The Path of Evolution

Chapter 582 The value of existence

According to Carnegie, the meaning of human existence is to embody a kind of self-worth.

The most intuitive way to reflect your self-worth is to let others remember you.

Great figures throughout the ages are remembered by the world, such as Emperor Qin, Emperor Wu of Han, and Napoleon Marx. Their names have long been recorded in history.

For ordinary people, it is too difficult to write their names into the history books. So many people settle for the second best, hoping to be remembered by those around them. Most of them want to be remembered by the person they care about.

There is a lyrics like this: Is there such a song that will suddenly make you think of me?

After carefully considering the lyrics, it is not difficult to find that human beings long to be remembered by another person through some kind of medium.

For twelve years, every time it was his birthday, Bao Lu would always log in to the QQ he registered in junior high school, hoping to receive birthday wishes from that person, even if it was just the simplest happy birthday.

Sadly, this blessing never came.

Later, QQ opened an automatic blessing function. The system will give birthday reminders. With just one click, you can send blessings to all friends who have birthdays in a certain period of time. At that time, Bao Lu's heart was filled with ashes. She was thinking, would that person be mean one day and click to send a blessing?

It is still a pity that this kind of blessing that can be sent with just one click has still not appeared.

Bao Lu has given up. Regarding birthday wishes, she sheds tears no matter how much she talks about them.

Just when she thought she had completely forgotten that person, news came, Zhao Ritian vs. Xue Gucheng!

She thought it was just a person with the same name, but later when she watched the live broadcast, it turned out to be that boy, who turned into ashes and knew him!

In that battle, Zhao Ritian single-handedly defeated Xue Gucheng and became famous all over the world.

Bao Lu wanted to avoid the topic about him, but he couldn't avoid it at all. During that time, people all over the country were discussing him, and even people all over the world were discussing him... Under such historical conditions, Bao Lu could not avoid it. Passively receiving all kinds of news about him.

She simply did not avoid it, followed the trend of the times, and learned about him through various channels.

Not long after, that man laid down Base No. 6 and once again caused a sensation in the world.

Bao Lu, who originally planned to talk to him about old times, forcibly killed the plan.

These days, even the aunts who sweep the streets know how rich the people who own a shop in the evolution base are. Not to mention the wealth of those who have established an evolutionary base is simply unimaginable. Years of experience made Bao Lu realize that she and he were already people in two different worlds.

In her opinion, when he defeated Xue Gucheng, he was just a master of a gang, and he may not have much wealth or status. Going to find him by yourself can also be understood as reminiscing with old classmates. And when he laid down base No. 6 and came to visit him again, he would be suspected of being a favor, just like a poor relative looking for his wealthy cousin.

Although Bao Lu is a KTV worker, she is also a KTV worker with integrity.

After much thought, she did not go to him.

However, she didn't stop paying attention to him.

There is a group of people on the Evolutionary Forum who specialize in studying the emotional lives of famous Evolutionaries. Several experts analyzed Zhao Ritian's love history in detail, and Bao Lu got involved and learned about his love story. It turns out that he has only had one girlfriend. According to the speculations of the data emperors on the forum, his girlfriend Xuewei has a 48.326% chance of rising in the rankings, and a 51.658% chance of dying young.

No matter which conclusion is made, it illustrates the reality: Zhao Ritian is a single dog.

At that time, there were many girls on the Internet who came forward to fill Brother Ritian’s emotional void with their bodies.

All the girls failed to succeed. Some people suspected that Brother Ritian was frigid or had been cheated on. Some rotten girls even forced Zhao Ritian and Fengyunjian to form a couple.

Bao Lu never thought about filling that gap. She often wondered: What did he experience in the evolutionary world?

Following this line of thought, she expanded: If Xuewei really died, how would he live in the future? Will he die alone?

She didn't find the answer, but she gave up completely.

Because she was sure that Zhao Hao in this state would not think of her, and there seemed to be no reason to think of her again.

"One day when you are old and return to your hometown, go to our school and think back to your classmates, will you think of me?"

"It's a pity that the black Internet cafe has closed down. Otherwise, when you pass by there, you should be able to think of me, right?"

This is Bao Lu's only thought.

She often laughed at herself that she would only be thought of by that person at such insignificant times.

Fate is unpredictable.

The so-called accident means that something suddenly happens when you are unprepared.

Bao Lu never expected that Zhao Hao would contact him, and it would be an outdated QQ chat method.

She never expected that Zhao Hao would express his feelings so straightforwardly: "I miss you."

The only thing she could think of was that Zhao Hao still remembered her, and even remembered what her father did back then.

Many times, a person's sadness comes very suddenly, and a person's happiness also comes very suddenly.

Bao Lu couldn't help but become happy, hopelessly happy.

The source of this joy is simply that she is remembered by someone.

When you see this, do you think it’s very relevant?

As mentioned at the beginning, the meaning of human existence is to embody a kind of self-worth.

Bao Lu now feels that her life is particularly valuable because Zhao Hao still remembers her.

She rolled around on the ground happily, forgetting the passage of time.

This made Zhao Hao very worried, and he sent three messages in succession.

"Are you angry? You are destined to be the eldest woman. You are tougher than the men of One Piece. You can't bear this little blow."

"How about you give me a good beating? If it doesn't work, you can let me pick up the soap. Can you please stop being so cold-hearted?"

"Hey, it seems I said the wrong thing again. Saorui, I admire Saorui, goodbye."

Zhao Hao sent these three messages, but there was no follow-up.

Bao Lu, who had been rolling around happily for a few times, suddenly became unhappy. He grabbed his phone and cursed: "Sorui, you uncle, it's amazing that you can speak two sentences in English. Your second suggestion is not bad, let me beat you up." , I really want to see what kind of virtue you have in picking up soap."

Zhao Hao quickly responded: "Just beat me, no one is afraid of whom. Come on, come and beat me."

"Bitch, don't let me catch you!" Bao Lu yelled. Back then, Zhao Hao could run faster than a rabbit. Every time he provoked her, he would run away. Old and new hatreds welled up in his heart, and Bao Lu couldn't bear it anymore: "Who can't talk nonsense? If you're a man, don't talk nonsense. If you dare to stand in front of me and say these things, I will admit that you have the guts!"

Zhao Hao: "Girl, just wait for me, I will kill you today."

Bao Lu sent a contemptuous chat emoticon and sent a voice message with a cold snort: "Idiot, after so many years, you are still hopelessly stupid. Your brain has grown into your muscles. You still kill me and kill me. You Do you know where I am?"

This is a very realistic topic. Zhao Hao realized that he was really stupid, but how could a man show weakness at this time, so he coaxed: "Don't care where you are, you can't run away today, do you dare?" Send me your location?"

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