighed in his heart.

He knew very well that Li Bo was not a drill team member, he was clearly doing it to satisfy his bad taste. Seeing the miserable state of those ordinary evolvers, Li Bo felt very superior. Especially when ordinary team members died in battle, Li Bo would show an expression of enjoyment.

Of the eight people in the battle, two were defeated and three were panting from exhaustion.

Li Bo likes this kind of scene, it makes him feel more superior to others.

While he was enjoying it, Li Bo's expression suddenly changed drastically.

I saw a flash of white shadow, an uninvited guest, killing the beast on the spot.

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