The Path of Evolution

Chapter 821 Eight Star Sword Demon

The fact that the third elder stayed in the master's bedroom all night and did not return could not be hidden from the higher-ups of the Demon Sect.

No one was surprised. Some of the guardians even felt that Dongji Meier should have warmed the leader's bed long ago.

The real surprise was the leader himself.

As we all know, the demon clan is very open-minded, and any capable woman can keep a male favorite. Not to mention an eight-star elder like Dongji Meier, even a six-star deaconess can raise ten or eight strong men.

The white-haired sword demon didn't expect Dongji Mei'er to be the original product at all. He just wanted to use his close relationship to get some useful information from the third elder. He never dreamed that the third elder, who was extremely charming and looked like a slut in his bones, would actually be in perfect condition.

This accident triggered another accident.

At the peak of Seven Stars, the descendant of the Demon Emperor experienced firsthand how difficult it was to break through that bottleneck. Originally, he thought that even if he used the seventy-two moves of the Crystal God, he would be unlikely to succeed. Life is full of surprises. When he absorbed Dongji Meier's pure Yuanyin, he broke through the bottleneck overnight!

After the breakthrough, the white-haired birdman himself was shocked.

Afterwards, he concluded three reasons. First, Jingshen's seventy-two movements were too unbelievable. Secondly, his physique can easily resonate strongly with demon women. Thirdly, Dongji Mei'er, who had been guarding her body for many years, gave him a lot of benefits.

In the next few days, the leader showed an obsession with women and had fun with Dongji Meier all day long.

This is a situation that the Second Elder's group is happy to see. A leader who spends a lot of time and alcohol is easier to control.

As for the Great Elder's faction, they were quite worried and wanted to jump out and angrily scold the leader for not living up to expectations.

After seven days, the leader became a little more normal. At least he wouldn't do shameful things behind closed doors in broad daylight.

The descendant of the Demon Emperor at this stage has completely refined the essence of Dongji Meier.

The essence of the eight-star powerhouse contains extremely abundant energy, which increases the number of true essence beads in the body of the descendant of the Demon Emperor to 888!

888, this is a very auspicious number, very close to the peak of eight stars.

"The seventy-two movements of Jing Shen are so overbearing... In twenty days, I will get married to Yao Ji. If Hua Zhu Ye does such a shameful thing during the bridal chamber and absorbs the essence of the Nine Stars Supreme, Hua, is it possible for me to directly break through to the nine-star realm?"

The descendant of the Demon Emperor had a suspicion. In the past, he resisted that marriage, but now he began to look forward to it.

He knew very well that even if he had reached the pinnacle of eight-star cultivation, he would still be vulnerable to a nine-star powerhouse.

Below the Supreme are all ants. The so-called eight-star experts are just stronger ants.

"That great elder of the Spirit Tribe is recognized as Lily, and my marriage to her is just a show. It seems that I have to arrange some arrangements before we can develop into a wedding with her. Alas, brother, you have changed. I didn't expect you. This is the kind of person..."

That night, the descendants of the Demon Emperor sighed at the moon.

After sighing, he returned to the bedroom and fought for a thousand rounds with the coquettish Dongji Meier.

In addition to stabilizing cultivation, this kind of "battle" also had another effect. Dongji Meier became more and more docile to the leader and told all the secrets she could tell.

The white-haired birdman summarized the amount of information and came to a conclusion: The reason why Dongji Demon Lord chose to marry was mainly because of the dowry given by Yao Ji.

There is a question that he has never understood. Why are the Demon Race and the Spirit Race so eager to form an alliance? Aren't they afraid of making other races unhappy? You must know that there are six supreme beings in the human race, and there are six supreme beings in the demon race. Once the human race and the demon race join forces, the twelve supreme ones will shake the world, and the alliance between the demon race and the spiritual race is a joke.

To take a step back, even if the human race and the demon race are unwilling to form an alliance, the power of the six demon kings is not a joke if the demon race, which has had a ten thousand-year hatred against the demon clan, comes to kill them. How could the two supreme beings Dongji Demon Lord and Yao Ji withstand the demon clan's crushing power alone?

Recently, the leader has been thinking about a question: What kind of dowry did Yao Ji give to make it worthy of the demon clan taking such a desperate risk?

In the villa on the top of Moon Bay, Zhao Hao couldn't sleep.

Since reaching the seven-star realm, he no longer needs to absorb spiritual energy, and there is no need to go to Nanshan Sanatorium to practice. After leaving Xiangxi, Xiao Zhao returned home and spent a simple and beautiful time with his parents.

Two days ago, he spent his twenty-ninth birthday and had a good time with his relatives and friends. Yang Dingtian, Dong Qiantian and others in the Netherworld even came to attend the birthday party.

During that process, Zhao Hao was in pain and happiness.

Happily, we were reunited with old friends whom we had not seen for a long time, and everyone looked back on the prosperous years of those years.

What hurts is that he failed to live up to his parents' expectations. On his previous birthdays, his parents would always say that he was not too young and ask him when he would get married and when he would have children. This time, neither Father Zhao nor Mother Zhao urged him anymore. The parents' silent protest pierced Xiao Zhao's heart.

His original plan was for him to stay on Earth and his avatar to compete in the third-order heaven. Even if the white-haired birdman died in that world, he would not suffer much loss. If everything goes well, the deity who stays on earth can really have children, and it won't be too late to go to the third level heaven in a few decades.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Xiao Zhao offended Kunlun not long ago, and it is not safe to stay on the earth.

Since yesterday, his right eyelid has been twitching, as if something big is about to happen.

"The left eye jumps to make money and the right eye jumps to disaster. Who is in trouble?"

Zhao Hao carefully screened it and found that the relatives and friends around him were all enjoying a happy life recently.

"Is it Xiang'er?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Hao thought of a person he had lost contact with.

The colorful light pillars in the Netherworld have long been connected to the earth, and people inside can come out and contact Zhao Hao at any time. The only person he can't contact now is Princess Xiang of the third-level heaven.

The white-haired birdman was trapped in the Demon Cult Headquarters and could not get away to check the situation. He wanted to know how Princess Xiang was doing, so Zhao Hao could only go there in person. That demon woman has been completely devoted to Master Zhao since she followed him. Zhao Hao cannot leave her alone.

Early the next morning, Zhao Hao set off.

Before leaving, he left all the spiritual jade on his body to his parents, and walked into the colorful beam of light in Zhonghai early in the morning.

A few seconds later, Zhao Hao breathed a sigh of relief. His location was right at the foot of the Colorful Mountain. This means that he can climb this sacred mountain again and return to his homeland in China, which is tantamount to having an additional escape route.

Before he could finish breathing, Xiao Zhao's anus suddenly tightened.

At this moment, in an open space at the foot of the mountain, two old men with majestic auras were standing, looking at him with burning eyes.

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