The Path of Evolution

Chapter 612 New Skills

"You can't even give me a girlfriend, what else can you give Lulu?"

"Even if you are dating openly, what's the use? Can you marry her? Can you give her a lifetime of happiness?"

"You often go to the evolutionary world for several years. Even if you get married, how do you want Lulu to live alone in an empty house? The death rate in the evolutionary world is so high. If you are gone, are you willing to let Lulu remain a widow? We are all adults, you can’t just think about yourself, I advise you to go back and think about it seriously.”

After making her choice, Han Lina burst out with a mysterious confidence, and taught Datong a lesson, much like teaching Zhao Hao how to be a good person.

Men and women are different, and their brain circuits have been different since ancient times.

Zhao Hao couldn't understand where Han Lina's confidence came from. She spoke as if he was dying, that he was destined to be inferior to Deng Pan, that he could not give Bao Lu happiness, and even thought that he would die in the evolutionary world sooner or later.

The most ridiculous thing is that Han Lina was sure that Deng Pan was infatuated with Bao Lu, that Deng Pan would definitely marry Bao Lu, and that Deng Pan would allow Bao Lu to live a happy life in a fairy tale, without feeling at all that there was anything wrong with it. Yao Mozi, what is the basis for her judgment?

Zhao Hao found it difficult to communicate with this kind of woman.

Reunited after many years, Xiao Zhao once again experienced Han Lina's madness.

He thought this woman was crazy back then, and now he thinks this woman is crazy even more.

He remembered what Niu Gegege said in the Neutral Land: If nature wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy.

Looking back now, this sentence really makes sense.

Originally, Zhao Ritian planned to forget about survival, enjoy life, and experience the return to nature from the perspective of an ordinary person. He can take the high-speed train like ordinary people, he can go to the barber shop on the street, and he can chat with the doorman, but this does not mean that any cat or dog can sit on his head and poop and pee.

Even ordinary people will get angry sometimes when they are pushed into a hurry.

Respect between people is mutual. Zhao Hao didn't feel that he was respected by Han Lina, so naturally there was no need to respect the other party.

Facing the aggressive Han Lina, he remembered Shakespeare's famous saying: There is a kind of bitch in the world. If you don't fuck her mother, she won't know who her father is!

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Hao was about to get angry when he suddenly heard a scream.

"Have you two had enough trouble?"

Bao Lu screamed, his expression even crazier than Han Lina's, more of a pain.

"Lulu, listen to me..." Han Lina realized her best friend's inner suffering, but she didn't want to give up.

"Stop talking!" Bao Lu was so angry that he pushed Han Lina toward the door: "You go back first. I thank you for your kindness, but I want to make my own decisions about my feelings. You don't have to worry about me, and you don't have to worry about me in the future!"

She opened the door and pushed Han Lina directly out of the door.

Zhao Hao, who was unable to get angry, suddenly felt distressed.

If you think about it, it must be very difficult to reveal yourself at this time. You are not human inside and out.

While he was in a daze, Bao Lu walked over and said fiercely: "What are you still doing? Why don't you go take a shower? Go quickly and I'll get you some clothes to change."

Zhao Hao said nothing and went to the bathroom obediently.

After a long period of scrubbing, he opened the door and felt a warm feeling in his heart.

There was a row of stools outside the bathroom door with clean clothes on them.

Zhao Hao suddenly felt that "Sajia's life is worth it". The so-called life is probably like this now.

"Come over for dinner when you're ready."

In the dining room, Baolu's voice came.

Zhao Hao walked over and saw various takeaways.

"I don't dare to go out these days. I order takeout every day. You should be more careful." Bao Lu said while sitting.

"There's nothing to give in to. These dishes taste pretty good." Zhao Hao decided to show some manliness, take care of the other person's feelings, and ate happily instead of dwelling on the unpleasant things before.

After he finished eating, Bao Lu seemed a little embarrassed: "Are you blaming me for not telling you that I still have contact with Lina?"

"A little bit." Zhao Hao said bluntly.

"After I left Zhonghai, I thought I would never cross paths with her, but I didn't expect that we were in the same school again in college..." Bao Lu said and sighed softly: "This is fate, and it is also my fate with her. Bar."

"Can I understand it as a bad fate?" Zhao Hao couldn't hold back this time: "You don't know what she did back then. I'm worried that you will help her count the money one day when she is sold."

"I know she has a lot of shortcomings. But she helped me and stayed with me when I was sad." Bao Lu expressed dissatisfaction: "How much better can you be than me? Aren't you and Qin Sheng also good? Brother? You can tell your conscience, how much better can Qin Sheng be than Lina? "

Zhao Hao was speechless.

Director Qin's life is indeed chaotic, and Zhao Hao does not agree with his lifestyle, but he will never deny that Qin Sheng is his childhood friend and his brother.

Frankly speaking, Qin Sheng's private life is much more chaotic than Han Lina's now.

Following this line of thinking, he began to understand why Bao Lu and Han Lina became best friends.

After reaching this understanding, the grudge in Zhao Hao's heart disappeared. He went directly to hug the senior sister and tried to do something shy on the sofa.

"What time has it been? You still have the heart to think about this." Bao Lu struggled for a moment, with a worried look on his face: "I watched the video of the game between you and Deng Pan yesterday, and I realized that you two had a feud back then. You were riding and dunking me. , It’s really embarrassing. What’s wrong with this person? He didn’t seek revenge on you at that time, but he only thinks of disgusting you after so many years?”

"Do you also think he is deliberately disgusting me?" Zhao Hao smiled and held Yiren tightly in his arms. Bao Lu's perspective on the problem was different from Han Lina's, but it was the same as his. This made him feel very emotional. If you are not a family, you will not enter the same house.

"I feel this way, but I can't figure it out. Before you came to Xiangcheng, the man named Deng had already been eyeing me. Could it be that he knew you were coming to find me?" Bao looked confused.

"There's no need to think so much. I waste my time all day long on these passers-by. When I see him, the problem will be solved naturally." Zhao Hao has the aura of having soldiers to cover up water and earth, and he still does it to this day. If you stick to your old ideas and use all your methods, I will break them with one blow.

Hearing this, Bao Lu was frightened for a while: "You don't want to be aggressive, do you? Don't be so impulsive. People named Deng are difficult to deal with. How about I ask for a leave and let's go to Zhonghai for a few days to see our old friends?" school and take a walk around the streets we used to go to.”

This was an implicit suggestion to Zhao Hao to run away, and he was very considerate of his feelings.

The fact that Bao Lu can say this shows that she understands Zhao Hao's character very well.

Zhao Hao heard it. Qiao Guoliang told him to take a step back and the world would be brighter. Bao Lu had the same idea. Neither Qiao Guoliang nor Bao Lu knew that he was already the number one king on the second-level title list, and they had a huge misunderstanding of his strength.

"Don't worry, if you can't even solve this little thing, then I'm just like Han Lina said, I'm not qualified to be with you, and I can't protect you."

After saying this, Zhao Hao's attitude was already obvious.

He can also use the fourth dimension of primordial chaos, so self-protection is not a problem.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Zhao used a new skill for the first time: calling friends.

He sent several messages in succession and received responses quickly.

"I will definitely arrive before noon tomorrow." Fengyun Jian quickly replied.

Even faster, Canglong replied with a bit of urgency: "My high-speed train will go there in two hours, wait for me."

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