The Path of Evolution

Chapter 559 Lifting the Restriction and Destroying the Ancient City

Zou Batian walked far away alone, with his back to everyone, his eyes staring at the direction Sisi left, and his back looked indescribably lonely.

In the open space outside the Holy City, most people were still in a daze.

Before today, these people never dreamed that those ferocious monsters would be slaughtered by humans in a short period of time, just like chopping up melons and vegetables.

Even Sirius, who was promoted to Demon King, did not take Canglong's move. He was shocked to the point of vomiting blood on the spot, and was then torn into pieces by Ye Shuang who rushed over.

The human race won an overwhelming victory, but more than half of the people were unhappy.

In fact, in the previous melee, only about a thousand people took action, while the other two-thirds were watching the show.

Because they had been enslaved for many years, these people did not have the courage to fight against the demon clan.

On the other hand, many human slaves have restrictions placed on them. Even if they kill the monsters, there is no way to break the restrictions, and they will still die in the end.

"What should I do? I can't go back to Silver Snake City. If the Silver Snake King knows what happened today, he will definitely execute me Ling Chi."

"Then don't go back. Find a way to conquer an ancient city and go home!"

"It's easy for you to say it. I have been restrained by the Silver Snake King. It is a chronic poison. If I don't use the antidote on a full moon night, I will be in agony, with my intestines pierced and my stomach rotten to death. I will go to the Sky Demon Ruins. At that time, the Silver Snake King gave me twelve antidotes, but I have already used them up. If I don’t get a new antidote before the next full moon, without anyone else taking action, I will be dead!”

"This... ugh!"

Sighs like this kept coming and going in the open space.

At least half of the humans present were subject to various restrictions imposed by the demon clan.

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice sounded: "Don't panic, everyone, I have a way to remove the restrictions on you."

The scene fell into silence. No matter white, black or yellow, all eyes were fixed on the cute and pretty girl with big breasts.

After a few seconds of silence, the place suddenly exploded.

"Moon Doctor?"

"Yes, she is the Moon Doctor, who is said to be able to resurrect human flesh and bones!"

"I heard that she is very powerful in the first-level evolutionary world, but can she handle the second-level demon king's restrictions?"

"Hamapi, don't you feel that her aura is similar to that of Canglong? I guess she has the strength of a demon king!"

Everyone in the frying pan was dubious about Yuerou.

A few enthusiastic people took the lead and volunteered to serve as guinea pigs.

Next, it’s time to witness the miracle.

Yuerou has excellent medical skills, and with the inheritance from Master Yaoling, it is not easy to break those demon clan restrictions.

There are all kinds of restrictions on monsters, but they are always the same. Yuerou quickly found the right way to open them, and cracked the restrictions faster and faster.





When she broke the restrictions on eight people in a row, the whole human race was boiling.

Including all kinds of poisons, Yuerou also found a way to crack them, giving people hope.

"Long live the Moon Doctor!"

"Doctor Moon, if you have anything to say in the future, I, Zhu Dachun, will never frown even if I go up to the mountain of knives or to the sea of ​​fire!"

"Great, can I finally go home?"

"Ahhhhh, I finally don't have to be a slave anymore. I'm liberated. I'm finally liberated!"

Some of the humans who were released from their restraints laughed crazily, some cried with joy, and some danced.

At this moment, Yuerou was simply the Virgin Mary in everyone's minds.

On the other side of the clearing, a few people were saying goodbye.

"Brother Ba Tian, ​​Brother Canglong, let's go first."

After Ye Shuang said this, he carried Sirius's body and left the scene with his two demon wives.

At this time, Zhao Zhicheng and Su Yurong were looking for Yu Ziyan, and Su Yurong asked: "Ziyan, do you think Xiao Hao might be in that holy city?"

Yu Ziyan looked at the looming holy city shrouded in fog and covered by a protective formation in the distance, and murmured: "It's almost the same."

Su Yurong said anxiously: "You are the apprentice of the Peacock King. Do you know of any way to enter the Holy City?"

Yu Ziyan sighed softly: "There is no way. My master said that only the Silver Fox King knows how to enter the Holy City. The other three monster giants also need the Silver Fox King to guide them before they can enter. Even if we just use Even if I try my best, I can't break that protective formation."

Su Yurong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "What should we do? Should we wait stupidly for Xiaohao to come out on his own?"

"That's all we can do." Yu Ziyan still respects Zhao Hao's parents, and she also wants to show off: "Auntie, you don't have to worry too much. I remember Gu Chen said that Zhao Hao cultivated the Nine Yuan Pearl . This method is even better than the four giants. In addition, with the help of Xue Qing, Xiao Yunyun, Fengyun Jian and the unfathomable Silver Dragon King, even if the four giants of the demon clan join forces, I can't help them. I don’t think the demon clan has any chance of winning.”

"It makes sense." Zhao Zhicheng nodded, his solemn expression softening slightly.

"Waiting here is not an option." Canglong came over and said: "While morale is strong now, it is better to capture a few ancient cities first and send these people back to the earth to be safe. Although some guys are not very good, but they can Those who have come out alive from the ruins of the Sky Demon can be considered the elites of the human race, and their efforts will be needed to fight against the demon race in the future. Mr. Zhao, I suggest that you and your wife go home as soon as possible."

"No, I'll stay here and wait for Xiaohao to come out." Su Yurong blurted out.

"I understand your feelings, but this may not be a good thing. Instead, it may bring worries to Brother Zhao." Canglong said with deep feeling: "When my sister Yun'er is present, I can only exert seven or eight successes. I'm worried that something will happen to her. I'm afraid the same is true for Brother Zhao. If the monster jumps over the wall and takes you two as hostages, the consequences will be disastrous."

Su Yurong was speechless, and Zhao Zhicheng could not raise any objection.

The couple both knew in their hearts that only when they were absolutely safe could their son be able to fight with peace of mind.

Having made up his mind, Canglong took Zhao Zhicheng and his wife, and some humans who had released the restrictions, and marched towards the ancient demon city closest to the holy city.

That ancient city is called White Pig City.

Most of the people who stayed behind were queuing up to wait for Doctor Moon to break the ban.

Yu Ziyan did not leave. Canglong made an agreement with her that after the ancient city was captured, he would come back to join her.

Looking at Gu Chen in the mist, there was a heaviness in the depths of Yu Ziyan's gorgeous eyes.

She did not say the full words to comfort Su Yurong before. The full version of that sentence is as follows: "Even if the four giants of the demon clan join forces, I don't think the demon clan has any chance of winning...unless the mirage ranks first on the title list. The Emperor is in the Holy City right now!"

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