The Path of Evolution

Chapter 709 Am I worthy of your leader?

Lone Peak.

This is a very strange mountain peak in the third-level heaven. According to legend, only nine-star experts can reach the top of the mountain.

Climbing Gudanfeng is like climbing Mount Everest for people on earth. It is something worth showing off.

On this day, a man and a woman stood at the top of Gudan Peak.

The man was wearing a black robe embroidered with dark gold trim. His body was majestic, indescribably majestic and straight, and his face was even more extraordinary, exuding an aura that looked down upon the world. And between his brows, there was a domineering and arrogant look, which was awe-inspiring.

He is the general protector of the demon sect and the de facto leader of the demon clan today - the Demon Emperor of the East!

Opposite him, stood a gorgeous woman in red, who was the great elder of the Spiritual Clan—Yao Ji!

Judging from the traces nearby, the two nine-star experts had fought just now, and it was difficult to tell them apart.

"I haven't seen you for thirty years, but you have made great progress." Demon King Dongji spoke. This gentleman has a frightening habit of starting a fight before talking. If the other party can't even take one of his moves, then there is no chance of fighting with him. His qualifications to talk.

In this world, those who can take his move are basically Nine-Star Supreme.

"Compared with the leader of your sect, my little progress is nothing. He is the real one who has made rapid progress, and his practice is thousands of miles." Yao Ji seemed to be humbly flattering the demon sect, but in fact she deliberately changed the topic to the successor of the Demon Emperor.

"Hahahaha, Yao Ji, you and I have not dealt with each other just once. I have already experienced your many tricks." Dongji Demon Emperor sneered: "You said that the leader has made rapid progress, bring him to me first. Look, otherwise there’s no need to talk.”

"The demons have been waiting for ten thousand years, so why rush for a moment?" Yao Ji said with a smile: "I know your temperament, and I am not just talking in vain when I come here this time. When the experience in Qingyun Realm is over, I will I will tell you the whereabouts of your leader. Haha, Qingyun's experience is only sixty days, and it is just a blink of an eye for you."

"So, our leader wants to go to Qingyun Realm?" Dongji Demon Emperor's eyes flashed.

"No comment." Yao Ji deliberately betrayed her.

The Demon King of Dongji seemed to have whetted his appetite: "Let's assume that you know the whereabouts of the leader, so what?"

"Of course it's cooperation. A small fight like this from you demon clan is not a long-term solution after all. Why not cooperate with our spirit clan." Yao Ji saw that the heat was almost over and went straight to the topic: "I would like to inform you about the whereabouts of the leader of your sect. Couldn’t the protector feel the sincerity of our spirit clan?”

"It's ridiculous. Are you, the Spirit Tribe, worthy of sincerity and cooperation?" Dongji Demon Emperor sneered: "Who doesn't know that you Spirit Tribe are born as outsiders? In order to save your lives for 30,000 years, you have followed whoever you see is powerful and cheered. Here we are. You, the generation in charge, do have some ambitions. During the great chaos, you betrayed the demon clan and defected to the Donghua Alliance. If Zhang Sanfeng, an old drunk maniac, had not fought back the three demon kings, I am afraid you would have gone to the Western Alliance. Thighs!"

"Does the Demon King need to speak so harshly?" Yao Ji showed the grievances of a little woman, looking pitiful.

"There are even worse things!" Demon Lord Dongji didn't buy it at all. Lianxiangxiyu was nothing to him.

Just listen to him continue to curse: "Cooperating with you guys who are sitting on the fence is tantamount to pushing me, the son of the demon clan, into a pit of fire. Back then, you chose the Donghua Alliance, but for the sake of temporary balance, you knew in your heart that if you led the spirit clan Whether you defect to the Monster Clan or the Western Alliance, when the Donghua Alliance is destroyed, your Spirit Clan will not be far away from annihilation. Now the Western Alliance and the Monster Clan combined have nine giants, and your Dongling Alliance is only four giants. It’s such a disparity. You can’t even protect yourself, but you have the nerve to say that my demon clan is making a small fuss?”

