The Path of Evolution

Chapter 640 Dead Soldier

"Wise! Director Qin, why are you so good?"

Zhao Hao smiled, smiling for the first time today, and gave Fa Xiao a big thumbs up.

After calming down and thinking about it, Zhao Hao realized that he was really messed up and was a complete headless fly.

Qin Sheng's idea is quite reliable. Now that he realizes that Qin Sheng and others may be targeted, he can ask you to go into the jar and wait for the murderer to deliver the goods.

Everyone only realizes what they should have done after the event happened.

And when things are happening, most people tend to be in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, Brother Batian, let me tell you a few words." Qin Sheng handed the phone to Zou Batian.

"The murderer is very stern and is being tried in his old place. Come and have a look." Zou Batian spoke concisely and hung up the phone after saying that.

The old place he was talking about was an office of Sharp Blade in Zhonghai.

Zhao Hao holds a high position in Sharp Blade and is no stranger to that place.

Just as Xiao Zhao was about to leave, a young woman pushed open the door and entered.

The woman was wearing a mask and sunglasses, and no one understood why she covered herself so tightly.

Despite this, Zhao Hao recognized her at a glance. This girl was her sister-in-law Red Pepper.

Brother-in-law Zhao discussed with his sister-in-law for a while and formulated a temporary plan, and then he hurried to the secret base of Sharp Blade.

A scrap collection station in the north of Zhonghai covers a large area. There are various scraps placed in the front yard, and there is a cave behind it.

The old building at the back looks like a flying processing factory. The layout inside is quite high-end and equipped with various advanced facilities.

Sharp Blade often performs some anti-terrorism missions and rescue missions, and the command center in the Zhonghai region is here.

Zhao Hao walked into a conference room and saw Qin Sheng, Zou Jiannan, and Qiao Guoliang who had just arrived.

"Have you been found out? What is the background of the murderer?"

Zhao Hao got straight to the point as soon as he entered, and his razor-sharp interrogation methods were full of tricks. He was still confident in this aspect.

"Not yet, just wait." Qiao Guoliang's expression was very solemn.

Zhao Hao turned his attention to Zou Jiannan's face, and the other party immediately understood and said: "The murderer still has two brushes, probably at the second-order mutation level. This person has received professional training and is a dead soldier. He has poison in his mouth. He killed him on the spot. He wanted to commit suicide. It's a pity that he met me. I've encountered this kind of dead man several times in my previous missions. It's not that easy for him to die."

"Facial recognition and fingerprint recognition can't find this person's file?" Zhao Hao said unwillingly.

"There is no such person." Zou Batian sighed: "This guy came out of nowhere. There is no file on him in the database."

"Are you sure the murderer is a dead soldier?" Zhao Hao grasped a key word.

"I am 100% certain that this kind of dead warrior consumes too many resources and cannot be cultivated by ordinary tissues. As far as I know, only the four major families have raised dead warriors before, and the number is very small. The number of dead warriors in each family does not exceed Ten fingers." Zou Batian replied.

"It's not necessarily the case that only the Fenghuaxueyue family has dead soldiers." Zhao Hao turned his attention to Qiao Guoliang again: "The Deng family in Xiangcheng also has dead soldiers, and there are things more terrifying than dead soldiers."

Qiao Guoliang smiled bitterly, already understanding Zhao Hao's subtext.

Xiao Zhao was asking him, did the Deng family take action?

Qiao Guoliang could see Zhao Hao's suppressed anger. At this moment, Zhao Ritian was like a gasoline barrel, igniting at a moment's notice.

He could not let the matter worsen, and advised: "Don't jump to conclusions before the matter is clarified. This time, it is not like the Deng family's usual method."

Zhao Hao sneered: "Does the murderer have to write 'I am Deng Pan's younger brother' on his face to be considered the Deng family's method?"

"You are speaking with emotion, don't be impulsive. You must be calm at this time!" Qiao Guoliang said: "The rumor spreading on the Internet at the beginning was a bit like the work of the Deng family. Big families like to do that and use public opinion pressure to make you Surrender, the Tiannan Zhao family has done this kind of thing in the past. What happened next is very strange. Deng Pan is not this style. He has a bit of the integrity of a noble son, and he will not be bored enough to deal with your aunt and cousin. Besides, The Deng family has made such a big fuss and broken the rules that the superiors cannot tolerate it. There is absolutely no way that the old man of the Deng family will allow Deng Pan to act recklessly."

Zhao Hao didn't say anything. He had known Qiao Guoliang for many years. He already knew that Qiao Guoliang was very good at analyzing problems and he had not made any mistakes so far.

Seeing that Zhao Hao seemed to be persuaded, Qiao Guoliang continued: "I have an immature idea. Will someone fish in troubled waters?"

Zhao Hao was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"You must have more than one enemy. Let us assume that your enemies were wary at first and did not dare to take action. When the Deng family made a move, with such a big shield in front of them, your enemies became bolder and swarmed. It came out and muddied the water." Qiao Guoliang analyzed it lucidly and said: "The situation was in chaos, so the Deng family stopped taking action and just sat back and watched the tigers fight, waiting for a ready advantage."

"That's what I said, but I thought about it seriously. There are only a few people who have a deep hatred for me. It's unlikely that they would do something like this." Zhao Hao was worried again. His biggest enemy, the Mirage Emperor, was dead. I really can't think of anyone in the country who hates him so much.

"Don't forget, you defeated Xue Gucheng with one hand, which was a great shame and humiliation. The Xue family has kept a low profile in recent years, which does not mean that they don't hate you. And that woman named Xueying is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In recent years, She is very popular. You and her have had problems before, so it is not impossible for her to find an opportunity to make trouble for you." Qin Sheng suddenly interrupted and said: "There is also the Jinmen Hua family. You and Hua Qiangu are in a life-or-death relationship. Ta has formed a deadly feud, and if I were a member of the Hua family, I would have to plot against you if I got the chance."

Bystanders know, this old saying has a lot of truth.

Qin Sheng's words as an outsider awakened Zhao Hao, and Qiao Guoliang and Zou Jiannan also looked thoughtful.

Zhao Hao thought of a potential threat: Jiangnan Yue's family.

Back then, he and the Yue family had a rift because of the incident involving Yu Wenjun.

There is another secret that cannot be told: he killed Yue Liusu.

If Yuerou reveals the truth to the Yue family's senior management, then the Yue family is most likely to seek revenge from him.

Coincidentally, the Xue family, Hua family, and Yue family all have hidden dead soldiers.

The only thing Zhao Hao couldn't understand was that the so-called four major families only showed off their power in the circle of first-order evolvers, and there were not many second-order experts. This serial murder case was obviously the work of a group of second-level masters. Where did the four major families come from so many second-level evolvers?

To put it bluntly, the four major families have not even evolved to the second level of their direct children. Do they really have the resources to cultivate second-level dead warriors?

There was a knock on the door, and a sharp-edged officer in plainclothes walked in.

This man's name is Li Hongjun, and he is the professional who is best at interrogating.

Zhao Hao was refreshed and asked quickly: "Has the trial been completed?"

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