The Path of Evolution

Chapter 8 Horrible Creatures

Water flows to lower places, and people move to higher places.

Zhao Hao moved along the upper reaches of the mountain spring, looking for the source of the spring water.

With stops and starts along the way, with the help of the energy of barbecue and repeated practice, the evolutionary energy of Kuezhan Knife Technique reached 77/100.

Three days later, one person and one dog arrived at their destination.

In front of you is an irregular-shaped natural pool. The depth of the pool varies. Some places seem to be less than one meter, and some places are bottomless. In the center of the pool, a water column surges like a fountain, where the spring is located.

"Hei Shuai, retreat!"

After walking twenty meters away from the pool, Zhao Hao, instead of moving forward, quickly retreated.

An indescribable feeling of uneasiness came over my heart.

Dahei slipped faster than Zhao Hao, and it sensed the crisis one second earlier than him.

After running a hundred meters away from the pool, the sense of crisis gradually dissipated, and Zhao Hao finally stopped.

After finding a convenient location to lurk, he hid his mountaineering bag, clutched the Shiba Chop and lay down in a secret place.

This place has a wide view and can see all kinds of movements around the pool.

Zhao Hao also used this to discover the New World. The original gene not only improved strength, speed, and physical fitness, but also enhanced vision. Now his eyesight is extraordinary. He can see clearly anything within two hundred meters without obstacles.

A moment later, the sound of rumbling hooves was heard, and a herd of bison galloped to the edge of the pool.

It is very similar to the scene in "Animal World". As expected, these wild animals are in groups, relying on the strength of the team to resist natural enemies.

Judging from the smell, the group of bison should be primary primitive creatures.

Gradually, a cheetah appeared in front of the bison on the left, and two lions appeared on the right. The auras of these three beasts were similar to silver wolves, and they were probably intermediate primitive creatures. They stared at the herd of bison with greedy eyes, but did not launch an attack.

It's not that they don't want to attack, but they are obviously afraid.

There were more than 80 bison in that herd, reflecting the aura of "more cattle means greater power".

Cheetahs and lions cannot subdue so many bison, so they have to wait for opportunities to find lone prey.

Zhao Hao saw for the first time the wisdom of the beasts in the evolutionary world. The herd of cattle maintained a good formation. They took turns to drink water one by one, and then continued to maintain the formation and walked away. As prey at the bottom of the food chain, these bison did not give the three hunters a chance to find their mouths.

Zhao Hao was glad that he was far enough away from the pool. If he was surrounded by a large wave of wild beasts, the consequences would be disastrous.

After the bison left, the cheetah and the two lions stared at each other.

Look at the urine, the cheetah seems to be saying: What are you looking at?

The response of the two lions seemed to be saying: What are you looking at?

The cheetah roared angrily, as if threatening the other party: Look at it again and try it again!

The hair of the two lions stands on end, conveying one meaning: Just give it a try!

Then, the cheetah got scared.

Both sides were intermediate primitive creatures. The cheetah was one against two and obviously suffered a disadvantage.

The two lions did not attack rashly. Although they had the advantage in numbers, they could not take much advantage even if they fought tooth and nail. Once a bloody fight occurs, the lion is likely to pay a heavy price of one death and one injury.

Suddenly, fear flashed in the eyes of the three beasts, and they fled in different directions in panic.


The sound of heavy hooves came, and the ground shook slightly.

A huge black wild boar galloped over and lay down by the pool to drink.

Zhao Hao in the dark was terrified. The aura emitted by the giant black wild boar was more powerful than the cheetah and lion combined.

Advanced primitive creatures!

Zhao Hao bets that this is a powerful and high-end product.

He suddenly felt that he was stupid, naive, foolish and willful. He actually fantasized about waiting at the source of the mountain spring and fighting various little monsters... Now he was sure that if he rushed out, he would be the one who was slaughtered.

The black wild boar drank more than ten liters of spring water, and his body suddenly trembled.

The pig's eyes were filled with boundless fear. It didn't even have the courage to escape, and lay trembling by the pool.

A more ruthless creature has appeared!

Three seemingly ordinary antelopes ran quickly to the edge of the pool.

Two eland guarded a small antelope in the middle. It looked like the parents were bringing their cubs to drink water.

Zhao Hao was stunned. The antelopes on the earth were destined to be prey, but the antelopes in the evolutionary world were so powerful. Their momentum alone suppressed the black wild boar and could not move.

This inconsistent scene gave Zhao Hao a glimmer of hope.

As long as they continue to evolve, even weak creatures can become powerful. Hei Shuai is a living example. Once it was just an ordinary stray dog, but now it can kill elementary primitive beasts.

"They can scare high-level primitive wild boar to the ground. What level are these three antelopes at?"

"Super primitive creature? Top primitive creature?"

Zhao Hao's thoughts changed rapidly and many speculations arose.

It's just a guess, and he still needs to slowly explore the truth.

An overwhelming aura suddenly enveloped a few hundred meters around the pool.

Zhao Hao hadn't even seen the owner of that aura, and he was already frightened to death.

He didn't dare to take a breath, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Hei Shuai huddled on the ground, his body trembling, not daring to make any sound.


This indescribable horror shocked Zhao Hao's soul.

He had a hunch that the opponent would be able to kill him with his momentum without taking action.

The horror of various creatures in the evolutionary world has exceeded the limit of his imagination.

Gradually, a white shadow appeared in front.

When Bai Ying stopped, Zhao Hao saw clearly that it was a huge white deer.

The three antelopes did not flee, but actually knelt on their front legs with a very respectful posture, as if they were worshiping the king.

The black wild boar also knelt down and bowed in a respectful manner, as if a commoner had met the emperor on his way out.

Seeing that these wild beasts were very knowledgeable, Bai Lu restrained his terrifying aura and instead released an extremely gentle aura. The breath is very magical, giving people a spring-like warmth, making the mood very beautiful, and giving rise to a sense of auspiciousness.

Zhao Hao remembered the books he had read back then. According to the records in "Historical Records": "There is a white deer in Tianzi Garden, and its skin is used as a coin to make auspicious responses and make white gold."

In ancient Chinese mythology, the white deer is an auspicious beast.

The horns on the white deer's head exuded a layer of sheen like mutton fat and white jade, and the snow-white fur was spotless, as if it had descended from heaven and was unlike anything on earth. The divine light in its eyes seems to be able to penetrate the heavens and see through everything.

The eyes that saw through the truth swept across the position where a person and a dog were lurking.

Zhao Haoru was struck by lightning, his pupils shrank and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Just a look from Bai Lu was like a giant hammer hitting his heart, causing his internal organs to surge.

Hei Shuai was not having a good time either. He seemed languid and instinctively knelt down on his front legs, making a kneeling gesture.

Zhao Hao followed suit and made a gesture of "Brother, I kneel down for you."

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