The Path of Evolution

Chapter 687 Guest Etiquette

Losing his wife and losing his troops is the current Great Elder of the Spiritual Clan.

Extraterrestrial visitors like the Spirit Race have always been bound by the mysterious laws of heaven and earth. In the past 30,000 years, no spiritual race has ascended to the fourth level of heaven. So far, only a nine-star supreme like Yao Ji has emerged. The Spirit Race seems to be restricted to the third-order heavenly realm. Not only can they not go to the fourth-order heavenly realm, it is also difficult for them to come to the second-order evolutionary world.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yao Ji is the first spirit clan in 30,000 years to send a clone to the second-level heaven.

It is many times more difficult for her to come than other races. She can only come once every hundred years, and she has to pay a heavy price.

Five hundred years ago, Yao Ji came for the first time. After searching in the second-level heaven, she found the most suitable spokesperson - the Blood Demon King.

The blood sea aroused Yao Ji's great interest. The blood drop-shaped thing hidden in the blood sea was a rare treasure, and even the third-level powerhouse was tempted by it. However, Yao Ji is a clone after all, so she has no way to take away the treasure. She can only use the curve to save the country, vigorously cultivate the Blood Demon King, and wait until the Blood Demon King ascends to take the treasure to the third level heaven.

At that time, the Blood Demon King could be said to be sitting on a mountain of treasure but didn't know how to use it. Yao Ji couldn't stand it anymore, so she used her evil intelligence to guide the Blood Demon King to use the mysterious blood droplets to condense the blood seed and then give birth to a blood fetus.

After the blood fetus was formed, it became A Luo Sha.

This move can be described as killing two birds with one stone. The blood fetus lurking in A Luosha's body is condensed with the blood essence of the sea of ​​blood. It is a great spiritual treasure. A Luo Sha herself is also of great use value. Yao Ji can refine her into an external avatar and help her do many shady things.

This plan that lasted for five hundred years was completely disrupted by the sudden appearance of the white-haired birdman.

Yao Ji's clone witnessed that scene with her own eyes, but was indifferent.

There are three reasons: First, even if she kills the descendant of the Demon Emperor on the spot, the clone cannot take away the blood drops and blood fetuses. Secondly, the descendant of the Demon Emperor cannot be killed, and his use value far exceeds that of the Blood Demon King and his daughter. Thirdly, if she saves the Blood Demon King and Aluosa, even if she just repels the white-haired birdman, she will offend the descendant of the Demon Emperor, and some things will be difficult to handle in the future.

After some weighing, Yao Ji reluctantly gave up her love and watched the Blood Demon King and his daughter die tragically.

This kind of reluctant love is only temporary. She can see that the descendant of the Demon Emperor is still very young. As long as the other person ascends, she has absolute confidence in how to control the white-haired birdman. Until then, the mysterious blood drops and blood fetuses are still in her possession, and she can also control the demons at the same time, killing three birds with one stone.

Fate is unpredictable, and changes occur too suddenly.

The descendant of the Demon Emperor gave all two treasures to the weird human being, causing Yao Ji to be unable to sense the other person's location.

In this way, even if the descendant of the Demon Emperor ascends, Yao Ji will not know where he is. You must know that the third-level heaven is more than ten times larger than the second-level heaven. It can be said to be boundless. Even if Yao Ji is the nine-star supreme, she has never been to many places. How easy is it to find someone in the vast sea of ​​people?

In desperation, Yao Ji could only resort to an impossible solution: issue a search warrant to find the human man in blue shirt!

When the white-haired birdman handed the two treasures to the man in green shirt, Yao Ji remembered the human's appearance. According to what she sensed at the time, that human being had quite a lot of energy and was not far away from ascending to heaven. He should be able to overcome the tribulation soon. Relying on that short memory, Yao Ji used her magical power to condense a phantom. The appearance of the phantom was almost exactly the same as Zhao Hao.

She then integrated this image into Eldar technology and released it from the Eldar headquarters command center to all mid-level battleships and small patrol ships.

Yao Ji didn't have much hope for such a stupid method.

First of all, the man in the green shirt may not be able to successfully survive the catastrophe. Once he is reduced to ashes by the catastrophe, it will almost make him cry.

Secondly, the man in the blue shirt may not necessarily want to ascend. If he deliberately delays it for hundreds of years, the day lilies will be cold by then.

Third, even if the man in blue shirt ascends, the Eldar patrols may not be able to hunt him down. Again, the third-level heaven is too big. After all, the power of the Spirit Clan is limited, and the area that can be hunted is also limited. It is impossible to dig deep into the ground to find that human being.

