The Path of Evolution

Chapter 642 Zhonghai Zhao Ritian

At Jinmen International Airport, three men in disguise were waiting.

The three people were Ji Sanbian, Ying Xingkong, and Long Kaishan. They had signed a document to help Zhao Hao do what they could. Except for Yu Ziyan, who was in mermaid form and was inconvenient to show up, the other three people came.

Zhao Hao only sent one message to them: Come and help me kill!

The three of them couldn't figure out who Zhao Hao wanted to kill. They just came to fulfill their original promise.

Outside the airport, Ji Sanbian rented a car. Long Kaishan sat in the passenger seat and whispered: "Old Ji, why did Zhao Hao ask us to come all the way to Jinmen? Who does he want to kill?"

Ji Sanbian said meaningfully: "Who do you think is worthy of a second glance in Jinmen?"

"Hua Family?" Long Kaishan thought for a while and felt strange: "The Hua Family is not strong. Except for Hua Xinghai, there seems to be no second-level ones."

"This is a good thing. The weaker the opponent, the better. It's easy to fight. Do you want to challenge Kunlun Dog alone?" Ji Sanbian said with a half-smile.

"Forget it... From what you said, the Hua family is not bad." Long Kaishan shrank his neck.

After a while, Zhao Hao appeared.

He got in the car and sat in the back seat with Hideyuki without saying a word.

The three of them were in a state of confusion, feeling a terrifying pressure from the silent Zhao Hao.

At this time, Zhao Hao was like a volcano about to erupt.

Ji Sanbian and others have also read various news these days. They know what kind of whirlpool Zhao Hao is in, and they can also imagine how much pain he has endured and how much anger he has suppressed. Once such a person breaks out, it will definitely shake the world.

In addition to pain and anger, Zhao Hao also had self-blame and guilt buried in his heart.

Doctor Moon's hypnotic gene lock lived up to its reputation, allowing the short-bearded man to tell the truth.

Zhao Hao was standing nearby at that time and learned the truth. The mastermind behind the scenes was actually the former head of the Hua family... Hua Xinghai!

The short-bearded man also explained that Hua Xinghai received a large amount of training resources from the Blood Demon City and trained eight second-level dead warriors.

In this way, all the doubts are solved.

Zhao Hao has long had a question, where did the four major families come from so many second-level dead soldiers?

If the Blood Demon City secretly supports the Hua family, then everything makes sense.

Qiao Guoliang and Zou Batian couldn't understand why Princess A Luosha of Blood Demon City spent so much effort to support the Hua family, but Zhao Hao immediately understood the reason.

He had known for a long time that A Luo Sha was having an affair with Crystal God Ai Kun.

He had already had a guess that Ai Kun was probably instigating A Luo Sha to do things behind his back.

Now his guess came true.

He began to understand why the murderer used such cruel methods to deal with his relatives and friends, which was to force him to lose his mind and become crazy.

In fact, when he learned about Jian Renlong's death, Zhao Hao almost exploded, as if a prehistoric monster was about to emerge from his body. At that time, a phone call from his sister-in-law Xue Qing allowed Zhao Hao to retain a trace of reason and step out of the crisis.

Looking back now, Zhao Hao still has lingering fears.

If he went crazy, he would probably lose control of his body forever, and Ikun would completely take over his body.

After figuring out the mastermind behind the scenes, the situation suddenly became clear. Qiao Guoliang and Red Pepper took appropriate measures and made relevant arrangements.

Zhao Hao, on the other hand, came to Jinmen alone.

Jian Renlong and Liu Xuan cannot die in vain, and the shock that Xue Wenzheng and Lin Xiuru received cannot be let go.

There are some things that he needs to deal with personally.

After a long time, Zhao Hao spoke: "How many days are left in the seven-star imprisonment on you?"

"There are still three days." Long Kaishan replied quickly. He was very worried that Zhao Hao would drag them to do something today, which would be the same as committing suicide.

Zhao Hao: "Okay, let's take action in three days."

