The Path of Evolution

Chapter 699 Master Niu and Mrs. Niu

Qingfengyuan, one of the seven major villas in Lingquan Valley, is specially used to receive distinguished guests.

The elegant courtyard where Zhao Hao and Princess Xiang were staying was Qingfeng Courtyard.

"Have the two distinguished guests not left the customs yet?"

At the entrance of Qingfeng Courtyard, stood a sultry man with a fat head and big ears, wearing a rich red robe, questioning Steward Wang, who was in charge of the courtyard's internal affairs.

The arrogant man lives up to his name, Big Fatty Luo. His name doesn't sound like he's a master, but his appearance looks more like a nouveau riche.

Speaking of which, Big Fatty Luo can be regarded as an upstart among the third-order evolvers. He was originally an independent person, struggling to survive at the bottom. Because this person was good at buying and selling, he was also proficient in observing words and emotions, he had a good way of dealing with people, and he also had a good talent for cultivation. One day, he was suddenly spotted by Master Long Qiang and became a closed disciple.

From then on, Luo Da Fat Pheasant turned into a phoenix.

In the realm of Lingquan Valley, he is a genuine third-generation X. His master is Master Long San, and his ancestor is Zhenren Guquan. He can literally walk sideways.

For a while, Luo Dapang fell in love with him, and he wished he could look up to the sky and ask who else was there?

"Master Niu and Mrs. Niu have been in seclusion all day without leaving the house. I'm afraid they won't come out today." Manager Wang said respectfully.

"It doesn't matter, I'll come back tomorrow."

Big Fatty Luo felt a little unhappy, but he didn't show any negative emotions on the surface.

Since Long Sanye has many people to attend to, it is impossible to accompany Mr. Niu and Mrs. Niu every day, so he specially sent an apprentice to act as a guide to introduce the customs and customs of Lingquan Valley. Unexpectedly, ten days have passed. Luo Dapang came on time every day, but he never waited for the two distinguished guests to show up.

After being shut out for ten consecutive days, you can imagine how Big Fat Luo felt.

He was puzzled. There was a limit to refining spiritual jade. It was impossible to refine a thousand spiritual jade in one day. Evolvers of different realms refine different numbers of domains every day. For example, Big Fatty Luo himself is currently a three-star real person. He can only refine three spiritual jades every day without eating or drinking. If he really wants to get all the thousands of spiritual jades in a box, it will take a year.

So Fatty Luo doesn't understand. Do Master Niu and Mrs. Niu need to be so anxious?

He was about to turn around and leave when the door opened with a creak, and a man in green shirt opened the door and walked out.

In the elegantly laid out bedroom, a man and a woman were sitting cross-legged on the big bed.

A man and a woman were alone in the same room, but they didn't do anything shameful, and they all worked hard.

In mid-air in front of Zhao Hao, five spiritual jade fused together and condensed into a mass of energy, emitting a jade-like brilliance.

The white jade brilliance continued to pour into Zhao Hao's body, producing a subtle effect.

Zhao Hao circulated the Nine Heavens and transformed the absorbed spiritual jade energy into brand new True Essence Beads.

The magic of the Nine Heavens is once again vividly reflected.

It only takes an hour to refine five spiritual jade, and it is the legendary perfect absorption.

You must know that each evolver has a different physique, practices different techniques, and achieves different results during refining. Many people refine a spiritual jade, and most of the energy is lost, causing unnecessary waste. Zhao Hao, who had achieved perfect absorption, absorbed all the energy contained in the spiritual jade without wasting any of it.

This is not the end yet. Under normal circumstances, Zhao Hao, who had refined five spiritual jades, should have entered a saturated state and could not refine them again until the next day.

I don't know if it was because Jiuzhongtian was too powerful, or because the body transformed by Creation White Lotus was too strong, but Zhao Hao did not enter that saturation state too early. He only needs to rest for a period of time, and then he starts refining again. This cycle is repeated, refining twelve times a day before reaching saturation, which means he can refine sixty spiritual jade in a day!

If there were any outsiders present, they would definitely wet their pants in fear when they saw this scene.

