The Path of Evolution

Chapter 81 Liberator Lord

The Icefield War shocked the Ice and Snow Castle.

There are thousands of primitive evolvers living in the city, and all of them have no masters.

The people who enslaved them were all killed and injured, and these freed humans did not know where to go for a while.

Soon news came that Qin Sheng was the liberator who had rescued many slaves.

In this way, Qin Sheng naturally became the master of the Ice and Snow Castle.

The castle owner abolished the old system, liberated the slaves, and selected a few capable young men to serve as hands-off shopkeepers. Then, he lived a happy life of having sex with his secretary when he had something to do, and having sex with his secretary when he had nothing to do.

Zhang Potian and Dong Qiantian left to pursue their path of evolution.

Yang Dingtian retreated to the Ice and Snow Castle, claiming to understand the secret of ascension.

Ping An Inn is always aloof.

Zhao Hao was also practicing in seclusion. During the Icefield War, he made rapid progress in the fifth level of the Nine Heavens, and there were faint signs of success. However, he has been in seclusion for more than ten days recently, and still has not been able to break through to the realm of Xiaocheng. It seems that there is something missing.

"It seems that I am a combat evolved person."

Zhao Hao was thoughtful. He had exchanged a lot of experiences with Qin Sheng and others in recent days and learned a lot.

There are two main types of evolvers. One is the Qing Cultivation type, just like Yang Dingtian, who can achieve breakthroughs through seclusion. The other type is the fighting type, which breaks through the limits in constant battles. For example, Dong Qiantian can't sit still at all. After recovering from his injury, he immediately went to steal eggs with Zhang Potian.

Zhao Hao couldn't sit still. He realized that it was time to set off again.

He went to the Pingan Inn to find Mr. Zhuang and made a big deal.

One thousand kilograms of dry food made from advanced mutated organisms. This transaction drained the inventory of Ping An Inn and also spent most of Zhao Hao's rare crystals. In order to quickly increase the energy of combat skill evolution, he had to spend a lot of money.

"Young man, this is for you." Mr. Zhuang gave him a map.

Ping'an Inn is similar to Huanhua Zhai. There are gifts for guests with high spending quota. Zhao Hao opened the map and took a look. It recorded the terrain of the ice sheet in more detail, which was much more accurate than the map of Longhutang. Moreover, the three directions of Endless Forest, Bloody Grassland and Raging Flame Valley are also marked on the map.

"Thank you." Zhao Hao put away the map and said, "Mr. Zhuang, can I ask you a few questions."

Mr. Zhuang made a gesture of invitation, indicating that he could ask casually.

"What place is the Valley of Flames?" Zhao Hao asked.

"It is a place that is completely opposite to Ice and Snow Castle. It is located near an active volcano, the temperature is very high, and the relationship between ancient warriors and evolvers is also different from Ice and Snow Castle." Mr. Zhuang said, talking about the business: "If you plan If we go to the Valley of Flames, we can discuss a business deal."

Zhao Hao: "What business?"

Mr. Zhuang did not answer but asked: "In this world of ice and snow, how do you think the Ping An Inn can make a fire?"

This is a big question in Zhao Hao's mind. There is almost no fuel such as firewood on the ice sheet. The tea, hot water, and various fragrant delicacies provided by Ping'an Inn every day require a lot of fuel. Even if they were given a cart of solid alcohol, they wouldn't be able to survive for long. Zhao Hao had long been curious, and considering that this was the secret to making money at Ping An Inn, it was inconvenient for him to ask.

Mr. Zhuang took out a small red crystal and lit it with a lighter.

The crystal burns very vigorously, at a higher temperature than solid alcohol, and there is no smoke during the burning process, unlike the firewood in the endless forest that burns with pungent smoke that stuns the eyes.

Zhao Hao was amazed: "What is this?"

"This is a primary flame crystal. One single flame can burn for eight hours. It is perfect for making fires, boiling water, cooking, and barbecuing. It is natural and pollution-free. We rely on it to keep the Ping An Inn running." Mr. Zhuang said with a smile.

Zhao Hao was stunned: "It has been burning for eight hours and cannot be extinguished?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled, grabbed a snowball and put it on. The flame was immediately extinguished.

Then he took out the lighter, and the crystal burned again.

Zhao Hao's eyes shone. This kind of flame crystal was several blocks higher than solid alcohol.

As his combat power became higher and higher, he realized more and more intuitively that the most difficult and most profitable things in the evolutionary world were actually four words that ordinary people could not live without: clothing, food, shelter, and transportation. .

That small flame crystal can not only grill meat on the ice sheet, but also make fire to ward off the cold, solving the two major problems of food and shelter.

"There are several natural crystal mines in the Flame Valley, which are rich in flame crystals. This kind of primary flame crystal is worth one primary primitive crystal in the Flame Valley. If it is sold on the ice sheet, it is worth one primary rare crystal. The profit cannot be calculated. .”

Mr. Zhuang said: "It's thousands of miles away from the Flame Valley. Needless to say, there are dangers on the road. Our Ping'an Inn is short of manpower. Mr. Zhao, if you go to the Flame Valley, you might as well bring more flame crystals. Zhuang said that they are rare Crystal Acquisition.”

"No problem." Zhao Hao was very interested in this transaction with a profit of more than 400%. He took the opportunity to ask a question that had puzzled him for a long time: "Mr. Zhuang, you are well-informed. I would like to ask, what does soaring mean?" ?”

"This question is difficult to answer. There are some things in the evolutionary world that can be understood but cannot be expressed in words." Mr. Zhuang looked confused and said ambiguously: "Actually, you don't have to ask others. When you have 99 mutant genes, you will naturally understand."

Zhao Hao was speechless.

Regarding the question of ascension, he asked the four giants of the idol group, and the answers he received were all vague.

The answer given by Mr. Zhuang was even more vague.

After calming down, Zhao Hao asked again: "There is a species that is stronger than mutated creatures. Can Mr. Zhuang help me clear up my doubts?"

"It seems that Mr. Zhao has encountered that kind of thing." Mr. Zhuang is indeed an expert on the ice sheet and has a deep understanding of monsters: "That kind of creature is transcendent. As far as I know, there are far more than just one or two. What I know is that The mutated evolvers I know are collectively referred to as [super creatures]. Zhuang has little talent and knowledge, and I can't even explain it to you. Let me give you a word - when you encounter a super creature, avoid it if you can, and you will not be able to defeat it."

Super creature?

Is this what other people think of monsters?

Zhao Hao was half enlightened and half confused, always feeling something was wrong.

He couldn't help but ask: "Have you ever seen a super creature in human form?"

"Human form?" Mr. Zhuang, who had never wavered in ancient wells, suddenly became excited. He stared at Zhao Hao with stern eyes and even changed his name: "Little brother, when you talk about human form, do you mean ape or something like that, or do you mean ape or something like that?" Has he transformed into a human being?"

Zhao Hao: "It should be a change."

"What kind of changes, can you tell me specifically?" Mr. Zhuang asked.

Zhao Hao: "Just like in Journey to the West, an animal turns into a person."

A gleam flashed in Mr. Zhuang's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Little brother, have you ever seen this kind of super creature?"

Zhao Hao nodded. From Mr. Zhuang's reaction, he noticed some very useful information.

"Please wait."

After Mr. Zhuang said this, he turned around and left in a hurry.

After a while, he came back and said, "Little brother, please come with me."

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