The Path of Evolution

Chapter 593 Can you be more impulsive?

"Huang Mao, take this bitch away!"

The yellow-haired young man sitting on the sofa in the box, who was drinking with his head down, immediately stood up and was ready to kidnap Bao Lu by force.

The moment Huang Mao stood up, his aura surged, exuding the mutant-level "powerful aura" familiar to the general public.


"Please, no!"

The girls huddled in the corner screamed and turned pale with fear.

To them, first-order mutant evolvers like Huang Mao were already extremely powerful masters, masters, masters.

Bao Lu also lost her beauty. She was unlucky and failed to evolve once, and now she is just a primitive evolver.

When it comes to using force, she is definitely no match.

She regretted not asking Zhao Hao to come together to solve the problem, because she did not expect that Zhu Shao would really dare to quarrel. According to her understanding, if she becomes Mr. Deng's mistress and can fill Mr. Zhu's shoes, Mr. Zhu will not offend her too much and do things that are harmful to others and not beneficial to herself.

At this moment, Bao Lu understood that in the eyes of the mysterious Master Deng, he was just a disposable toy.

Under such premise, Zhu Shao had the courage to tie her up without restraint.

She turned around in panic and tried to open the door to ask for help.

However, she was half a beat late, or Huang Mao was half a beat too late.

The figure of the yellow-haired young man flashed and blocked Bao Lu's way.

Bao Lu was so desperate that she didn't scream for help like those little princesses because she knew it was useless. The sound insulation effect of the VIP box is excellent, no matter how loud the noise is inside, people passing by outside will not be able to hear it.

In desperation, Bao Lu spoke: "Master Zhu, you are a gentleman with status, why do you need to be violent? I will just go with you. It doesn't matter if my clothes are messed up. If my face is scratched, Master Deng will look at it." Not necessarily happy."

Zhu Shao sneered: "It's best for you to come with me honestly. I don't want to be forceful."

"It seems I can't go back tonight." Bao Lu smiled miserably and made a request: "Master Zhu, if I don't go back, my mother will be worried. Before I leave with you, can I call my family? ?”

When he said this, Bao Lu was heartbroken.

The person she really wanted to contact by phone was Zhao Ritian.

She believed that the man who hung up Xue Gucheng with one hand would be able to come over and save her when he received the call.

Unfortunately, her little plan failed to come true.

Huang Mao shot like lightning and snatched the mobile phone she had just taken out.

Then, she heard Young Master Zhu's ferocious laughter: "There's no need to call. After we leave, these little sisters will notify your family."

Bao Lu's heart sank, and he quietly winked at the girls huddled in the corner.

She has not given up hope yet. Even if she is taken away by force, as long as these girls run out to ask for help, they can still attract Zhao Hao's attention. She didn't know why, but she believed that Zhao Hao would definitely come to save her. This kind of strong trust even she couldn't understand.

A second later, Bao Lu's hope turned into despair.



Following several consecutive muffled groans, the four little princesses in the corner all fainted.

Huang Mao still blocked Bao Lu's way, and the person who took action was Mr. Zhu.

Young Master Zhu is a rare evolver, not a strong one, but he is much more powerful than those girls. Moreover, this Young Master Zhu also specially learned a set of combat skills that could knock people unconscious without killing anyone. With this unique skill, he once knocked out several beauties and did indescribable things.

Mr. Zhu, who usually looks like a fool, showed the experience of an experienced driver at this moment. He placed the four girls on the sofa, making them look like they had drunk too much and fell asleep. Then he glanced at Bao Lu meaningfully, as if he had read through Bao Lu's thoughts, and smiled strangely: "These girls are annoying to hear their chirping. Don't worry, they will wake up in a few hours."

As he said that, he waved his hand in a gentlemanly manner: "Please."

Bao Lu was devastated and remembered an idol drama that she had complained about countless times.

In that drama, the commoner heroine arrogantly said to the rich and handsome man: Do you think you can do whatever you want if you have money and power?

According to Bao Lu’s personal experience, in real life, those with power and money can really do whatever they want.

On her home court, she was about to be forcibly abducted by two outsiders. It sounded like a big joke, but it was actually damn true. In fact, there were security personnel in this scene, and they were rare-level evolvers. Unfortunately, they were completely vulnerable to the yellow-haired young man. And those legendary mutated strong men are more ambitious. Even if they work alone, they can do well, and basically they will not come to KTV to work as security guards.

Bao Lu had one last plan. As soon as he walked out of the box door, he immediately yelled and made the biggest noise.

It's a pity that Master Zhu didn't give her this chance.

"Lulu, you're tired too. Take a nap first and recuperate. You'll be 'exercising' for a long time tonight."

Zhu Shaoyin walked over with a smile and stretched out his hand without any warning.

It was obvious that he was going to knock Bao Lu out the same way he knocked out the four princesses.

The next thing would be much simpler. He only needed to help Bao Lu and walk out. Others must have thought that Bao Lu was drunk. Due to Mr. Zhu's identity, the staff at the venue did not dare to ask anything. Most of them thought that he was going out for supper with Sister Lulu.

Bao Lu was heartbroken and felt a cold wind coming from the back of his head.


Just when Mr. Zhu was about to take a picture of Bao Lu, the door was suddenly kicked open.

Huang Mao looked stern. The box door was locked from the inside. Even a rare evolver might not be able to kick the door open.

Walking in from the door were two very eye-catching young people.

One of them had his hands in his pockets and looked weak, without the aura of an evolver on his body.

The other's appearance was indescribably vulgar and unforgettable at a glance.

The young man with his hands in his pockets ignored Mr. Zhu and Huang Mao and stared at Bao Lu, as if waiting for a reply.

"help me!"

Bao Lu rushed towards the young man desperately, as if he was all her hope.

Zhao Hao stood still, but the wretched young man beside him moved.

Bang bang!

Zhu Shao and Huang Mao had no power to resist, and were knocked to the ground as soon as they met.

The wretched young man who took action was named Xing Yugao, a first-order peak psychic evolver.

When Zhao Hao was hospitalized, Qiao Guoliang sent his ace, the three Xinghua brothers, to protect him secretly. When Zhao Hao came to Xiangcheng, the three Xinghua brothers followed him all the way. Originally, Zhao Ritian didn't want to use these three hiding followers, but today's situation was special, so he simply called Xingyu Gao out.

Xing Yugao made a measured move. He hadn't determined the situation yet, so he didn't make a killing move. He just knocked down the target temporarily.

Zhao Hao closed the door smoothly, looked down at the trembling Bao Lu in his arms, and said weakly: "I promised you not to use force. You saw it, but I didn't do anything tonight. But this friend of mine is more Being impulsive, it has nothing to do with me if he takes action."

Bao Lu, who was still frightened, was amused by his weird reason.

Turning his head to look at Mr. Zhu and Huang Mao who were lying on the ground groaning, Bao Lu felt endless hatred in his heart, and then gritted his teeth: "Can you ask your friend to be more impulsive?"

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