The Path of Evolution

Chapter 577 Waiting for you to love me

At China Overseas Airport, Xue Qing was sitting in the VIP waiting room, a little absent-minded.

She was leaving because Zhao Hao was back.

It happened that at this moment, Zhao Hao sent a WeChat voice message: "Niu, where are you? I can walk now, come out and give me a massage."

Xue Qing's little hand holding the phone trembled. She did not reply by voice, but typed as calmly as possible: "I have been transferred to the General Administration Bureau in Beijing. I have to perform a series of special tasks. I probably won't be able to go home in the past few years."

Zhao Hao made a bulging eye expression: "What kind of special mission is so overbearing that you don't come back to reunite with your family during the holidays?"

Xue Qing continued typing: "Don't ask, you know I signed a confidentiality agreement."

Brother-in-law Zhao expressed his unwillingness to give up: "Is there any need to be so mysterious? Why don't you have any photos in your circle of friends? Even your avatar has been changed to a cartoon pattern. I can't even remember what you look like. This is also a job." need?"

"Yes!" Xue Qing answered simply and directly.

Zhao Hao: "Sister, you don't seem to be in a good mood today. What happened?"

Xue Qing was stunned, unable to understand how Zhao Hao knew that she was in a bad mood. She continued to remain cold: "No more, I'm busy. See you later."

The message was sent and she turned off her phone.

Then, she leaned on the sofa as if she was exhausted, feeling indescribably tired.

Not long after, a woman wearing a hat, sunglasses, and extremely exquisite and fashionable clothes walked in.

When she took off her hat, her long, slightly curly hair fell down, touching the heartstrings of all those who witnessed it. And when she took off her sunglasses, the look in her eyes made people wander and wander in their thoughts.

This woman didn't even have a plane ticket, but she was able to get through several shows unimpeded because she had an elder brother, a human hero who recently became famous all over the world - Canglong... With this relationship, she could come and go freely in most places in this country. , and enjoy VIP treatment.

Xue Qing raised her head and glanced at the woman, and said nonchalantly: "Boss lady, you want to leave too?"

Cang Yun sat down on the sofa next to her and said with a smile, "I'm not leaving, I'm here to see you off."

"Do you have anything to give me? Do you feel sorry for me?" Xue Qing's tone was unkind, with a slight emotion.

Cang Yun was surprised: "Look what you said, you confused me."

"There's no need to pretend to be confused. I'll be leaving in half an hour. There's no point in beating around the bush. Just open the skylight and speak frankly." Xue Qing looked directly at the other party with a self-deprecating look on her pretty face: "When you asked me not to see him for five to ten years, , I thought it was for his own good. Later, when I thought about it carefully, he forgot about my sister and would definitely find another woman to live with. And you are the one with the best chance, aren't you? "

Cang Yun seemed a little surprised: "I don't quite understand what you mean. Is there any misunderstanding here?"

"Lady Boss, I'm not as smart as you, but I'm not as stupid as you think." Red Pepper's face fell: "I'm not sure if you really like her, but I'm sure that if you want to get married, He must be the first choice. The ancient bloodline inherited from the Cang family is not in Brother Canglong, but in you. From all aspects, he is the best choice, and may even cause changes in your next generation. , creating an invincible bloodline that surpasses the predecessors. In fact, you have been paying attention to him for a long time. When you chose to teach at New China University, wasn't it just to get close to him? "

Cang Yun smiled half-smilingly: "Sister, let me follow your train of thought. I have thoughts about him. But don't you think this is unrealistic? When it comes to marriage, it is not just a matter of two people, but also a matter of two families. , it’s not that easy to get together. At least in my opinion, there are two people who are more suitable than me, one is you and the other is Anne. "

"Haha, I almost believed it." Xue Qing smiled, and the smile was a bit cold: "I will also follow your train of thought. First of all, I will leave soon. Are you particularly happy in your heart? Fortunately, A thorn in the side? As for Annie, if I guessed correctly, she either fell in the Sky Demon Ruins, or she ascended through the tribulation. You see this more clearly than I do, as long as he does not ascend to the third-level evolutionary world, No girl can compete with you."

"Can things like relationships really be prioritized?" Cang Yun seemed very emotional: "When it comes to opportunities, every girl in the world has the opportunity to be with him. I think you are a bit over the top. Far away. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s talk about the girls we went to the Sky Demon Labyrinth. King Bailu has already called him an official. Princess Xiang had some kind of agreement with him before, and the relationship is very ambiguous. There are also Ziyan, Yuerou , each one is so good, and... younger than me."