Tanggu, Jinmen, is adjacent to the capital and is the outlet to the sea for the vast areas of North China and Northwest China.

Maritime trade is very developed here, and there are even passenger ships that can reach Japan directly.

The base camp of the Hua Family, one of Feng Yue Xueyue, is here.

The Hua family made its fortune by relying on maritime import and export trade. Hua Qiangu, the son of the contemporary head of the family, Hua Baichuan, is also engaged to Miss Sadako of the Yamaguchi family of Japan.

A large courtyard near the sea is very eye-catching. This place covers an area larger than the so-called sea view villa. The architectural style is an ancient oriental courtyard style and can accommodate hundreds of people for food and accommodation. This is the base camp of the Hua family. The children of the Hua family usually have their own residences and do not live in the same place. Usually during family gatherings during holidays, the clan members will gather together, and the clan leader will look back on the past and look forward to the future. future.

This time, it was not a family gathering, but hundreds of people gathered in the Hua family, all direct descendants of the family.

The head of the family, Hua Baichuan, was sitting at the head of the house, his face ashen.

Opposite him, his younger brothers Hua Baihai and Hua Baishan were chattering away.

"Brother, what exactly is the old man doing this time? Can you explain to us?"

"Qiangu is also mysterious. The recent big news about Zhao Hao is not related to our family, right?"

"I think Jian Renlong's death method is a bit like the usual method of a dead soldier under the old man."

Currently, only Hua Xinghai, Hua Baichuan, and Hua Qiangu, three generations of old, middle, and young people who are connected by blood, know about the relationship between the Hua family and Blood Demon City. The rest of the clan is still kept in the dark. What happened in the past few days has made everyone in the Hua family panic. There are already rumors in the world that the Hua family fished in troubled waters and poisoned Zhao Hao's relatives and friends. The Deng family was very angry about the Hua family's fishing in troubled waters, and the leaders of the relevant departments were also furious... This rumor was released by the Evolution Bureau.

Everyone in the Hua family contacted a clan elder and came together to question Hua Baichuan, threatening to force him into the palace.

"Baichuan, the matter has reached this point, and you still refuse to reveal the truth?"

A lean old man spoke. His name was Hua Xinghe, Hua Xinghai’s younger brother and the clan leader’s second uncle.

"Second uncle, it's not that I don't want to talk, but you also know that the old man has been practicing in the evolutionary world in the past few years, and there are many things that I don't know about." Hua Baichuan was under great pressure and refused to let go. Some secrets are better known by as few people as possible.

"What about Qiangu? My people saw him go to Zhonghai with his own eyes!" Hua Baihai asked, not giving any face to his eldest brother.

"Second brother, is it not worth your fuss when young people are walking around?" Hua Baichuan's face turned cold and he showed the majesty of the clan leader.

"What about sister-in-law? Why did you happen to go to Osaka for a trip?" Hua Baishan said angrily: "Brother, you have even arranged your escape! Sister-in-law happened to go abroad the day before the incident. Don't tell me. , this is just a coincidence!”

"Hey, I'm just confused. None of your wives and children have ever been abroad, and you all have traveled around the world!" Hua Baichuan sneered, "Why, my wife just went abroad to travel for a few days, and you guys can't sit still. Already?"

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone could see that the clan leader was refusing to admit his guilt and was trying to cheat.

Hua Baichuan was indeed cheating to buy time. His father Hua Xinghai had told him that everything would calm down in a few days.

In fact, Hua Xinghai didn't know why he had to wait for a few days. It was A Luosha who asked him to wait.

Aluosa's confidence comes from Ai Kun.

She believed that in the past few days, Ai Kun would be able to seize the opportunity to seize control of his body.

By then, it's all over.

Unfortunately, plans cannot keep up with the changes.


The simple courtyard door of the Hua family was blasted open by a huge force.

A young man came swaggering in with three big men.

Most of the people in the Hua family had never seen those three big men before, and they felt very strange.

The young man walking at the front is familiar to everyone. He is the hot topic figure who has occupied the top spot in the hot search for several days in a row - Zhonghai Zhao Ritian!

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