The Path of Evolution

Chapter 636 Goodbye

In the high-speed train carriage, someone took out his mobile phone and took various secret photos of Zhao Hao.

Some people posted the photos online, which quickly aroused heated discussions.

"Pay attention to the tough guy next to Zhao Ritian. Both of them are gay. The identification is complete!"

"Zhao Ritian is dead, identification completed!"

"Upstairs, Zhao Ritian is on the high-speed train. He is as cowardly as a grandson. He deliberately speaks loudly, and Zhao Hao doesn't even dare to let out a fart."

If the wall falls, everyone will push it. This principle is applicable to all countries.

There are always people who can't stand those who were once famous. Once they see these people being unlucky, the people will feel extremely happy.

Zhao Hao always remained calm on the high-speed train. He did not want to be like the onlookers, but it was obvious that these onlookers were not aware enough.

It's a coincidence that now his skills are restricted by the Seven Star Seal, and he can't even try to prove his strength.

In just a thirty-minute drive, the short video posted on the high-speed train caused a sensation and was forwarded tens of millions of times.

Same time, different place.

In Baolu's apartment, Han Lina scolded in the tone of a reborn serf singing: "Did you see it? Have you seen it all! I told you that there was something wrong with this person named Zhao. He came all the way to find you. I'm sure No good intentions! Am I right? This scumbag is bankrupt and has become a useless person. He came to you to defraud money and sex! "

Bao Lu was very haggard, sitting on the sofa feebly, and her voice was weak: "Things on the Internet may not be reliable, so don't jump to conclusions casually."

"Silly girl, wake up. The facts are in front of you. You are still obsessed with it. You are deceiving yourself!" Han Lina said angrily: "Since he came to Xiangcheng, why does he disappear every few days? Aren't you confused about why he disappears every few days? Now? The answer has been announced, this bastard is hiding from debt, do you understand that he is hiding from debt?"

As she spoke, Han Lina emphasized her tone: "Look back and think about it, after he came to Xiangcheng, what did he give you or buy you any gifts? No, not one. You paid for the meals, even the underwear he wore. You bought it! Do you think he is informal? You are wrong. This guy is bankrupt. He is not joking. He really only has a few dozen yuan left on him! Lulu, you are not young anymore. Think carefully about this. What can you gain by being together?"

Seeing Bao Lu becoming more and more confused, Han Lina continued to make up for it: "Even if you have feelings for each other, in the face of the cruel reality, can this love be used as food? Don't forget, he is now in negative equity and owes a debt. You have so much debt, even the villa has been mortgaged! When you are with him, all you get is astronomical debts. How can you live for the rest of your life? I put these words here today, even if you hate me or blame me, I will never allow you to be with him, and I will not just watch my good sister jump into the pit of fire!"

"Stop talking, please stop talking."

Bao Lu looked pained and at a loss.

She didn't know whether the rumors on the Internet were true or false, and she didn't know how to deal with her relationship with Xiao Zhao.

"If I don't help you at this time, will I just watch you fall off the cliff?" Han Lina said the situation was very serious: "Although that bastard Zhao Hao is useless, he can still go to the evolutionary world. Take a step back and say , one day he can no longer hide from his debts, and runs to the evolutionary world to gamble his life, leaving you alone in the country. Have you ever thought about what you will do then, facing a bunch of creditors every day, what kind of day will that be? Do you want to Have you passed?"

Bao Lu was silent.

Boys and girls on campus, when they love someone, they can do whatever it takes to love someone, they can put aside everything, and they can ignore whether the other person is rich or poor.

The price of growth is that people learn to accept reality and study more real things, such as the other person's family background and material conditions.

When they are close to thirty years old, men are thinking about getting married, and so are women.

Men and women of this age will consider some very realistic things.

If the rumors on the Internet are true, then Bao Lu will face a huge test: Do he have the courage to face all that with Zhao Hao?

She couldn't find the answer.

If it were her ten years ago, she might have risked her life to accompany him to face the disaster.

But now, at this age where she is worried about getting married, she is not sure whether she still has the courage.

After getting off the high-speed train, Zhao Hao decisively bought a new mobile phone.

After logging in to WeChat again, I received many unread messages.

There were several missed calls, from his parents and some friends.

He replied one by one, reported to his relatives and friends that he was safe, and then called Xingyu Gao: "How is the situation going?"

"It's done, why don't you come over and take a look?" Xingyu Gao said in a tone that was asking for credit.

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Zhao Hao put on the mask again and went to a newly developed villa complex in the east of Xiangcheng.

Originally, he didn't know much about this place. The reason why he knew about this place was because it was Baolu's dream.

Bao Lu has a wish to own a small villa here and spend the rest of his life leisurely.

Ever since the day his senior bought him underwear, Zhao Hao had made up his mind to give his senior a big surprise. On weekdays, he didn't even bother to pay the bills when eating or shopping, he just waited for him to enter his soul and directly realize the dream of Bao Lu.

Xingyu Cake did a good job this time. Through his relationship with his old comrades, he was able to reserve a place for the first batch of occupancy. That house was even cooler than the one Bao Lu had taken a look at in the picture, and the area was more than a hundred square meters larger. Zhao Hao simply paid for it in one go without any pretense, and the owner wrote Bao Lu's name on it.

When he was done, he decided to go see Bao Lu.

When he arrived at the gate of the community, Zhao Hao turned back to Ying Xingkong and said, "You don't have to follow me. Just find a place to have fun."

