The Path of Evolution

Chapter 855 Love at first sight

On the top of a large mountain, stood two extraordinary men.

One of the majestic and majestic people is none other than the Demon Lord of the East, and the other an elegant scholar is Baili Xuanji.

There are some things that are not convenient to talk about on the Yaochi.

The Yaochi is not only a high-level battleship of the Spirit Clan, but also Yao Ji’s talisman. All movements that occur on it may be monitored by Yao Ji.

After the wedding, the master and the disciple came to this mountain. Demon Lord Dongji looked unhappy and said: "Are you sure that the leader is the human Zhao Hao?"

"Back then in the second level heaven, the disciple witnessed with his own eyes that Zhao Hao transformed into the leader." Baili Xuanji said with certainty. Back then in the Netherworld, he and the Lord of the Netherworld witnessed Zhao Hao's transformation. The whole process of defeating the Ice River King personally.

"Now the leader and Zhao Hao have become two completely different people. At today's wedding, the two met each other. How to explain this?" Demon Lord Dongji's face was ashen, and some things gradually escaped his control, making him unbearable. .

"Disciple has two guesses. First, Zhao Hao once visited the ruins of the Sky Demon. He may have obtained the incarnation of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor's unique secret technique, and refined the leader into an incarnation." Baili Xuanji is worthy of being a demon clan think tank. , usually don't show off his appearance, but when he opens his mouth, he shows his true face.

After a pause, he continued: "Secondly, the leader used the technique of [Dao Heart Demon Seed] to parasitize Zhao Hao's body as early as the first level of heaven. The two were originally one. Later, the leader awakened his self-consciousness and realized With the emperor’s inheritance, Zhao Hao was refined into an incarnation!”

"So, which one is it?" Demon Lord Dongji asked. He had absolute confidence in this apprentice's wisdom, and even felt a sense of dependence.

"Currently, the first possibility is more likely. The high-grade true energy that Zhao Hao exploded at the wedding was shocking. This does not seem to be the power that an incarnation should have." Baili Xuanji continued to analyze: "Of course , it does not rule out that our leader deliberately hides his clumsiness and uses Zhao Hao to confuse the public."

"If it's the latter, then doesn't the leader really exist?" Demon Lord Dongji was furious: "So far, everything we have done is based on the fact that the leader is a fake! If the leader really exists, , wouldn’t I have become the eternal sinner of the demon clan?”

"Perhaps one day, you can see the legendary birthplace of mankind and unlock the biggest secret in the world!"

Hearing this, the descendant of the Demon Emperor was thoughtful.

Zhao Hao, who was far away in Lingquan Valley, also fell into deep thought.

Along the way, he discovered a very strange phenomenon. Regardless of the monster race, demon race, spirit race, almost all non-human alien races have a strong interest in the human world, and they can't wait to go to the earth to see what's going on. It's just that due to certain restrictions in the laws of heaven and earth, these powerful people have never been able to teleport to the earth.

Nowadays, many low-level evolvers always think that the moon in foreign countries is rounder and that the moon in the evolved world is super round. Some people believe that many things in the evolutionary world surpass the human world. Some people even choose to settle in the evolutionary world, get rid of the constraints of the law, occupy a hilltop and become the emperor of the earth.

Zhao Hao is the complete opposite. The more he understands the evolutionary world, the more he feels that China's homeland is unfathomable.

For example, Hengshan's Bahuang Liuhe and Kunlun's Liangyi Secret Realm. These miraculous existences are not inferior to the third-order heaven.

At this time, the descendant of the Demon Emperor finally spoke: "I don't understand something. Why do you conclude that the biggest secret in the world is in the homeland of China?"

Yao Ji had some reservations: "When your husband becomes the Supreme, you will naturally know."

The descendant of the Demon Emperor sneered: "I don't deserve to know, do I? There is no difference between you and the Chief Protector. In your eyes, this leader is just a puppet."

"No, I am different from Mr. Dongji!" Yao Ji strongly denied and expressed her attitude: "He does not believe that you can become the Supreme in a short time, and he does not believe that you have the ability to revive the demon clan, but I believe it! The power that my husband has now is already awe-inspiring, it’s only because that old man from Dongji doesn’t have the foresight.”

The Devil Emperor's successor smiled even colder: "The power I have now, do you mean Zhang Sanfeng? Since you want to speak openly, why do you beat around the bush? In the final analysis, you just want to use my external incarnation to bring Zhang Sanfeng to the throne." Control is in hand.”

"My husband thinks too highly of me. Even if I have such ambitions, I don't have the ability. Even if Zhao Hao becomes Zhang Sanfeng's personal disciple, it is impossible to influence him. That old drunk lunatic will not be controlled by anyone." Yao Ji Na He showed a certain degree of sincerity: "I just ask that during the blood moon three years later, Zhang Sanfeng, for the sake of Zhao Hao's affection, will not jump out to disrupt the situation!"

"It seems that you already know the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor's treasure." The white-haired birdman's heart moved.

"To be honest with you husband, I am the only person in this world who knows the whereabouts of the treasure." Yao Ji smiled sweetly.

"What about me, am I the key to the treasure house?" The white-haired birdman expressed his feelings, quietly verifying Guizumi's conjecture.

"My husband is indeed a person who does great things. Everyone in the world thought you were kept in the dark, but it turns out you already knew it." Yao Ji didn't know she was wearing a high hat intentionally, but she still praised her sincerely, using the tone of a pregnant girl meeting her idol brother. Said: "With your husband's forbearance, great things can be accomplished. I believe that you are not only the most critical link in unlocking the Demon Emperor's treasure, but you are also the destined person to get the treasure!"

Seeing this old Lily acting cute, the white-haired birdman didn't fall for it at all, and he didn't take the compliment seriously. He smiled half-heartedly and said, "I'd like to lend you some good advice, but I just can't figure it out. Even if I get the Demon Emperor, Treasure, what good does it do to you?”

"Husband, have you forgotten, I am already your wife." Yao Ji sat up, her little face turned red, with the shyness of a girl: "We are in the same boat, both prosperous and destructive. As the saying goes, marriage A chicken will follow a chicken and a dog will follow a dog. As long as the husband is strong, the concubine will also benefit from it."

Hearing such unconscionable lies, the descendant of the Demon Emperor couldn't help it anymore: "Won't your conscience hurt if you say such words? Who doesn't know that you like women? You marrying me is a kind of humiliation to me. ! Since you are speaking openly, there is no need for you to waste my time with these hypocritical nonsense!"

"To tell the truth, no one is willing to believe it. I once told Demon Lord Dongji that I fell in love with my husband at first sight when I saw him in Blood Demon City. The old devil didn't believe it either. I still remember the ridicule in his eyes at that time. , and the way she was holding back her laughter." Yao Ji laughed at herself, feeling unspeakably lonely: "Everyone in the world says that I like women, that's because I have never met a man who makes my heart beat. Until that time When I came to Blood Demon City, I realized for the first time what it is to be haunted by dreams, what it is to worry about, and what it is to never forget."

The white-haired birdman was not frightened by the opponent's parallelism. The more sensational Yao Ji said, the more wary he became.

Next, the white-haired birdman was confused.

He was originally prepared for a marriage in name only, but Yao Ji had a magical turn of events on the wedding night.

Yao Ji, who originally sat up, lay down again, put on a seductive posture, and murmured shyly: "A thousand words are not as good as actual actions. Whether I like women or men, my husband will know after a try."

As she spoke, she gently tugged at the hem of her skirt.

The lower body of the great elder of the Spirit Clan suddenly became unobstructed, and there was nothing underneath the skirt!

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