Sometimes, stupid solutions turn out to be effective ones.

This is the benefit of being a person in power. A big shot only needs to issue an order, and naturally there will be countless little guys working hard below.

Yao Ji is indeed a miracle of the spirit race blessed by luck. A few days after the order was sent out, she actually received a reply. Moreover, the suspicious target happened to be from the Expedition, and the captain of that battleship was her confidant.

In the Spirit Tribe Command Center, Yao Ji dismissed everyone and waited for the good news alone.

Not long after, another figure appeared in front of Yao Ji, and it was the captain of the Expedition, Lesbian.

After careful observation, it is not difficult to find that Captain Lily is not an entity, but a projection that is fake and real.

This is the technological level of the Eldar. There is no need for low-level technology like video calls. Any projection is no different from a real person.

"See the Great Elder."

Captain Lily bent down to salute, feeling anxious in his heart.

This time the Expedition went out to perform an important mission, which lasted for three years and went very poorly. What's even more tragic is that during a battle, the battleship was severely damaged and many instruments malfunctioned. Since half a month ago, the Expedition has been unable to receive signals from the headquarters.

In this way, the Expedition naturally did not know that someone on the top of the mountain was the wanted person named by the Great Elder.

At that time, Captain Lily simply ignored Zhao Hao, randomly sent two people to capture Princess Xiang, and then commanded the Expedition to continue heading towards the headquarters.

Half an hour later, the technicians on the spacecraft solved a major problem and repaired the signal receiver on the spacecraft.

Upon seeing the instructions from the headquarters, Lesbian broke into a cold sweat.

In her memory, the Great Elder had never named anyone to pursue. Now that he had done such a thing for the first time, it showed the importance of the man in blue shirt. As the commander of the Expedition, she actually lost the watermelon for sesame seeds, gave up the man in blue and went to capture Princess Xiang instead. It can be said that she made a big mistake. If this incident was spread, it would be the worst in her career as a captain. A big stain.

"Great Elder, the Expedition's signal system has just been repaired. My subordinates didn't know that human being was the target you wanted to hunt before and almost missed this person. Please punish me, Great Elder!"

Lesbian took the initiative to admit her mistake, her heart in her throat.

Although she is Yao Ji's confidant, she cannot escape responsibility. She knew very well that this great elder had very high demands on his own people and would not allow his close associates to make mistakes. Someone once made a stupid mistake and lost Yao Ji's trust forever. As the saying goes, being with a king is like being with a tiger. Now Yao Ji's status is equivalent to that of the king of the spirit race. Captain Lily is completely confused. She doesn't know if her mistake this time will lead to her being abandoned by the great elder and being assigned to a casual department. Waiting to die.

"No, dear Xiaolei, you did a great job." Yaoji herself didn't expect that her stupid method had achieved results. She was immediately delighted, and her mood and attitude naturally improved.

Lesbyan was relieved, and felt relieved when the elder called her "Xiao Lei" affectionately.

On weekdays, the great elder would only call her this when she did something indescribable and embarrassing.

Strictly speaking, Captain Lily was broken by the great elder.

When she was still a young girl, she used a spirit of dedication to devote her shy first time to the supreme elder.

The calm Captain Lily quickly made amends: "Sir, the location of that human being has been locked, and the Expedition will catch up with him soon. My subordinates are willing to issue a military order to capture him alive and hand it over to the Great Elder for personal processing!"

"You are still so impulsive." Yao Ji's tone was a bit weird, like an old driver training a unruly little lover: "That human being is a distinguished guest. Listen up, you have to use the etiquette of receiving guests and greet him personally. Receive him and do your best to be on good terms with him.”

"As you command!"

Captain Lily obeyed, but felt very puzzled in his heart. If he was an honored guest, why would he issue a fatwa?

At the same time, she is also a bit blue and thin. It would be convenient to arrest Zhao Hao directly, but it would be difficult for her to treat him as a distinguished guest. Knowing that she had offended the man and woman on the top of the mountain without knowing it, how could she maintain a good relationship in the future?

"Be careful, the traces should not be too obvious, and there is no need to take him back to the headquarters." Yao Ji's eyes were flowing like eyes, and she already had a plan in mind, and said slowly: "Take him to see the technology of our Spirit Tribe, and accompany him all the way." Try to find out as much as possible about this person's origins. Your location is not far from Lingquan Valley. Take him to Lingquan Valley in a few days and hand him over to Master Guquan."

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