Ying Xingkong nodded. At this time, the big bald man still knew the situation and did not force himself to be a light bulb.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Hao suddenly stopped the bald man, looking a little nervous: "Have you ever been in love?"

Ying Xingkong's expression darkened, as if it brought back unhappy memories, and he murmured: "We talked about it once."

Zhao Hao's slight nervousness turned into a big one, and he said weakly: "You have also seen the gossip on the Internet. How should I explain my current situation to the girl?"

"No need to explain." Ying Xingkong, a bystander, hit the nail on the head: "This is just a test that allows you to see clearly the other person's mind."

Zhao Hao didn't react: "What test?"

Ying Xingkong is worthy of being an artistic man, and he turns into a love expert in one second: "In your current situation, any woman must carefully consider whether she should continue to be with you. If she is still willing to follow you, then Marry her. If she hesitates, it's not worth your time."

Zhao Hao thought about it seriously, and suddenly he felt like he was enlightened. He laughed and said: "Haha, that makes sense!"

Almost in a driving way, Bao Lu drove Han Lina away.

The girlfriend kept nagging her so much that Bao Lu couldn't bear it.

She just wanted to be alone.

She was destined to be unable to calm down today. Near noon, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, she saw Zhao Hao.

Xiao Zhao still looks the same, wearing cheap clothes and not looking very good. No matter how he looks, he looks like a run-down man.

Zhao Hao noticed the senior sister's haggardness at a glance and felt distressed.

He is also self-examining. Did he reveal too little information to his senior sister, causing her to worry and be afraid all day long?

But on the other hand, if he told the whole truth, Bao Lu would be even more worried and frightened. For example, he and Deng Pan just had a confrontation and went to Neverland to attend a meeting alone. Even the boss's wife couldn't accept this kind of thing. If Bao Lu knew the truth, he would probably be scared to death.

Many times, Zhao Hao didn't want to make his senior sister worry, so he didn't say some things.

As soon as the door was closed, the two of them looked at each other without saying a word, each seemed to be looking for an answer in the other.

Some people say that there are two types of first love, one is psychological and the other is physical.

Zhao Hao's first love in his mind was Xuewei, and he always thought that Weiwei would be his first love forever.

And his first physical love was the senior sister in front of him who once gave him a wet dream.

Many men still remember, many years later, which girl caused the first wet dream in their lives during the restless period of adolescence.

Zhao Hao seriously considered what Ying Xingkong said, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was O**K and there was nothing wrong with it at all. During this embarrassing period, if Bao Lu was still willing to be with him, then he would dare to marry this senior sister home.

First of all, he and Bao Lu have known each other for many years, and they can barely be regarded as childhood sweethearts like those in ancient times. Secondly, he and his senior sister are not in unrequited love. They have a relationship and can be considered to like each other. Thirdly, if I get married, I will have an account to my parents and an account to Bao Lu, an older young woman.

The two looked at each other for ten seconds. Bao Lu suddenly turned around and walked over to sit on the sofa, with a hint of resentment in his tone: "Did you run down from the sky again?"

Zhao Hao was stunned: "How should I answer this?"

"You used to be a national hero and a national idol. At that time, you were living in the sky and never thought of me." Bao Lu's resentment became more and more serious: "Why, now that you have fallen from the sky, you have only thought of me like this." Are you a vulgar person in the world?"

Zhao Hao realized that the atmosphere was not right and said with a wry smile: "Is it necessary to divide classes like this?"

Bao Lu looked at him seriously: "The Internet said that you have lost all your skills. Is that true?"

"It's nothing. I just lost my strength temporarily and will be full of energy in a few days." Zhao Hao told the truth. There are still five days left in the seven-star seal.

But Bao Lu thought this was a lie. This was the tone she had in mind when Zhao Hao was bragging.

Most misunderstandings and conflicts often arise from disagreements in this kind of communication.

"How long are you going to lie to me?" Bao Lu's eyes filled with tears: "Am I so unworthy of your trust? I don't even tell the truth. You have been in Xiangcheng for so long, and I don't even know that every time you go out What have you done?"

Zhao Hao reflected on himself and felt that he had indeed wronged his senior sister. He apologized and said, "It's my fault. If you want to know, just ask, and I'll tell you everything."

"It's too late!" Bao Lu looked at him very disappointed: "I know everything I need to know from the Internet. I feel very stupid. I didn't understand what happened until the whole world knew your secret. In In your mind, am I just a passerby, or someone you want to take advantage of temporarily?"

Zhao Hao's expression changed slightly: "These words are a bit harsh, please calm down."

"I'm very calm!" Bao Lu became hysterical and said in a roaring tone: "From the first day you came here, I felt strange, as if I was in a dream. Most men would be scared away if they knew about my profession. They just want to sleep with me and will never consider dating me. But you didn't run away and stayed with me for so long. I don't understand why? "

Zhao Hao felt cold in his heart and struggled to squeeze out a voice: "Can I understand it this way? In your mind, I am desperate, so I come to you to feed you, and I no longer have the right to care about what you do. That's what it means ?"

They were hysterical and didn't mind hurting each other, so she nodded: "Yes!"

Zhao Hao originally had thousands of words, and even thought about the lines for his proposal, but now they turned into two words: "Goodbye."

He turned around and walked towards the security door.

Looking at his back, Bao Lu suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Originating from a woman's sixth sense, she feels as if she has missed the whole world.

She subconsciously shouted: "Come back!"

Unfortunately, Zhao Hao did not look back.

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