"The three old monsters of the Demon Clan are seriously injured and dying. It will be difficult for them to recover in another hundred years. There is an old monster in the Western Alliance who is also seriously injured. The only ones the opponent can really pull out to fight are the five giants. And we, the four giants of the Dongling Alliance, are It's intact. If the Demon Clan can help us, why worry about the big thing not happening?" Yao Ji argued hard, and the next sentence was a bit heartbreaking: "The Demon Clan and the Monster Clan originally had an sworn hatred, but now the Chief Protector is leading the Demon Clan to watch the fire from across the bank. , is it worthy of the ancestors of the demon clan?"

"Hmph, it's not your turn as an outsider to dictate how our demon clan develops!" Dongji Demon Emperor chatted to death, and said indifferently: "Yao Ji, put away your little calculations. Trying to control The leader came to control my demon clan, do you think that my demon clan is just paper?"

"Haha, if I remember correctly, the demon clan has been waiting for the descendant of the Demon Emperor to appear for thousands of years. Many elders of the Demon Sect firmly believe in that prophecy, and have long considered the descendant of the Demon Emperor as their spiritual support." Yao Ji smiled sweetly. : "Once the descendant of the Demon Emperor appears in the world, it will be very exciting for you to teach the people in power how to make decisions. By then, I'm afraid the Chief Protector will have the final say alone, right?"

"Are you threatening me?" Dongji Demon Emperor's expression turned cold, his robes moved automatically without wind, and he said with murderous intent: "Yao Ji, I don't speak secretly. If you hand over the leader honestly, there will still be things to discuss. If you abduct the leader of our religion, then I can only regard it as the leader’s betrayal and defection to the Spirit Clan. At that time, all the demons in the world will fight for it!”

The meaning of this set of counter-threats is very obvious. If the spirit clan dares to take away the descendants of the Demon Emperor, the demon clan will dare to cut off their wrists and treat the descendants of the Demon Emperor as traitors.

Dongji Demon Lord's knives-like moves worked.

"Chief Protector, please be patient. The descendant of the Demon Emperor is the leader of your noble sect, so it is natural for him to return to the Demon Clan." Yao Ji made a concession, and waited until Demon Emperor Dongji's face softened before she began to bargain: "I, the Spirit Clan, Showing such sincerity, what kind of sincerity does the Demon Clan have?”

The Demon Emperor of Dongji said: "You need to let our leader return to his position first, and we will talk about the rest later."

"Chief Protector, since you have opened the sky and spoken openly, why do you bully me, a weak woman like this?" Yao Ji did not give in this time: "It is okay for the leader of your sect to return to the demon clan, but I have a condition. He lives half of the time in the demon clan. The other half of the time, you must live in the territory of my spirit clan. This is my bottom line. If the chief protector does not agree, then there is no need to talk anymore."


The Demon King of Dongji seemed to be roaring, but in fact he was greatly surprised.

He was a little confused about the tricks of the great elder of the Spirit Clan. The leader of the Demon Cult went to live in the Spirit Clan. His reputation was not justified, and it was unreasonable no matter how he said it.

"Does the Chief Protector think my conditions are unreasonable?" Yao Ji seemed to see through the other party's doubts and showed a smile that captivated all living beings: "If the leader of your sect becomes the son-in-law of my spiritual tribe, is it reasonable for him to have close contacts with the spiritual tribe? Woolen cloth?"

The Demon King of Dongji understood instantly that this was a marriage alliance, and the demons and spirits were forcibly tied into a warship.

Not to mention, since ancient times, the marriage model has always brought about a period of honeymoon period. If done properly, both parties can accomplish great things during this honeymoon period.

The Demon Emperor of Dongji smiled: "There are no girls from the younger generation of the Spiritual Clan who are particularly outstanding. Who is worthy of our leader?"

"The leader of your noble sect is the leader of the demon clan, and it is indeed inappropriate for a junior of our clan to marry him." Yao Ji was modest, and then said something shocking: "Since we want to become a family, we, the spiritual clan, should also show the greatest sincerity. . To be honest, when I first saw the leader of your sect, I fell in love at first sight. Alas, I am a woman after all. I have been unmarried all year round. There are criticisms from inside and outside. Does the Chief Protector think I am worthy of you? Leader?"

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