The Path of Evolution

Chapter 672 Flower of the Other Shore

Once upon a time, Zhao Hao thought that his most difficult inner demon to deal with was Ai Kun.

Today, he suddenly discovered that the most difficult inner demon to solve may be Ah Le.

A Le's methods are very mysterious. Judging from past achievements, this inner demon's strength is not inferior to Ai Kun. As long as he swallows this inner demon, Zhao Hao has great hope of perfecting the wood attribute and reaching the realm of the five elements.

But there were some problems that Zhao Hao couldn't ignore. A Le had helped him, and it could even be said that he had saved his life. What's even more ridiculous is that this Buddhist inner demon has never done anything sorry for Zhao Hao from beginning to end, so Zhao Hao can't find an excuse to attack.

Even at Zhao Hao's current level, he must first convince himself to do something.

If you can't pass the test in your mind, it will be very difficult to actually implement it. This is what warriors often say is that their thoughts are not clear.

Of course, there is another objective reason: after Zhao Hao swallowed the crystal god Ai Kun, he immediately caused nine major catastrophes, and he had no time to deal with A Le.

While Zhao Hao was struggling, Princess Xiang's voice came to his ears:

"Sir, let me try, okay?"

This sentence sounds like a question, but it is actually very affirmative, with a strong self-confidence.

Zhao Hao did not refuse. Princess Xiang's true body is the flower of the other side of good and evil. She is born a rare species among vegetation. Maybe there is a way to solve the problem at hand.

After getting Zhao Gongzi's approval, Princess Xiang worked very hard and used her magical power to press the bottom of the box.

Two strange flowers fell from the sky.

A snow-white flower seems to come from heaven.

A blood-red flower, as if blooming in hell.

The two flowers each locked on a target. The petals of the red flower continued to extend, wrapping Princess Xiang, forming a huge flower bone. Zhao Hao, on the other hand, was wrapped in the white flower. He was like a little bee burrowing into the flower's stamens, making it difficult to see him with the naked eye.

At this moment, large tracts of green light fell like a meteor shower.

Where the green light was, the air made a strange crackling sound. The green light contained a very magical growth power. If it hit a creature of flesh and blood, it would take root and sprout in the opponent's body, bursting the opponent's blood vessels. Tear apart the target's meridians and bones.

The fallen green light seemed to have eyes, divided into two formations, with two large buds, one red and one white, like a storm.

Bang bang bang bang...!

Zhao Hao was inside the flower bud, listening to the violent impact, and secretly sighed at the magic of creation.

The outer wall of the flower bone was as thin as a piece of paper, but its defensive power was extremely amazing, with no signs of damage.

What's even more amazing is that part of the power attached to each impact of the green light will be absorbed by the two flowers. And the absorbed power was instantly transferred to the two flowers, making the two flowers live forever, as if they could always exist and never wither.

There is an even more magical thing. Zhao Hao was among the white flowers and could sense Princess Xiang's breathing and heartbeat, including what she was thinking, and even sensed part of her memory unintentionally.

There is no doubt that these two red and white flowers that echo each other are the true form of Princess Xiang.

The shadow wrapped in the red flower is nothing but Princess Xiang’s spirit.

In order to survive this disaster, she revealed her true form for the first time.

"We must help the young master survive this disaster. He cannot die here!"

Although Princess Xiang didn't speak, Zhao Hao heard her thoughts.

It's as if Xiao Zhao has mastered the art of mind-reading and can find out what's on a girl's mind.

This feeling is very strange, and he can also feel some of Princess Xiang's emotions.

In that emotion, there was a kind of tenderness, a kind of shyness, and an indescribable feeling.

Zhao Hao had nothing to do, so he simply merged into these emotions, walked into Princess Xiang's heart, and explored her inner world.

Tolstoy said: You are scolding me now because you do not understand me. When you really get to know me, you will definitely want to hit me.

It was with this sinister mentality and a bit of bad taste that Zhao Hao explored the deepest secrets in Princess Xiang's heart.

After a moment, he looked shocked.

After being shocked, Xiao Zhao seemed a little guilty.

For a long time before today, Zhao Hao lacked affection for Princess Xiang and lacked enough trust.

When they first met back then, Princess Xiang and Yu Ziyan had a fierce fight. It was a bloody scenario of senior and junior sisters competing for the position of leader. At that time, Princess Xiang's first impression on Zhao Hao was that she was jealous of talents, narrow-minded, and intolerant of others.

At this moment, Zhao Hao understood a truth: what you see with your own eyes may not be true.

In Princess Xiang's incomplete memory, she was very friendly to Yu Ziyan at first, until one day she discovered the ambition of her junior sister. That little junior sister was a master who was afraid of the world being in chaos. She not only wanted to use the power of the Peacock King, but also wanted to use the power of the entire Ten Thousand Demons Alliance to fight against a certain human force.

Zhao Hao has his own judgment. The human force Yu Ziyan wants to deal with should be Kunlun.

Princess Xiang didn't know this. She only knew that if the junior sister really succeeded to the throne of the Peacock King, the demon clan and the human clan would inevitably go into full-scale war, and the blood would flow out of control. Therefore, Princess Xiang, who was originally independent of the world, began to compete with her junior sister for the position of heir.

Zhao Hao suddenly felt a kind of respect for this demon girl.

Although there are constant conflicts between the humans and monsters in the second-order heavenly domain, they are only small-scale battles at best, and no real war has broken out. After all, there are a huge number of second-order heavenly demon clans, and it is too easy to deal with ordinary second-order human evolvers. Once the war breaks out, the only humans who can survive are probably Zhao Hao, Canglong, Fengyunjian and other top human powerhouses. People such as Yang Dingtian and Dong Qiantian are likely to become victims in the war.

What really shocked Zhao Hao was the big secret deep in Princess Xiang's heart.

Bana flower, also known as Manzhu Shahua.

According to legend, this flower was born for love, and if it receives love, it will bloom in heaven. Lost love, can only cry in hell.

The characteristics of the Flower of the Other Side of Good and Evil are particularly obvious in this regard. This flower itself has no good or evil, and its growth trajectory is an old saying: if you are close to vermillion, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black... To put it simply, if you follow a good person, she will become a good person. If she meets a bad person, she will become a bad person.

Princess Xiang's pure nature shocked Zhao Hao. The love she pursued was not the love between a man and a woman, but something similar to maternal love. In the past, under the protection of her master, the Maurya King, Princess Xiang had love in her heart. She had done many good deeds and could be called a Buddhist monster. Because of this, she cried so heartbrokenly when Maurya drove her out of the door.

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