The Path of Evolution

Chapter 580 Exposed

When I was closest to him, the distance between us was only 0.01 centimeters.

——Wong Kar-wai, "Chungking Express".

This line from the movie back then was regarded as a classic by many movie fans. This line doesn't have too deep meaning, it just makes people feel very cool, very Wong Kar-Wai, and very artistic. Wong Kar-Wai can often create such tasteless and meaningless lines, which leaves a deep impression on people.

When Bao Lu was closest to Zhao Hao, the distance between her and him was only 0.01 centimeters.

As she grew older, she gradually understood that that 0.01 centimeter was not a numerical distance, but a destined separation.

Two people who were once very close to each other could not be together in the end.

She didn't delete Zhao Hao, just to commemorate the 0.01 centimeter relationship.

She knew ten years ago that she had no future with him, and all that was left were memories.

She knew five years ago that she and he might never meet again in their lifetime.

But today, she picked up one of the mobile phones and suddenly lamented that her fate was so bizarre.

The spare phone contained records of people she had not contacted for many years, and many times she herself forgot the existence of that phone.

"Little Fairy Lu, how are you doing?"

Seeing this message, Bao Lu was in a daze for a few seconds.

She was at a loss, unsure whether it was fate or fate.

As her experience grows and she has been tempered by life, she is more willing to believe that this is a prank. A year ago, she saw in the news that there were clues indicating that the man was dead, and there was even a rumor on the Internet that the man was so dead that he could never die again.

She had attended his funeral. Some enthusiastic netizens organized an "online funeral" to build a tomb for Zhao Ritian, the idol of a generation.

A few minutes later, a short video was sent.

The person in the video was jumping around so much that her memories that had been dusty for many years also jumped around and suddenly became vivid.

I don’t know if he is too beautified, but his face looks a little pale in the video, and he has a sense of déjà vu as he is recovering from a serious illness.

The years have still left traces on his face. He looks very different from when he was in junior high school, and also different from the cold look he had when he challenged Xue Gucheng a few years ago. What remains unchanged is that bright smile and the twinkling sunshine in those eyes.

At first she tried to tell from the outline, was it him?

The 45-degree profile of the face with the emphasis on it made it difficult for her to distinguish.

Until I saw his eyes, the phone fell to the ground with a bang.

"He is still alive..."

"This scourge, I knew he wouldn't die..."

She didn't seem to notice that she dropped her phone. She stood there blankly, muttering to herself, and tears quietly rolled down from her eyes.

She didn't understand what kind of mental state she was in now. After that heartbreaking cry twelve years ago, she told herself never to cry for him. She did a great job. For more than ten years, she didn't even cry for any man, let alone cry for him.

But today, it was just confirmed that he was still alive, and the tears fell so unsatisfactorily.

Several consecutive notification sounds of received messages woke her up from her memory.

She bent down to pick up the phone, but suddenly her center of gravity lost balance and she fell to the ground.

Not paying attention to her scratched and aching knees, she just sat on the ground in her nightgown, holding the phone as if she were holding the whole world.

"Did you see it? It's definitely alive. It can jump better than Pippi shrimp."

"Please pay attention to the 45 degrees to my left. Do you remember the 45 degrees Takeshi Kaneshiro on the shore of Daming Lake?"

"Speaking of which, you came up with the nickname. Originally, I always thought I was Beckham Thirty-Six Degrees."

Zhao Hao sent three messages in succession, which caused unexpected effects.

Bao Lu, who was crying, sat on the ground and suddenly giggled.

Just keeping crying and laughing, my thoughts were pulled into the memories of adolescence.

Zhao Hao sent another message: "Give me some reaction. Are you busy? I'll withdraw first."

"No, I'm not busy." Bao Lu quickly replied. After stabilizing his morale, he continued to type: "Answer me first, how did you survive? Many people on the Internet have said that you are dead in the past two years. There are some expert analyzes on TV, saying that the probability of your death is as high as 90%."

"Damn it, you believe what the Zhuan family says." Zhao Hao sent a contemptuous chat emoticon, and then sent a cool emoticon wearing sunglasses: "I'm not bragging to you, there is nothing that can kill me in the evolutionary world. several."

Bao Lu simply stopped typing and sent a voice message very elegantly: "Hey, if I give you some color, you dare to open a dyeing workshop. Who are you 'brother'? You are one year younger than me. Who did you think back then?" You call me senior sister. What did you say that time you tricked me into going to the Internet cafe to redeem your life? Sister, you are my biological sister. From now on, my brother’s life will be left to you... Is there such a thing? What's going on?"

In the ward, Zhao Hao listened to the soft voice that had become mature and still somewhat familiar. His old face showed a bit of sadness and a bit of worry.

Back then, he was playing Fantasy Westward Journey in a black Internet cafe that did not require an ID card. He became obsessed and played for two more hours. When he left, he realized that he didn't have enough money. In desperation, he borrowed the network administrator's mobile phone to call Bao Lu. It didn't take long for the girl to come to help him "redeemed."

The years are fleeting, and how many years are understated.

Recalling the heavy regrets, Zhao Hao found that once the distant memories in his life were revived, it would not be so easy.

He ran over and grabbed a cigarette from Qin Sheng, then jumped on the bed and continued typing and chatting.

Qin Sheng was playing with his phone boredly, paying attention to Fa Xiao's updates from time to time.

To be honest, Director Qin was more emotional than Zhao Hao. He had not seen Zhao Hao like this for many years.

After chatting for less than twenty minutes, Zhao Hao sometimes showed a sullen expression, sometimes looked at the phone and smiled silly, and sometimes looked sighing and sighing.

Anyone who has been there can see that this is a common characteristic of naughty children in love.

Zhao Hao doesn't like to speak. He is used to typing loudly, showing off his hand speed and unicorn arms: "Don't worry about these details, I just say brother. It's boring for you to go online like this. Why don't we chat about something interesting?" topic."

Bao Lu said simply: "Okay, I don't care about the details. I happen to have an interesting topic, and I was about to ask you, why did you suddenly think of contacting me?"

This question is both simple and complex, making it difficult to answer.

If Qin Sheng was sitting nearby and watching, he would definitely advise Zhao Hao to slow down and not answer too harshly, otherwise it would be easy to fall into an awkward conversation.

The reason why Zhao Hao didn't let the little onlookers watch was because he wanted to show his position as an adult: I have the final say in my feelings.

As you know, Zhao Ritian likes to be upfront.

His answer didn't seem very professional, but was forceful and direct: "I miss you."

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