The Path of Evolution

Chapter 808 The Secret Realm of Liangyi

Shen Jia, who had been practicing in seclusion for a hundred years, was a completely different person.

When she came in, she was wearing a set of sportswear, and now she was wearing a set of ancient armor, looking indescribably heroic. Her hair, which was originally waist-length, is now at least two meters long, floating in the air, and would definitely be dragged to the ground if it were let down.

She seemed to have understood some kind of heavenly mystery, and said a complete line: "My benefactor, I am waiting for you in the third-order heaven."

After saying this, she was shattered into nothingness.

Zhao Hao still hadn't figured out why the other party's title suddenly changed from Da Da to Ben Gong. He had no time to think about what happened next.

The moment Shen Jia shattered the void, the entire space suddenly fell apart.

Zhao Hao's eyes flashed and he found himself standing in the familiar small valley deep in Hengshan Mountain.

Bahuang Liuhe disappeared, and the crack in the void with the lightning channel also disappeared.

All this is like a dream.

"Has it really been a hundred years?"

Zhao Hao felt as if he was separated from another world, feeling that something was wrong with the passage of time.

He had a clear understanding of Bahuang Liuhe. The so-called Bahuang Liuhe seemed to be a timeline beyond three dimensions. Bahuang is eight, eight, sixty-four years, Liuhe is sixty-six thirty-six years, which adds up to exactly one hundred years.

"This is just the time flowing within Bahuang Liuhe. How long has the time passed outside? Ten months? Ten years?"

Zhao Hao was thinking and searching.

He was looking for the whereabouts of Huoling Zhenren and planned to torture him to extract a confession.

This time, he didn't find Huo Ling. Instead, he found a hard idea that was ten times more powerful than Huo Ling.

On a hilltop in the distance, an old Taoist priest stood there, like a stone sculpture.

The Taoist priest seems to have no signs of life. Only when his eyes move, you will find that he is a big living person.

At this moment, the old Taoist priest was looking at Zhao Hao in the valley with a scrutinizing gaze.

There is a mountain in the third level of heaven called Little Kunlun.

This mountain is rich in aura and has been a place of cultivation for Kunlun disciples since ancient times.

The current leader of the Donghua Alliance, Ziyang Zhenren, lives in this mountain.

In a Taoist temple in the mountains, a Taoist with an immortal style was twirling his fingers as if performing divination.

This person is the Supreme Master of Little Kunlun—Zhenren Ziyang.

"The Eight Desolations and Liuhe are in turmoil, and chaos has arisen in China... Alas, what is supposed to come will always come."

Master Ziyang sighed, with a lingering gloom between his brows.

"The world is about to be in chaos. Even though I, Kunlun, have been a transcendent being for thousands of years, I cannot escape the five declines of heaven and man. The way of heaven is turning, and it is my Kunlun lineage that should be catastrophic for these four or nine great tribulations. I don’t know how the woman is progressing in the secret realm of Liangyi. The rise and fall of Kunlun is in the hands of a weak woman, which is sad, deplorable and ridiculous!"

Master Ziyang was talking to himself, saying lines that most people couldn't understand.

At the same time, in different places, something big is happening.

Deep in the Earth's Kunlun Mountains, a black and white void gate hovers in the sky.

There is a world of its own within the Void Gate, called the Secret Realm of Liangyi.

Every two hundred years, the Liangyi Secret Realm is automatically opened for two months and can accommodate two people.

It is said that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within the Liangyi Secret Realm is extremely rich, almost two hundred times that of Kunlun Mountain. We must know that Kunlun itself is a blessed land of cave heaven, the famous ancestor of ten thousand mountains, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is abundant and abnormal. If it is increased by two hundred times, what is the concept?

What's even more amazing is that practitioners who enter the secret realm of Liangyi can stay in seclusion for two hundred years, while only two months have passed outside. It is said that the Shuiyuedongtian of the third-level heaven itself was created by Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng after research and improvement based on the efficacy of the Kunlun Sect's Liangyi Secret Realm.

