The Path of Evolution

Chapter 717 Mirage

For the first time in his life, Zhao Hao's sea of ​​consciousness had a connection with the gates of wonders, echoing and resonating with each other.

In this wonderful resonance, the white-haired sword demon who was evolving in the sea of ​​consciousness also underwent a transformation.

Zhao Hao could sense that the white-haired sword demon was about to evolve successfully.

The issue he was considering now was how to get rid of Ximen Qingkong and the other three people and secretly release the white-haired birdman.

With Xiao Jiujiu in mind, Zhao Hao asked: "Brother Ximen, where should we go next?"

Ximen Qingkong took out a large map, spread it on the ground, pointed at a palm-sized yellow pattern on the map and said: "Brother Niu, please look, this is the Desert of Death, located in the center of the Qingyun Realm. The five of us are here. At this location, the terrain of Qingyun Realm will change every sixty years, but one thing remains unchanged, and that is - the treasure trove will always be in the eastern part of the Desert of Death!"

"This desert is in the center of Qingyun Realm. In other words, we still have a long way to go to the easternmost point?" Zhao Hao almost fell down. He originally thought that he was very close to the treasure place, but when he looked at the map, It feels like there's still a long way to go.

"Brother Niu doesn't know something. If he is teleported to other places, it will be even harder to distinguish the terrain. We are in the Desert of Death, which is equivalent to having a guiding light. We only need to walk all the way east. This is already The sky has eyes, so you are extremely lucky." Ximen Qingkong explained.

Zhao Hao suddenly realized and asked another question: "Is it easy to lose direction in the Qingyun world? Brother Ximen has also participated in the previous two trainings, so he should be familiar with the terrain, right?"

"Familiarity with the terrain is of no use. Qingyun's experience is the first opportunity. When I first came here, I was lucky enough to be teleported to the east, and I got close to the treasure place in a daze. However, my cultivation was not enough at the time, and I missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." When Ximen Qingkong said this, he almost wiped away tears: "Sixty years ago, I was fully prepared to come here, but who would have thought that I would be transported to this ghost place!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the westernmost section of the map and said with infinite frustration: "This place is the farthest away from the east. There are many evil beasts jumping out to look for trouble along the way. When I found the Desert of Death, I just walked east for a while. Lu, the experience is over."

Zhao Hao instantly understood the plight of the Eighth Master Ximen. After all, Qingyun only had sixty days to practice.

Sure enough, Ximen Qingkong made a key point here: "Two months is neither short nor long. If you get lost in Qingyun Realm, you don't have to do anything else in these two months. You can take a detour. It makes people feel dizzy. We are very lucky this time. We only need to go all the way east and we can reach our destination within a month."

Zhao Hao looked like he suddenly realized: "Niu completely understands, but it depends on Brother Ximen's instructions."

"Brother Niu, don't be impatient. You can go on your way after you have rested." Ximen Qingkong said this, but he was still very satisfied with Niu Xueyou's positive and enthusiastic attitude, so he explained professionally: "The Desert of Death is very strange at night, and the topography changes. It’s getting late. We’ll camp here first and wait until the sun rises. It’s safest to follow the direction of the rising sun.”

"That's very good." Zhao Hao agreed and learned a lesson from Ximen Qingkong, an experienced driver.

"Haha, then I will start building the house. Brother Niu will just stand aside and watch."

Ximen Qingkong laughed and suddenly started jumping up and down again, like a dancing master.

Every time this second-generation ancestor jumps up and down, incredible supernatural events will occur.

The sand on the ground gathered into a ball the size of a basketball court, twisting and deforming in mid-air.

Gradually, a small castle, stronger than reinforced concrete, stood up bizarrely.

The castle was a brilliant golden color, like the legendary golden city hidden in the desert.

There are all kinds of pavilions and pavilions in the castle, which have both luxury and practical functions.

Damn it, is this the method of a third-level master?

Zhao Hao was stunned. He originally wanted to take out a tent and go camping, but when he saw this golden castle, he instantly felt low.

Through the Heavenly King's eyes, he could see that the golden castle was essentially a building condensed from an earthy yellow element. However, Ximen Qingkong's ability to use local materials and shape the elements of heaven and earth into random shapes still shocked Zhao Ritian.

According to legend, the iconic method of gods is creation, also known as making something out of nothing.

Ximen Qingkong's method of building a house is a bit creative, and it can be regarded as making something out of nothing.

If this method were used in ancient Chinese society, the common people would definitely worship him as a living god.

Seeing Zhao Hao's shocked look, the Eighth Master Ximen could not suppress his coquettish nature and said proudly: "Brother Niu, how about my move [Mirage]?"

"This is not a mirage, it is clearly a real house! Brother Ximen has so many magical powers that I can't even match them!" Zhao Ritian's words were not all flattery. He was indeed shocked by the other party's methods. The method has a relatively intuitive understanding.

"Haha, it's not really a house. After we leave, this castle will eventually turn into a sky full of yellow sand, dust to dust, dust to dust." Ximen Qingkong said modestly and artistically, with an extremely useful expression. Still deeply betrayed him.

Next, five people lived in the golden castle.

Zhao Hao and Princess Xiang were in the same room. He was not in the mood to enjoy the warm and fragrant nephrite, and cursed more than 800 times in his heart.

As soon as he entered the Golden Castle, Zhao Hao sensed that the castle was completely under Ximen Qingkong's control.

In other words, any movement that happens in the castle cannot be hidden from Ximen Qingkong's eyes.

On the first day after ascending to the third level of heaven, Zhao Ritian was monitored by Lesbian. Later, he went to Lingquan Valley and was monitored by master Long Sanye again. Now that I have come to Qingyun Realm, I am being monitored by Ximen Qingkong again... No one likes this feeling of being controlled by others, but if a person wants to gain freedom, he must first have the strength to break free from the shackles.

Zhao Ritian, who had just arrived, did not have that kind of strength yet, so he could only endure it with his minions.

"Cuihua, keep your spirits up and get up early tomorrow and hurry up. I can't wait to hold you back."

What Zhao Hao said in the bedroom was nominally addressed to Princess Xiang, but actually meant for Ximen Qingkong.

There is also a subtext hidden in this sentence: There will be no sex tonight, Brother Ximen, please stop listening to the wall...

"Yes, sir."

Princess Xiang had learned how to assist a long time ago. Since he had the title of concubine, he also called Zhao Hao from young master to master.

Mr. Zhao was sitting cross-legged, seemingly in a state of concentration, but in reality he was thinking of various small calculations.

He originally wanted to sneak out alone, test the newly learned earth escape technique, and the drawing ground prison he stole from Ximen Qingkong, and find an opportunity to release the white-haired sword demon who was about to evolve successfully. Currently under surveillance, this plan can only be put on hold temporarily.

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