"Boss Boss, do you want me to sympathize with you and trick you into helping you one more time? No wonder that guy keeps saying you have a lot of tricks up his sleeve. If you do this all the time, he might actually fall in love with someone else." Xue Qing sneered. Get up: "If Mingren doesn't tell secrets, no matter what the relationship between King Bailu and Princess Xiang is, it will be difficult for them to get together after all. He cares about his parents' opinions, and his parents will never agree with him Talking about marriage with a demon girl. That Yu Ziyan is very outstanding and very powerful, but the two of them have a feud, so the probability of getting together is very low. Yuerou is also very good, but it's a pity that she can't fight you."

The red pepper with the holy body also has extremely powerful perception.

This kind of perception is sometimes a kind of intuition, similar to a woman's sixth sense, which can see through the fog and get straight to the truth.

Xue Qing at this stage is no longer the crazy girl she used to be. She can make people feel stressed with just one look.

Under Red Pepper's calm and indifferent gaze, Cang Yun burst out with a charming smile: "Let me just say two points. First, he is not married and I am not married. It is natural for men to love each other and women to love each other. I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. Secondly, you still look at the problem too simply. It’s not that whoever ranks higher will definitely be able to be with him.”

Xue Qing: "I understand the first point you said, and I would like to hear the details about the second point."

Cang Yun: "Do you know that after he woke up, he was a completely different person."

Xue Qing: "I don't know, but I can probably imagine it."

Cang Yun: "Can you imagine that he has turned into a little gangster who is a little lecherous and a little bit gay? The person he is now is very different from the person in my impression."

Red Pepper suddenly laughed: "You don't have to imagine this, he is always like this. He was still like this when he was a freshman in high school. At that time, my sister didn't like him and didn't consider accepting him. Until I went to college, Only sincerity can make a difference. According to my understanding, after forgetting my sister, he returned to his original appearance, but in fact he has not changed."

"I have always envied your sister, but now that I heard what you said, I started to be jealous of her. I really wonder what magic elixir Weiwei used to transform such a little pervert into a seed of infatuation." The boss's smile became a little... Very bitter, with helplessness in his tone.

Next, the gloating person turned into Red Pepper: "It seems that you have hit a wall. You have had problems getting along with him recently, right?"

"Yes." The landlady admitted generously, and then told a sad story: "He teased me a few days ago, and I said that if you want to pursue me, you should be sincere. At that time, I thought He would climb up the pole and say some sweet words to fool me, or lie to me with false promises. But he didn't. He lay in a daze for a long time, saying that he hadn't figured out how to start his second spring, and I haven’t thought about what kind of sincerity I should show.”

Xue Qing frowned slightly: "What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that even if he has forgotten your sister, even if he has plans to start over, it does not mean that he is close to talking about marriage. He has not adjusted himself well and has not thought about it well. What kind of posture should he use to face all kinds of women around him? When he really finds the girl who can rekindle his passion, it may be ten or eight years later. By then, you and I will be old. "

When the boss lady said this, she sighed quietly: "You and I both know that he doesn't seem that smart, but he always has his own opinions. The tricks you mentioned may not be effective for him, but it can easily cause counter-effects. When he When you really make a choice, no one can stop it. I don’t agree with the candidate list you made because I firmly believe that human emotions are too unpredictable. It is very likely that I will get married with him in the future. It’s a woman we don’t know. So please don’t be so hostile to me, it’s meaningless.”

Xue Qing fell into deep thought and found that she could not refute Cang Yun's speculation.

After a moment, she stood up and said, "It's time for me to go."

This girl who turned into a beautiful eighteen-year-old girl dragged her suitcase and left her hometown in this way, leaving behind the people she wanted to see but could not see.

Cang Yun watched the other party leave, but she did not leave, sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Xue Qing wore a sun hat, sunglasses and a mask and boarded the plane smoothly.

This kind of attire makes her unrecognizable to ordinary people and prevents ordinary people from seeing her tears.

Through the window, she took one last look at Zhonghai, the city where she, her sister, and Zhao Hao were born and raised.

It was a little difficult for the plane to take off today, maybe because she was in a heavy mood.

Amidst the violent roar of the plane as it took off, Xue Qing's small mouth hidden in the mask whispered repeatedly in a voice so subtle that she couldn't even hear it:

"Actually, I'm not that great. I left not only for your recovery, but also for myself."

"I still don't know if I really like you. Maybe it's good to leave for a while. Time can test many things. In two years, my feelings will tell me truly whether I have any love in my heart. you."

"What about you? I really want to know, will there be a day when you will suddenly think of me?"

"I want to give you a few years, and also give myself a few years. I'm not worried about the boss lady or other women at all, I'm just afraid that you never have me in your heart. If you really forget your sister, if you really The decision has started again, if you still have me in your heart...I will wait for you in the capital, waiting for you to come to me."

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