The Path of Evolution

Chapter 627 Is it a human or a dog?

The skinny Taoist stood in the middle of the square and looked around at everyone indifferently. His gaze had the feeling of a high-level creature looking at a low-level creature.

Immediately, the Taoist said in a commanding tone: "You must retreat quickly and don't do anything wrong here!"

"Who is doing this? This is something left by our ancestors. What's wrong with us coming to take it back? You are the one who should retreat!" The grumpy Long Kaishan exploded on the spot. He had already recovered from the brief resonance just now. After getting some benefits, standing in front of the treasure now, it is impossible to just leave.

Ji Sanbian pulled Long Kaishan back half a step, and he spoke more politely: "Taoist Priest, we have no intention to be enemies of the Kunlun Sect, but these Eight Wastelands and Liuhe are originally things left by our ancestors. I It is only natural for us to follow our ancestors' instructions and come here to look for things passed down by our ancestors, so I would like to ask the Taoist Master for his convenience."

"That's nonsense!" The skinny Taoist priest didn't buy it at all, and said angrily: "This place is the place left by the Overlord of Chu. When the Overlord committed suicide by the Wu River, he entrusted me to send a senior to take care of it. The things here are not allowed to be taken by anyone except the descendants of the Overlord of Chu. Let’s go. Who do you think you are? Even your ancestors were just subordinates of the overlord back then. How dare you just take over your place?”

Everyone's heart felt cold, and they couldn't express their suffering.

That Taoist was right. The descendants of the Five Tiger Generals have always been respected as descendants of the Xiang clan.

It's a pity that an accident happened a hundred years ago. The Xiang family suffered a devastating blow in that disaster and was completely wiped out.

"Taoist Master, the noble sect knows everything about the disaster a hundred years ago. Now that the Xiang clan has no descendants, why not why not if we come to look for the relics of our ancestors?" Yu Ziyan spoke, pointing to the five statues. : "The Taoist Master must have seen it too. These five statues are our ancestors. We just want to get back the inheritance of our ancestors."

"Monster, shut up!" The skinny Taoist priest was very irritable and overbearing. He didn't look like an outsider at all. He seemed to be quite prejudiced against Yu Ziyan and said sternly: "Back then, King Chu Ba was so gifted that he should have seen through the mortal world and become a I am a disciple of Kunlun. It was the evildoer Yu Ji who seduced her in every possible way, which led the King of Chu to go astray. He tried to change his destiny against the will of heaven and dominate the world, but ended up with a miserable end. If I let you, a evildoer, take away the inheritance today, it will be unsafe. One day you will confuse the world and bring disaster to the common people."

This Taoist priest is a monster at every turn. Even Zhao Hao, who guest-starred as a melon-eating crowd, sounded uncomfortable, and the communication experience was very poor.

"Giggle, giggle, what a confuse the world, bring disaster to the people." Yu Ziyan smiled instead of being angry. She only looked like a girl next door in front of Zhao Hao. When facing outsiders, her nature as a witch could not be concealed, and she said with sarcasm: " As expected of a well-known and upright man, he speaks all the truth, and is always ready to show off the big hats of the people in the world. There is something unknown about the little girl, the Xiang family has no descendants, and the noble sect has occupied this place, do you want to take it as your own? "

"Presumptuous!" The skinny Taoist was furious. He glanced at Zhao Hao, and he became even more angry: "Witch, not only are you cheating on me, but you also want to fool around with others. This person is not a descendant of the Five Tiger Generals, and you actually tempted him to come to wade in the muddy water. After all, What’s your intention?”

Xiao Zhao originally wanted to be a quiet member of the public. After all, Ji Sanbian said that the Kunlun Sect would not embarrass people outside the cultivation world.

But now, the flames of war suddenly burned on Zhao Ritian.

