The Path of Evolution

Chapter 547 White Lotus

Before this, the Emperor's Palace always looked magnificent from the outside.

Suddenly, a white light shot into the sky.

The light was blazing white and intense, containing unparalleled power.

The entire palace was covered by the light, and all you could see was a dazzling white light.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

On the top of the mountain, Gu Chen was looking up to the sky and laughing.

His deep eyes shone with thought. After a moment, Gu Chen stopped laughing and Yun Danfeng said softly: "Junior sister, please wait here for a moment. Brother Yu will come back as soon as he leaves."

These words were said quite freely and generously.

Guan Erye in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms killed Hua Xiong in a very short time before the warm wine had cooled down, leaving a legend in the world of killing Hua Xiong with warm wine. And Gu Chen's phrase "come as soon as you go" also means the same thing. This person did not take the ruthless characters in the maze such as Zhao Hao, Cang Long, Fengyun Sword and even Silver Dragon King and Bailu King into consideration at all.

With a flash of figures, Gu Chen, who was originally standing on the top of the mountain, was already ten miles away.

The legendary land god has vast supernatural powers and can travel thousands of miles in an instant. Although Gu Chen has not yet reached the state of teleporting thousands of miles, this ability to teleport ten miles in an instant is already scary enough.

The woman in green on the top of the mountain watched Senior Brother Gu go away. After a long time, she turned around and stared at the ancient mirror.

What was displayed in the bronze mirror was still a white mist, and the movement inside could not be seen clearly, and no sound was heard.

The woman in green clothes stared at the bronze mirror and refused to turn away, as if she was waiting for something, and as if she was placing her last hope on this mirror.

Her glowing blue eyes were like a deep ocean, reflecting the white light reflected in the ancient mirror, as if starlight was shining into her eyes, causing faint waves.

Before that, her eyebrows had always been peaceful and soft, like a quiet valley, without waves or waves. And after that, a touch of sadness flashed across his face, as beautiful and refined as an orchid in the empty valley.

Along with an inaudible sigh, the girl's murmur echoed in the air:

"Don't let anything happen to you, otherwise everything I do will be meaningless..."

The woman in green stood in the hunting wind on the top of the mountain, looking at the Emperor's Palace in the distance, murmuring to herself.

I don’t know who I said this to.

The only thing that was certain was that in that unknown palace, there was someone she cared about.

In the Emperor's Palace, the mysterious phantom pounced on Xue Qing.

There was no doubt that this was an ambush.

From the timing and angle of the phantom's attack, Zhao Hao could conclude that this strange shadow had been hiding nearby for a long time.

Seeing the phantom that completely ignored him, Zhao Hao had an answer in his mind. Maybe it's because he once had a Nine-tailed Fox clone in his consciousness, or maybe it's because he still has the mark of the Nine-tailed Fox on his right arm, so the Phantom never listed him as an attack target.

In this way, the Phantom's last remaining target is Red Chili Pepper.

The moment the fireball dissipated, Phantom immediately launched an offensive.

Xue Qing knew nothing about what happened outside the fireball, and didn't even know that there was a phantom in the maze. Facing the sudden attack, she was caught off guard and was pounced on by the white shadow.

At the same time, Zhao Hao rushed in front of his sister-in-law as quickly as possible, but unfortunately he was still half a beat too late.

The phantom has been completely integrated into Xue Qing's body. From its appearance to its disappearance, it takes less than a blink of an eye.


A strong rebound force burst out from Xue Qing's body, pushing Zhao Haozhen out.

Zhao Hao took a dozen steps back and finally regained his balance.

His eyes widened and he carefully examined the changes in the red pepper.

Under normal circumstances, people possessed by the phantom are not in danger of life. In addition, Yuerou has already refined the Yuanling Pill, so even if Red Pepper Yuanshen is slightly damaged, it can be recovered with the help of the Yuanling Pill.

But this time, things were not normal.

According to Canglong and others' recollections, the phantom lingered in their bodies for no more than five seconds.

At this moment, the white shadow has been integrated into Xue Qing's body for more than ten seconds, and it still means that the phantom ran out...

Red Pepper's eyes were blank, in an out-of-body state, and he seemed to be engaged in a spiritual battle with the Phantom.

The seventy-seven forty-nine red lotuses surrounding her body had undergone tremendous changes in a short period of time. The color of the red lotus changes rapidly, showing a pure white that emerges from the mud but is not stained. The number of lotus flowers suddenly increased to ninety-nine and eighty-one.

The eighty-one white lotuses shrank rapidly and gathered together to form a giant white lotus. Each petal was as tall as a person.

The huge white lotus was in a budding posture, forming a bud, shrouding Xueqing in the center of the bud.

At the same time, countless blazing white lights in the maze seemed to be inspired, gathering from all directions and turning into dots of white light, falling on the huge white lotus. At first glance, it seemed as if the petals were blowing in the wind. Fine pollen falling as it sways.

The Emperor's Palace, which originally had extremely low visibility, revealed its true appearance.

Looking at it, it is a huge square building with nothing extra except the floor and roof.

When all the blazing white light converged on the white lotus, the mysterious power that isolated the laws of heaven and earth also dissipated.

Canglong and others, who were in seclusion to comprehend Yuanli, all woke up and looked at the white lotus that was several meters high.

"what happened?"

Yuerou was always simple and asked Zhao Hao without thinking.

Others also looked at Xiao Zhao with questioning eyes. Before this, everyone was in seclusion to comprehend Yuanli. Only Zhao Hao was wandering around alone. Who else could he ask if not him?

Zhao Hao remained silent, staring intently at the mysterious giant white lotus.

Seeing Zhao Hao's man and monster at this moment, my heart skipped a beat for no reason, and my scalp immediately felt numb.

They saw Zhao Hao's eyes glowing blood red, and there was a layer of confusion and substantive murderous intent on his body.

Just that layer of murderous aura made everyone feel that their breath was not flowing smoothly, and they were inexplicably burdened with an invisible pressure.

Canglong looked at Zhao Hao a few more times in surprise. Before this, he had never seen Zhao Hao use his full strength. The opponent's strength was a mystery. Judging from the previous cooperation process, Xiao Zhao is relatively easy-going and not like a cold-blooded killer.

But now, Canglong discovered that he was wrong. It turned out that the young man had reached the state of restrained murderous intent.

He bets that without thousands of killings, he would never be able to gather this level of murderous intent!

But Canglong didn't understand why Zhao Hao suddenly had such murderous intent?

The rest of the people, including Zhao Hao's parents, also had the same question.

The only person present who found the answer was Cang Yun.

Seeing the red pepper looming in the white lotus bud, the boss's wife thought of Xuewei who was swallowed by the blue dome on the drifting island. She still remembered that Zhao Hao's eyes were also blood red at that time, and bloody tears were dripping from them.

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