Since ancient times, those selected to enter the secret realm of Liangyi are all the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation of Kunlun, and they can only be one man and one woman.

There is no dispute within Kunlun about the two lucky ones selected this year.

The elegant young master in white clothes is named Gu Chen, and he is a close disciple of an elder in Kunlun.

Another woman in green who has transcended the worldly world, her Taoist name is Miaojing, and she is the new true disciple that the head of Kunlun accepted a few years ago.

The moment they walked into the secret realm of Liangyi, Miaojing remained as calm as ever, but Guchen felt an unspeakable excitement. According to unwritten tradition, 80% of the men and women who have entered the secret realm of the two rituals since ancient times have become double monks. Of course, 20% of them really don’t call.

The big data is there, and Gu Chen is more willing to believe in the 80% probability.

He knew that little junior sister Miaojing had someone in her heart.

But it doesn't matter, time can change a lot of things.

Once they enter the secret realm of Liangyi, it means that they have to live together in that world day and night for two hundred years.

For forgetful humans, twenty years is enough to forget one or even several relationships, let alone two hundred years?

Furthermore, no one can be ruthless without being a sage. Gu Chen believes that if he and his junior sister get along for another two hundred years, it will be easy to develop a solid emotional foundation.

On the fifth day after the opening of the Liangyi Secret Realm, a skinny Taoist priest with a gray face ran back to Kunlun Mountain.

This Taoist priest was Huo Ling Zhenren who was knocked unconscious by Zhao Hao. He found the master Qingxu Zhenren and told a sad story: Zhao Hao knocked him out and took away his magic weapon Seven Star Seal. When he woke up , discovering that the Eight Desolations and Liuhe have been opened and can no longer be undone...

As a result, the head of Kunlun is faced with two problems.

First, Bahuang Liuhe was activated, which was a big event.

Secondly, it is also a big event for the Seven Star Seal to be taken away.

Even though Master Huo Ling is only in the three-star realm, his seven-star seal is not simple, it is a top-grade magic weapon.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and Kunlun is not a monolithic entity. There are many internal factions. Some factions' magic weapons are passed down from generation to generation, and even the leader has no right to interfere.

For example, the Seven-Star Seal of Master Huo Ling is one of the top ten magic weapons in Kunlun. Although everyone knows that Master Huo Ling is just a weakling in Kunlun and is not worthy of such a powerful magic weapon. But there was no way, this was given to Huoling Zhenren by his master before he became immortal, and many masters in Kunlun were too embarrassed to take away this treasure.

In desperation, Master Qingxu found his junior brother, Master Taixu.

Taixu Zhenren is the elder of the Kunlun inner sect. He is an eight-star strong man himself. He also has another identity - Gu Chen's mentor.

"Senior brother, are you in a dilemma? You once promised to nephew Miaojing that you would protect her mortal family and the descendant named Zhao. Now the culprit who opened the Eight Wastelands and Liuhe is Zhao Hao, who took away our family's treasure. The Seven Star Seal is also Zhao Hao. If you attack him, you will break your promise." Master Taixu understood the difficulties of his head brother very well, and he hit the nail on the head.

"Junior brother knows my heart. I have to trouble my junior brother to do this in person." Master Qingxu climbed up the pole.

"It's not difficult to go, but I don't know how I should deal with that young man?" Master Taixu threw the problem back again.

"One month in the human world, one hundred years have passed in the Eight Desolations and Liuhe. That person is elusive. He may have made rapid progress in a hundred years. There is nothing the ordinary elders of our sect can do. I can only rest assured if my junior brother personally takes action." The subtext of the leader Qingxu It was already obvious that sending such a powerful inner sect elder was definitely not to argue with Zhao Ritian.

After a pause, the leader added: "Junior brother, just do what is expedient. The person's integrity must be protected, and the sect's treasure must be returned to its original owner."

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