"Taoist Priest had known that Zhongli's family was in misfortune, so why did he ask questions knowingly? I asked this gentleman to come and help. It's not just a fool's errand." Yu Ziyan sneered: "The little girl heard that Kunlun takes the protection of the land of Shenzhou as its own responsibility. All people in the world are treated equally. But today, the Taoist priest regards the four of us as slaves of the Xiang family, and he is also very prejudiced against Mr. Zhao. I'm afraid this is not the style of a famous family, right?"

"I, Kunlun, are guarding good people, not monsters like you who are making trouble!" The skinny Taoist said confidently, and he also sneered: "Witch, I advise you to stay on your own and don't ask for trouble. Please retreat quickly. There is still room for things to happen, if not, don’t blame me for being rude!”

"Stinky Taoist, what do you think we are? We have worked so hard to get here, just to get back the things of our ancestors. Why do you, an outsider, drive us away? Kunlun disciples don't treat us as human beings!" Long Kaishan couldn't bear it any longer and cursed at the top of his voice.

"Hahahaha!" The skinny Taoist priest laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and said arrogantly: "Ignorant junior, the secret treasure of China is not something you people can covet. I have already done my best to explain to you today. . I treat you as human beings, you are human beings. I don’t treat you as human beings, you are worse than dogs!"

These words were so hurtful that even Zhao Hao frowned.

He thought that the legendary disciples of Kunlun were supposed to be extraordinary masters of immortal style. But now it seems that this is not the case at all!

"Stinky Taoist priest, you are going too far!"

Long Kaishan was furious, and suddenly there was a big ax in his hand, and he attacked the skinny Taoist menacingly.

This ax was quite sharp and cut a crack in the air.

An expert would know if it was there as soon as he made a move. Zhao Hao could conclude that the power of Long Kaishan's ax was comparable to that of Fengyun Sword, which combines human and sword.

At the same time, Ji Sanbian also took action. He was faster than Long Kaishan and struck the skinny Taoist's heart with a palm.

And the big bald heroic figure, like a ghost, appeared behind the skinny Taoist priest at some point. He held a dagger in his hand and thrust it straight into his opponent's back.

The four of them had obviously looked at each other secretly, and when they said they would take action, all four of them came together, without any ambiguity at all.

Yu Ziyan's first move was a killing move. Purple light flashed in her eyes, and then an incredible scene appeared. Purple light also appeared in the eyes of the skinny Taoist opposite. This shows that the moment the two of them looked at each other, the Taoist priest had been hit by Yu Ziyan's pupil technique.

Night Demon Purple Eyes!

This is the famous unique skill of the Purple Eyed Demon Lord. He can use his pupil technique to control the opponent's mind and even cause confusion.

Zhao Hao continued to watch with cold eyes, wanting to see what the Kunlun master had in store.

Ask yourself, even if he has recovered his skills now, if he faces a sudden attack by Yu Ziyan and the four others, it will still be enough for him to drink a big pot.

"The pearls of rice also emit brilliance!"

The purple light in the skinny Taoist priest's eyes flashed away, he regained his consciousness instantly, and then he gave a cold shout.

He didn't show off any high-end skills, he just waved his sleeves lightly.

At first glance, this kind of waving your sleeves without taking away a cloud is basically useless.

But the sleeves that the Taoist waved out were really extraordinary.

An invisible force swept over the sky.


Long Kaishan flew backwards and hit a statue. The statue was fine, but he himself was in trouble and vomited blood on the spot.

Ji Sanbian and Ying Xingkong also flew upside down and fell miserably after landing, with blood gushing out from their mouths.

Yu Ziyan wasn't much better either. She took ten steps back, her pretty face was bloodless, and there were blood stains on the corners of her seductive lips.

Kick, kick, kick...!

There was another person who took seven steps back and barely regained his balance.

This person is none other than Zhao Ritian.

Zhao Hao had an angry face and stared at the skinny Taoist with cold eyes.

At this moment, more than 80,000 alpacas flew through his mind.

Fuck you MLBBD, I just want to eat a piece of melon, you fucking beat me up?

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