Refining sixty spiritual jade in one day is a skill that only the legendary Nine-Star Supreme can have!

Luo Da Pang has overestimated Niu Xueyou to the maximum extent, thinking that the other party may be a Samsung real person, and refining three spiritual jade every day is not bad. If Fatty Luo knew the actual progress of Master Niu, I wonder what he would think.

In addition, Princess Xiang’s progress is also shocking.

This woman learned from the Maurya King and her own skills were of good quality. Later, she was inherited by the Charming Heart Demon Lord, but problems arose. In fact, the "Tian Mo Gong" set by Mei Xin Mojun is of a very high level. It was the main skill that Tian Mo Emperor studied at that time and was only passed down to his beloved concubine Mei Xin Mo Jun. It is a pity that Princess Xiang rejects the demonic skills in her heart. In addition, there is a certain conflict between the demonic and demonic skills, which leads to problems in her practice.

It wasn't until Zhao Hao taught the Chaos Sutra when he was crossing the tribulation that he solved this problem.

The auxiliary effect of the Chaos Sutra is unparalleled. After its adjustment, Princess Xiang can practice the Heavenly Demon Art without any obstacles, and she can be said to be making great progress with each passing day.

Coupled with the unique physique of the Flower of Good and Evil, Princess Xiang can also absorb five spiritual jades at one time.

However, she will enter a saturation state after absorbing it eight times a day, which means she absorbs forty jade stones a day.

After ten days, Princess Xiang, who had absorbed 400 spiritual jade, already had 280 true essence beads in her dantian, and was not far from the Three-Star Demon King.

On the other hand, Zhao Hao absorbed 600 spiritual jade, and only had a total of 230 true essence beads in his dantian.

Why is this?

The answer is actually very simple. The two of them are not at the same level of true energy.

Princess Xiang's understanding of the original power is about 25%, and four hundred spiritual jades are enough to increase a large amount of true energy.

The original power inspired by Zhao Hao is likely to exceed 30%. He needs more spiritual jade energy to increase a certain amount of true energy.

"Xiang'er, do you think that after we reach the two-star realm, we will absorb less and less energy from the spiritual jade?" After finishing his work for the day, Zhao Hao entered into daily discussions.

"Well, Lingyu has the greatest improvement for No. 665 and them. No wonder he and No. 666 dream of Lingyu. When you reach the one-star real person realm, the effect is a little weaker. When you reach the two-star realm, the weakening is even more obvious." Princess Xiang said: "I heard No. 665 say that there are middle-grade spiritual jade and high-grade spiritual jade in the third-level heaven. Those are good things that many strong people need. It would be great if we could find that kind of high-grade spiritual jade."

Zhao Hao's eyes lit up: "Yes, let's not consider the high-end high-grade spiritual jade. The mid-grade spiritual jade is very effective for both of us."

"But one medium-grade spiritual jade requires one hundred low-grade spiritual jade to be exchanged. The remaining thousand of them can only be exchanged for ten medium-grade spiritual jade." Princess Xiang took care of Mr. Zhao's emotions and said To put it more tactfully, in fact, she had already heard No. 665 say that the middle-grade spiritual jade was an exclusive treasure for middle-ranking real people. Generally, low-level real people were not qualified to use such good things.

"It doesn't matter, at least we have found a goal to strive for. From today on, I have to go out and make money!"

Zhao Haoran is excited. As long as he has a goal, he will fight hard with full motivation.

This motivation hides a pursuit deep in his heart.

The moment he broke through to the two-star realm, he verified what No. 666 and Lesbian had said - indeed, he could not open a new genetic lock.

According to Captain Lily's description, only nine-star experts can break free from the shackles of heaven and unlock the seventh gene lock!

The seventh gene lock can be called a watershed.

This gap separates ordinary real people from the Nine-Star Supreme.

Zhao Hao's requirements for himself are very simple. He is new here and can be a weakling at the bottom for a while, but he must not be a weakling for the rest of his life. One day, he will break off that invisible shackles and advance to the legendary supreme realm.

He pushed open the door and walked out, and when he looked up, a fat man dressed like a slut came into view.

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