The Path of Evolution

Chapter 691 Shura’s true blood, phaseless blood fetus

Zhang Sanfeng is known as the most alcoholic human being in the Tier 3 Heaven Realm.

The legendary strong man was originally from outside the country. He didn't touch wine and meat at first. But later, I don't know what happened. His desire for good wine exceeded once. He couldn't hold on to good wine when he saw it. He even stole it from others a few times. The wine gourd blows directly into the bottle. In this situation, you don't believe that he is the legendary Nine-Star Supreme. No matter how you look at him, he looks like an old drunkard.

The Zhao Hao in front of him, his eating appearance and his style at the dinner table were very similar to the legendary Zhang Sanfeng.

Lesbian had reason to suspect that Jacky Niu was the apprentice taught by that old monster.

At this moment, inside the Gate of Wonders, the bloody egg was still rolling around and acting cute, as if it wanted to influence Zhao Ritian with sincerity.

Zhao Hao also lured him and separated a small energy group the size of a dove egg from the blood cell, and rewarded the blood egg to the surrendered one.

call out!

As if he was afraid that the blood drop next to him would grab something, Xue Dan bumped into the small blood ball in the blink of an eye and devoured the energy in it.

Soon it conveyed a feeling of contentment, as if having a bridal chamber with the lover of his dreams, and he was completely happy.

After a while, it rolled on the ground again, seemingly performing a grateful salute, conveying the idea of ​​a fierce dragon, which roughly means: Big brother, from now on, brother, I am yours, you tell me to go east. , I will never go west!

Seeing the unscrupulous Xue Zhu getting benefits, the arrogant Xue Drop next to him couldn't sit still.

It conveyed a very clear idea: "Human beings, I, Shura True Blood, am willing to cooperate with you!"

Zhao Hao was secretly surprised. This kind of expressive thing is essentially not much different from the inner demon. He had just dealt with Ai Kun not long ago. He really didn't want to attract the wolf into the house, so he remained vigilant enough and communicated with his mind: "What is Shura's true blood?"

"Back then, the monsters and demons were fighting, and rivers of blood flowed, and corpses were everywhere. A combination of circumstances led to the formation of the Shura Slaughterhouse. I was the core of the Shura Slaughterhouse, and I absorbed the blood essence of a large number of strong demons and demons. , it’s Shura’s true blood!” The expression of the blood drop became more and more fluent.

Zhao Hao became a little interested. He had seen the magical effect of Shura's true blood using his clone. This thing could resurrect the Blood Demon King countless times with full blood.

Not to mention anything else, this effect alone is already incredible.

"How do you want to cooperate?" Zhao Hao asked.

Shura Zhenxue's words were astonishing: "Give me all this ball of energy blood, and I can help you."

Zhao Hao smiled, but it was just a sneer: "I can't tell, you are quite good at talking like a lion."

Shura True Blood: "I know a huge secret. If you don't want to hear it, you may die without knowing it."

Zhao Hao does not believe in evil, and Shura's true blood is sealed in the Gate of Wonders, making it impossible to sense the situation in the outside world. Without even understanding the basic situation, he dared to predict that Zhao Ritian's death was imminent, which was too crazy.

"You and it come from the same place. It also knows the secret you know. Why should I cooperate with you?" Zhao Hao's mind became cold and he conveyed another thought: "Egg, tell me what the secret is. What, I can’t do without your benefits.”

He deliberately made his thoughts public so that Shura True Blood could feel them.

This is a business model of shopping around. Let Shura True Blood feel the pressure of competition first.

The blood egg seemed very excited, conveying a series of thoughts like flattery.

Unfortunately, its meaning was too vague and hazy. Zhao Hao could only feel that the other party was trying to please him, but it was difficult to understand its specific meaning.

The blood egg at this stage is like a two-year-old child. It knows some secrets, but it can't explain clearly through its babbling.

"Hahahaha, you actually expect the [Phaseless Blood Fetus] to help you break the situation? It has not yet evolved into a complete body. You can wait another five hundred years." The thoughts of Shura True Blood are quite gloating. This thing reveals a meaning inside and out, it is more valuable than the blood egg.

Phaseless blood fetus?

Zhao Hao learned the name of the blood egg for the first time, and it sounded very awesome.

"In your opinion, I am sealed here and cannot know the situation in the outside world, right?" Shura True Blood actually guessed Zhao Hao's thoughts and conveyed a quite confident thought: "Yes, I do feel There is nothing outside. However, I have a guess... If I am not wrong, you have already ascended to the third level of heaven."

Zhao Hao didn't buy it: "Stop pretending to be weird with me. I will either ascend or I won't. No matter how you guess, there is a half chance that you will be right. Don't show off in front of me with such unsavory methods."

"Listen to my guess first. Once you reach the third level of heaven, there is a race called the Spirit Clan, which will definitely be looking for you all over the world. They may treat you as a distinguished guest, or they may capture you directly." Shura Zhen The blood is still full of fascinating confidence: "One day you will find that the great elder of the Spirit Clan looks very similar to the Princess Aluosha you have met."

Hearing this, Zhao Hao's appetite was immediately whetted.

Shura Zhenxue's words touched two points in his heart.

First point, how did Shura True Blood know that the Spirit Tribe was looking for him?

Secondly, he has been extremely curious for a long time. Why do A Luo Sha and Yao Ji look so similar?

"If you know, I have been lurking in the blood sea for thousands of years. I existed before the Blood Demon King was born. The secrets I know are hundreds of times more than the Blood Demon King. Nothing that happens in the blood sea can be hidden. My spiritual sense." Shura True Blood emphasized its use value and once again whetted Zhao Ritian's appetite: "Even the Blood Demon King may not know the relationship between Yao Ji and A Luo Sha, but I already know it clearly. Do you want to know?"

Of course Zhao Hao wants to know.

But he also understood that if he wanted to get a satisfactory answer, he would have to pay a sufficient price.

He thought for a moment and conveyed a cold thought: "If your condition is to get a whole energy blood cell, then there is no need to talk about it. I have the ability to seal you here, and I have the ability to destroy you. In the worst case, we will both die. I put my words here today, if I am killed by the Spirit Race, you won’t be able to survive either!”

A trace of panic flashed through Shura's true blood thoughts.

That thought was very obscure and passed away in a flash, but Zhao Hao keenly captured it.

Xiao Zhao knew that he had made the right bet.

As long as the life gate of Shura's true blood is captured, the subsequent negotiations will be much easier.

"Give me 10% of the blood cell energy, and I will tell you the truth." Shura True Blood made a concession.

Zhao Hao never let go of the hawk before he saw the rabbit: "You tell me first, as long as what you say is true, don't say I will give you 10%, 20% is fine."

Before he finished speaking, the energy blood ball split into two.

One part is the main body the size of a basketball, and the other part is the secondary body the size of a volleyball.

Zhao Hao's meaning is obvious. If the cooperation between the two parties goes smoothly, the energy blood cell the size of a volleyball will belong to Shura's true blood.

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